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Movember: the moustached questions

Student Communication Ambassador Jacob Chesters shares what Movember is, why it’s important and how you can get involved.

Every year during November, men freshly shave and grow out their 'taches to raise money for charity. Whilst over 6 million people have participated in Movember across the world, the charity itself and the work it does is not as well known.

What does the charity do?

The charity focuses on improving men’s health through raising awareness. Movember is much more than sporting a stylish 'tache. You can also raise money whilst being tacheless! Whether it be hosting an event, getting out and about and moving, or creating your own initiative, there are many ways you can raise money for Movember.

The key issues that Movember focuses on are:

  • prostate cancer
  • testicular cancer
  • mental health and suicide prevention
  • physical inactivity

So far, Movember has funded “groundbreaking health projects across mental health and suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer”. The charity aims to reduce the number of men dying prematurely by 25% by 2030.

From a bar in Australia to having four international bases, Movember has grown into an international charity. Now more than ever, Movember works globally to bring to light the issues posed by men’s mental health. This year they aim to:

  • give men the facts
  • change behaviour for the better
  • create services that work for men
  • unite the brightest minds
  • listen to the community and advocate for men

How you can get involved

Movember is about much more than growing a 'tache. There are many ways you can raise money and awareness.

  1. You can move! Walk, run or just move 60km for the 60 men lost to suicide every hour across the world. Break it up over the month to do a few kilometres a day or set out on some big journeys. Anything is fine!
  2. Don’t feel like getting out and about in the wintry months? Then you can host an event! Whether it's a virtual quiz, a distanced bake sale, or something else, hosting your own Mo-ment is a great way to raise money for Movember.
  3. Also, you can always help by donating – whether it's to someone you know doing something for Movember, or directly to the charity itself.
  4. Movember has created an online escape room for you and your friends.

What students at Bath Spa are doing

Bath Spa University students have set up their own Movember challenge with the help of the Students’ Union to raise money. Several sports teams are also sporting a 'tache or getting involved in other ways.

So over this November, why not grow a 'tache, move some more, or host an online event and donate to Movember?

Disclaimer: The Bath Spa blog is a platform for individual voices and views from the University's community. Any views or opinions represented in individual posts are personal, belonging solely to the author of that post, and do not represent the views of other Bath Spa staff, or Bath Spa University as an institution.



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