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12 ways you can study science at Bath Spa University

12 ways you can study science at Bath Spa University

It's the start of British Science Week (10-19 March), a ten-day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths. This year's theme is “connections”.

Bath Spa University has a broad spectrum of physical, natural, life and social sciences you can study at undergraduate level, including:

  1. Biology 
  2. Biomedical Science 
  3. Criminology  
  4. Environmental Science
  5. Food with Nutrition
  6. Human Nutrition
  7. Geography (including pathways Physical and Human Geography)
  8. Global Development and Sustainability 
  9. Psychology (as well as Business, Education and Forensic Psychology)
  10. Sociology
  11. Sport and Exercise Nutrition
  12. Wildlife Conservation

A number of our courses have professional accreditation, including Psychology (British Psychological Society), Geography (Royal Geographical Society) and Human Nutrition (The Association for Nutrition). They all have a real world focus, with the aim to prepare students for the wide range of careers on offer, in what are often rapidly advancing fields. 

The practical sciences in particular make use of Bath Spa University’s unique Newton Park campus for on-site fieldwork, including habitat surveys and sampling of the many different ecological sites, such as the ponds, streams, agricultural land and woodland habitats and, of course, the lake. 

The life sciences courses have access to industry-standard lab facilities enabling students to become confident in a wide range of laboratory skills including microbiology culturing, genetic analysis, physiological investigations and biochemical testing. 

Head of School of Sciences, Professor Sabbir Ahmed said:

“Students graduate from these courses into a long list of different occupations (e.g. in medicine, health and dietetics, environmental health and ecology, research organisations, the food industry, consultancy, and policy development), disseminating the science taught at Bath Spa across the UK and further afield.”    

Dr Samantha Lane BSc (Hons), PhD, FHEA, MRSB, Academic Leader (Marketing and Student Recruitment); Sciences and Senior Lecturer in Human Biology said:

“Studying science allows you to question, explore, observe and investigate pressing issues and complex challenges with global applications. Our courses equip students with applied, practical and relevant real-world knowledge and experience to allow them to develop into critically engaged, ethical and effective science graduates.”

Find out more about the ten day celebration of science, technology, engineering and maths on the British Science Week website.

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