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Honorary Dogtorates

Honorary Dogtorates

Honorary Dogtorates

Bath Spa Care Dogs to be awarded Honorary ‘Dogtorate’ degrees

We will be honouring some of our furry friends at our upcoming Spring Graduation ceremonies, with six Bath Spa University care dogs receiving Honorary ‘Dogtorates’ for services to the wellbeing of our student community.

Care dogs Cassie, Wanda, Georgie, Pixie, Rosie and Juno will be awarded their degrees during the graduation ceremonies on Saturday 2 April at The Forum in Bath. Each dog will be given a bespoke mortarboard cap and invited to walk (or trot) across the stage to receive their awards and congratulations from Vice-Chancellor Professor Sue Rigby.

Student Wellbeing Administrator Sophie Batchelor, who oversees the care dogs activities, said: "We’re so pleased that our dogs are being recognised for their positive contributions."

She went on to explain that the dogs are very popular whenever they show up at events, and students love taking a break from their day to relax and chill out with the dogs during drop-in sessions.

"Just spending a few minutes stroking or playing with a dog can help reduce stress and make you feel less anxious, so the dogs are providing such an important service to the University," Sophie said.

Bath Spa has awarded honorary degrees to many inspiring people throughout the years - most recently footballer Tyrone Mings, former head of MI5 Lord Evans of Weardale and revered music publisher Sarah Liversedge-Platz - but has never before honoured members of the canine community.

Sophie continued: "I’m sure if any of them could talk, they would say they’re really proud to be the first dogs awarded with honorary degrees from Bath Spa, and that they are looking forward to lots of congratulatory cuddles from the other graduates on the day.

"I think they’d also say that this little ruse has probably gone on long enough, and it’s time to fess up…"

Happy April Fool’s Day from all of us at Bath Spa! We hope you enjoyed this bit of fun ahead of our Graduation ceremonies on Saturday 2 April.

Though they may not actually be receiving honorary degrees, the benefits our care dogs provide are absolutely genuine. You can read more about our Bath Spa Dogs and find out about other services available to help support our Bath Spa community through our Student Wellbeing Services.

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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