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Why progress to postgrad study?

MA Environmental Humanities graduate Maria Stallmann explains how postgraduate study can broaden your horizons.

Postgraduate study is one of the greatest adventures you’ll embark on. Though generally only one to two years long, it's an exciting opportunity to delve deeper into the field you love, branch out into new interests, meet like-minded people, and move closer towards the person you want to be and the life you want to create for yourself!

Postgraduate courses include Master’s degrees, research degrees, PGCEs (teacher training), and diplomas, and generally require a Bachelor’s degree to enter, but it is possible to enter certain courses by showing that you have relevant and sufficient experience in the industry. BSU offers a range of different postgraduate options for you to explore.

Bath Spa University has provided me with three beautiful years of self-discovery and learning.

I first started at BSU with an MA in Environmental Humanities – the modules on this course opened my mind to completely new theories and ways of perceiving the world, as well as bringing me to the realisation that I wanted to become a writer.

This then led me to start an MA in Nature and Travel Writing, also with Bath Spa. On this course, I have learnt invaluable journalistic skills such as research and pitching, and have honed my creative craft. 

Though you might be doubting the value of postgraduate study, and wondering whether you might not still learn the same skills through a job, there are definite advantages to furthering your studies.

What in the working world would take years of very hard work and unpleasant trial and error, is taught to you directly by lecturers and tutors who have done the work themselves and can pass on their knowledge and advice so that you don’t have to go through the same struggle.

You will undoubtedly encounter your own challenges after graduation, but there is something to be said for receiving insider knowledge directly from industry professionals.

The friends I have made on these courses are worth noting as well – people who are passionate about the same things as you, and who really want to be there and put in the time and effort. This, combined with the experienced and interesting tutors, makes for an inspiring environment in which to exchange ideas, expand your horizons and make connections that will benefit you and your career. 

In my case, postgraduate study has allowed me to explore new career directions without investing too much time. With each MA being only one year, maximum two if part-time, it allowed me to confidently branch out without feeling overwhelmed.

Now I have almost two Master’s degrees under my belt, and a much clearer idea of how I want to sculpt my life! Not to mention the new skills I can add to my CV.

My second MA is part-time and distance-learning, which means I can fit a full-time job around my studies – I am able to invest in my future in many different ways simultaneously! I was also lucky enough to receive funding, which you can also explore further here.

Are you ready to invest in your future? Find out more about postgraduate study at Bath Spa University by registering for an upcoming Open Day.

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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