Here you will find information and resources to support those working with and for BSU's educational partners.

Partnership Support

This section provides information and guidance and useful signposting to support staff at Educational Partner Institutions and Bath Spa staff working with Educational Partners.

Educational Partners Toolkits

The Educational Partners Toolkits have been designed to support staff at educational partners to deliver Bath Spa awards (franchised and validated). The toolkits include the a detailed BSU contacts list with useful links, the CEP Calendar, the (Academic) Quality Calendar, student induction guidance, Student Finance information, term dates guidance, information on the Assessment and Grade Journey process and other resources.

To request a digital copy of an Educational Partners Toolkit, please contact

If you have a BSU login, the Educational Partnerships Toolkit (Franchised Provision) can be downloaded from MyServices.

Key Contacts

This key contacts diagram shows some of the key teams and staff at BSU who work closely with Educational Partners. A more detailed contacts list for the University (including responsibilities for each team) is included in the Educational Partners Toolkits.

Academic Quality

The Academic Governance and Quality team ensures the effective operation of the academic governance of the University and compliance with the University's academic policies in alignment with external regulatory bodies for UK Higher Education. 

Find Bath Spa University's Quality Handbook which includes Partnership Management Policies.

For advice and guidance on any of our academic policies, please contact

University Policies

The Bath Spa Policies page includes University wide policies including Admissions, Attendance and Engagement, Academic Frameworks, Academic Regulations, Complaints, Data and Research policies.

For advice on any of our University Policies, please contact


For BSU's Assessment and Feedback Policy, information about Subject Boards, Academic Integrity and Central Assessment Board schedules please visit the Assessments page. 

Requesting Access to BSU Systems

Educational partner colleagues may need access to some BSU systems to support the delivery of BSU awards at external institutions. Access to BSU systems is provided depending on the type of partnership arrangement, the terms of the University's contract with a specific partner, the limitations and costs of any 3rd party licence agreements with the University.

Those with BSU accounts will have a single email, username and password for access to University systems. Guidance on how to request a BSU account and system access (including a helpful workflow diagram) is available in the Educational Partners Toolkit (Franchised) and on MyServices.

To keep your account protected, you’ll need to set up an authenticator – we recommend the Microsoft Authenticator.

This video with show you How to use the Self Service Password Reset Tool.

For information about accessing BSU Library resources, please contact

With a BSU account, Digital Library resources databases can be accessed via the Library page.

For further advice, please contact


Academic Professional Development

Bath Spa University makes its academic professional development provision available to staff at Educational Partnership Institutions wherever this is possible. This section signposts to the more common opportunities offered by Bath Spa University for colleagues working at Educational Partner Institutions.

Delivering Teaching Expertise through Partnership

These resources are designed to provide a course of initial academic training for staff at Bath Spa University’s Educational Partner Organisations.  Colleagues from Bath Spa University’s Teaching Expertise Development (TED) team liaise with leaders at Educational Partner organisations to discuss how best to deliver the course and each individual session.

Each session comprises a lesson plan and a downloadable presentation; both can be adapted for the specific needs of the educational partner organisation. Each of these workshops have been mapped to the OfS conditions of registration to inform a pack of evidence for alignment and compliance. Please note, the completion and/or use of a CPD session does not indicate full compliance with OfS registration. 

These resources are made available under a “CC BY-NC 4.0” Creative Commons Licence. If you are not a Bath Spa University colleague or work at one of our Educational Partner Organisations, we would appreciate if you could let us know that you intend to use these resources (email so that we can track their impact.

Session title Alignment to OfS Conditions of Registration Resources
CPD 01 - Welcome Learning and Teaching at BSU (3 hours)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement

B4 - Assessment & awards

B5 - Sector recognised standards


Lesson plan


CPD 02 - Working Together in Partnership (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement


Lesson plan

CPD 03 - BSU Education Strategy (1.5 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement


Lesson plan

CPD 04 - Quality (1 hour)

B - Quality, Standards and Student Outcomes

C - Protecting student's interests


Lesson plan

CPD 05 - Active learning and digital tools for student engagement (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement


Lesson plan

CPD 06 - Let's talk learning outcomes (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B4 - Assessment & awards


Lesson plan

CPD 07 - Accessibility in learning and teaching (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement


Lesson plan

CPD 08 - Assessment & Feedback (2 hours)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement

B4 - Assessment & awards

B5 - Sector recognised standards


Lesson plan

CPD09- Generative AI (2 1/2 hours)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement

B4 - Assessment & awards


Lesson plan

CPD 10 - Virtual Learning Environment (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience

B2 - Resources, support and student engagement


Lesson plan

CPD 11 - Reflective Teaching Practice (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience


Lesson plan

CPD 12 - Student Experience (1 hour)

B1 - Academic experience


Lesson plan

This course was first created in 2024 conjunction with Transform-ED with particular focus on Bath Spa University's Education Partners teaching franchised programmes. 

Further teaching expertise workshops

Bath Spa University's Teaching Expertise Development team provide guidance on teaching and supporting learning in Higher Education. They offer bookable workshops on topics including:

  • Accessible teaching and learning
  • Active learning with technology
  • Module evaluations and student feedback
  • Grading descriptors and marking criteria
  • Programme design
  • Specific techniques such as World Café

The Teaching Expertise Development team also work with teams at Educational Partner Institutions to offer bespoke workshops and events to meet specific needs. Recent workshops and events of this nature have focused on:

  • Curriculum design (at programme or module level)
  • Intended Learning Outcomes
  • Student engagement
  • Assessment, marking, feedback and moderation
  • Generative AI

For further information, contact the Teaching Expertise Development team at

Digital skills

Bath Spa offers a range of digital and in-person workshops to academic and professional services staff who have responsibility for teaching and/or facilitating student learning. A number of the workshops are open to Bath Spa's Educational Partners.

Those most likely to be of interest are:

  • Digital Accessibility
  • Introduction to Generative AI
  • Working with Interactive Whiteboards

Click here to see our workshop timetable and to request a place. For further information, contact

Learning Innovation and Skills also offer a range of student-facing videos to support the use of Generative AI. These are collated on their Youtube channel.

Curriculum design

Curriculum design is the process of designing or enhancing curricula, usually academic programmes of study or modules. Guidance and support can be found in the Curriculum Design section of the Teaching Expertise Guide.

Learning and Teaching Symposium

Bath Spa's annual Learning and Teaching Symposium is an annual opportunity to reflect, celebrate and look forward. We welcome the opportunity to share ideas with colleagues across the University and our educational partners, and we would love to hear about your learning and teaching experiences, innovations and research.

The Symposium is typically hosted in July every year, and information for the next symposium circulated early in each calendar year. Further information is available from the Teaching Expertise Development team at

Networks and groups

Bath Spa University has a Centre for Policy, Pedagogy and Practice

This is an interdisciplinary research centre based in the School of Education. 

Colleagues at our educational partner organisations who are interested in engaging in research regarding their teaching and learning practice could engage with the “HE Pedagogy an Practice” research strand. This aims to develop the evidence base for our work, supporting and informing an evidence-based approach.

The centre provides a university-level central home for pedagogic and practice-based research and support, across all the disciplines and Schools at BSU and our educational partner organisations.