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Settling into university life

Feeling anxious about university? You’re not alone! Our Professional Services teams will help you settle in – here they share their top tips.

Starting University is an exciting new adventure, but it can also feel a bit scary. It may be the first time you’ve been away from home, and it can also feel like you have too much information but still not have a clue what to do or where to go. Don’t panic! We asked our friendly Professional Service teams to share their top tips for settling into your new uni life.

1. Get acquainted with your new home.

A top tip from our Accommodation team is to get out and explore Bath as early as possible. This will help you learn to navigate your way around and settle into your new life in a new city. They also recommend that you apply for your Residents' Discovery Card once you arrive, which will give you lots of discounts at local shops and restaurants, plus attractions you can visit at a special rate (or even for free!), such as The Roman Baths. 

2. Get connected. 

We love having a beautiful campus in the countryside, but it does come with some downsides. According to our IT team, the biggest issue is Newton Park’s remote location means there’s no phone signal on campus. To get on wifi, you’ll need to download an app. If you can do this before you get here, it’ll make your life easier. You’ll be posting selfies with our resident sheep in no time!  

Also, setting up the Microsoft Authenticator will give you a head start for logging into your account, so make sure you do that as soon as you can. 

3. The Library has more than just books.

Looking for good books, board games, movies, graphic novels, zines, LEGO, friendly humans, or a space to think? The Library is definitely worth checking out (sorry)! Enter the old-fashioned way through the front door at Newton Park, or go online and explore what’s available. 

4. Scholarships and bursaries can help enhance your experience.

A lack of money doesn’t have to be a barrier to you making the most of your studies. Our Student Finance team want you to know that there are several awards and prizes available for Bath Spa students once they start studying here. You may not be eligible for all of them (for example, some are course specific, or some may be targeted by income) but there’s a range of awards that can help you and many are awarded several times throughout the year. 

See what’s available under the Awards for Current Students on our website. 

5. Plant some new memories.

Our hard-working grounds team hold a bulb planting event during Welcome Week at various sites around Newton Park campus. Not only is this a good way to familiarise yourself with the campus, but you’ll also meet other students while helping to support biodiversity on site. The bulbs will flower in early spring so you’ll get to see the fruits of your labours! 

If you’re looking for a nice spot to chill out, the glasshouse is a great place to catch up on a good book, chat with friends, or simply enjoy the surroundings. It can even be nice and warm during winter if the sun is out! 

Finally, there’s a herb garden in the corner of the walled garden, where you can help yourself to rosemary, thyme, lavender, oregano and more. Perfect for honing your spagbol recipe! 

6. Know that whatever happens, you’ve got this (and we’re here to support you).

Our Student Wellbeing Services team has a few pointers for new students as they settle in: 

  • Learn to be resilient. Things may not go your way, but you have control over how you deal with them. 
  • Find your people. Uni life is so much easier with a support network of peers. You may have to take yourself out of your comfort zone to meet people and make new friends, but we’re a friendly community, and it’ll be worth it! 
  • Make use of the support services around you. Student Wellbeing Services, Library, Student Hub and Academic Skills (ASk) are all here to provide you with support, advice and information. 
  • Learn to budget. Cost of living is a huge topic at the moment. Make sure you’re confident in managing your money. If you don’t know how, we can help! You can book an appointment with a SWS Wellbeing Advisor, who’ll help you with info and advice around budgeting. 

Need more information to help you get settled? Be sure to visit our Welcome Pages – they're a one-stop shop with tips, advice, useful links, contacts and more. 

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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