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Green Path

Bath Spa's first sustainable magazine is open for submissions! Marie Moka-Petersen explains how to get involved.

Green Path is a platform to showcase work produced by Bath Spa students, staff and alumni. We want to find out what sustainability means to the Bath Spa community.

Is there something that excites you? Worries you? Enrages you? Or something that you find interesting? As long as your work is in some way related to sustainability, climate change, or nature – Green Path is for you.

From eco-poetry to paintings, comics, and zines, we want to see your responses to our prompt: What does a sustainable future look like to you?

This is a very free call for submissions, so be as creative as you like! Above all: just have fun with it.

Why contribute?

Every submission will be published in the magazine and a few selected pieces will be exhibited at Newton Park during Green Week.


  • Green Path will be shared online through the university website, social media, and the student newsletter. It will also be printed as a small scale publication distributed on campus during Green Week.


  • View this as an opportunity to hone your craft. Responding to open calls and submitting work to magazines and competitions will be a key component of creative life after uni.
  • Getting published in Green Path also shows your commitment to extracurricular activities and that you are getting interested in current issues. These things make a good impression on any CV or Portfolio.


We're offering Love2Shop vouchers for the three most successful student submissions! 

  • First prize: £75 voucher
  • Second prize: £25 voucher
  • Third prize: £25 voucher

Prizes will be allocated by an external party to avoid conflict of interest.

What can I submit?

All forms of art! From poetry to pottery, all is welcome. Photography, flash fiction, visual art – as long as a photo of it can go into a magazine, we want to see your creations. Even non-fiction essay/article-style submissions are welcome.

Hoping to submit a video, music, or a spoken word recording? Email and we’ll find a solution. A digital version of Green Path will be made available as well.

When is the deadline?

The submission deadline is 20 March – one month before Green Week.

How do I submit work?

Please fill in the submission form.

  • Your artwork will be credited with the name you provide us with, so please ensure it is spelt correctly
  • If you want to add a short paragraph about your work and why you created it, please do so! This is not mandatory, but it would add character to your art and we would print it alongside your work.

If you have any questions, please email

For the time being we request that every student only send us one submission.

However, if your submission comprises multiple parts, like a series of photos, or pages, or multiple pages of writing, that is completely fine.


What is Green Week?

A celebration of sustainability at Bath Spa!

It's a way to engage students and staff at the University in the ongoing sustainability work on campus, as well as addressing wider environmental issues.

All students are encouraged to get involved and put forward ideas for events.

Why are we doing this?

According to a study conducted in 2023, 77 per cent of students are concerned about climate change. When thinking about climate change, the most common responses included "sad" and "helpless".

Art has long been a tool to help grapple feelings and relieve anxiety, and there is a growing trend in using art to alleviate climate anxiety.

We want to give students the chance to express their emotions circling climate change and sustainability, as both a way to communicate anxiety whilst focusing on how we can move forward to develop a better world!


The front cover of student magazine Green Path, featuring an illustration of green leaves

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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