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Medical Service – Bath Spa University

It is important to look after your physical and mental health.

All students are encouraged to register with the University Medical Service.

Provided by Fairfield Park Health Centre, Medical Surgeries are held in Sophia at Newton Park Campus every weekday during term-time.

Opening times

  • Monday: 9.30am-1pm, then 2pm-4pm
  • Tuesday: 9.30am-1pm
  • Wednesday: 9.30am-1pm
  • Thursday: 9.30am-1pm
  • Friday: 9.30am-1pm, then 2pm-4pm

Students can access the Medical Service on campus in term time and at Fairfield Park all year round.

You can register online with the Medical Service during your registration with Bath Spa University, or register directly via the Fairfield Park Health Centre website.

Our aim is to provide a high-quality, friendly service and we welcome any feedback.

How to book an appointment with a GP/Nurse

The University Medical Service at Newton Park Campus is provided by Fairfield Park Health Centre in Bath. To book an appointment with the GP or Nurse contact Fairfield Park Health Centre directly as they book appointments for the on-campus surgeries and the health centre.

How to book an appointment:


Call Fairfield Park Health Centre on: +44 (0)1225 331616. Choose option one to speak to a receptionist. 

All appointments will initially be by phone or secure video link. If an in-person consultation is necessary the Doctor will arrange this with you.


You need a username and password to access the range of online services. If you haven't received this two weeks after registering with the Medical Service, call Fairfield Park Health Centre or email them on:

When you know your username and password, you can either book via the Fairfield Park homepage, or via the NHS app for Apple/Android phones.

All appointments will initially be by phone or secure video link. If an in-person consultation is necessary the Doctor will arrange this with you.

Emergency appointments and drop-in clinic

Emergency appointments can be booked both over the phone and online. These appointments are released at midnight for the online system and 8.00am for phone bookings: +44 (0)1225 331616.

There's also a drop-in clinic (no booking needed). These appointments are also by phone and can be accessed by calling Fairfield Park Health Centre on +44 (0)1225 331616, Monday to Friday between 8.00am and 10.30am.

Important information for new students

Meningitis and septicaemia

What is Meningitis?

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective layers that surround the brain and spinal cord.

Key facts

  • Meningitis can affect anyone of any age
  • Meningitis can kill
  • Meningitis can cause long-term after-effects
  • Viral and bacterial are the most common causes of meningitis
  • No vaccine provides 100% protection against meningitis
  • Early signs and symptoms can appear similar to 'flu', a stomach bug or a hangover

Find out more at Meningitis Now.

What are the main symptoms of meningitis?

The common signs and symptoms associated with meningitis and septicaemia can appear in any order, and some may not appear at all.

  • Fever with cold hands and feet
  • Vomiting
  • Drowsiness, difficulty waking up
  • Confusion and irritability
  • Severe muscle pain
  • Pale blotchy skin, spots or a rash that does not fade under pressure
  • Severe headache
  • Stiff neck
  • Dislike of bright lights
  • Convulsions/seizures.

What is the rash?

When meningococcal bacteria multiply in the blood stream, they release toxins (poisons) that damage the blood vessels. The rash is caused by blood leaking from the damaged blood vessels into the tissues underneath the skin.

What does it look like?

The rash can start anywhere on the body. It begins as tiny red pin pricks, but may quickly develop to look like fresh bruising. The Glass Test can be used to see if the rash might be septicaemia. If you press the side of a clear drinking glass firmly onto the spots or bruises, they will not fade. A rash will not always appear with meningitis and can be one of the last symptoms to be displayed. Never wait for a rash if you suspect meningitis.

Are signs and symptoms different for septicaemia?

If someone has septicaemia alone, the common signs of meningitis, such as a severe headache or neck stiffness, may not be present. The early signs and symptoms of septicaemia include:

  • Fever with cold hands and feet
  • Severe muscle pain
  • Pale blotchy skin
  • Stomach cramps and diarrhoea.

What is Men A, B, C, W and Y?

Meningococcal bacteria, the most common cause of bacterial meningitis in the UK, can be divided into several groups. The groups that most commonly cause the disease are A, B, C, W and Y.

MenACWY Meningococcal group W (MenW) disease has historically been rare in the UK, but since 2009 cases of MenW have increased year-on-year and continue to do so. From Autumn 2015, the MenACWY meningitis vaccine replaced the MenC vaccine for children in school. It's offered to pupils at around 14 years of age.

To ensure all older pupils also received this vaccine, it was offered to 17-18 year olds in a three year ‘catch up’ programme and continues to be offered to new university entrants up to the age of 25 years.

Uptake levels of the vaccine in this catch up programme and amongst young people continues to be low (44%), meaning large numbers are still at risk.

How to get the free vaccine

To receive this free vaccine in the UK, check with your GP / Medical Service. If you're registered with the University Medical Service / Fairfield Park Health Centre, you can make an appointment online or by telephone.

More information


Protect yourself against mumps

There has been a recent increase in mumps amongst students. Please read this important advice on how to protect yourself.

Why are you at risk?

Over the past four years there has been a large outbreak of mumps in young adults across the UK.

At this present time, mumps is mainly affecting older teenagers and young adults in their early twenties, and is mostly found in those further or higher education establishments. Some in this age group may only have received one dose of MMR.

The number of cases has increased more steeply in recent years because many of the young adults in this cohort (born between 1980 and 1992) are now at university or in further education colleges where the disease tends to spread rapidly from person to person because of greater social mixing in further educational establishments.

Students of any age who have no history of MMR vaccination should now seek the protection it affords.

Any young person who has not had two doses of MMR vaccine is at risk of contracting measles, mumps or rubella.

What is mumps?

Mumps is a serious, highly infectious illness caused by a virus. It usually starts with fever and headache for a day or two. In most cases this is followed by swelling and soreness of the glands between the ear and the jaw.

Mumps virus can also cause other problems. Men can get swollen, painful testicles and women can get swollen, painful ovaries. Ear infections, swelling of the pancreas and meningitis can also result from mumps, which is usually more severe in adults than in young children.

The time from becoming infected to becoming unwell is around 14-21 days. People with mumps are most infectious just before they become unwell and for 5-10 days afterwards.

How can you protect yourself?

Students coming to University/FE colleges should make sure they have had 2 doses of MMR vaccine. If you have not had 2 doses of MMR, please see your GP as soon as possible. Please tell the doctor or nurse if you think you may be pregnant or if you are planning a pregnancy as MMR vaccine is not recommended in pregnancy. You should not be charged for this vaccine.

What should you do if you think you might have mumps?

Do not go into university. Phone your GP or 111 for advice.

More information on mumps

Further information on mumps is available on the NHS website.

Tetanus, polio, diphtheria, measles and rubella

We encourage you to ask your GP if you are up to date with these immunisations and get boosters as necessary.

Public Health England (PHE) is reminding teenagers and young people to make sure they are vaccinated against measles after new cases were reported across England.

A significant number of cases have been reported since June. This follows an increase in measles over the year with 234 cases confirmed between January and June, compared with 54 for the same period last year.

Teenagers and young people who are unsure if they have been fully vaccinated should check with their GP and make an appointment to ensure they receive the 2 doses of MMR vaccine required.

Measles is extremely infectious and events where people are mixing closely with each other provide the ideal place for the infection to spread. Measles can be more severe in teenagers and adults, with some of the recent cases needing hospital treatment. People are urged to be aware of the symptoms of measles, such as a high fever and rash, and not to attend festivals if they are unwell.

Visit the NHS vaccinations website for further information.

Keep fit

Exercising is a great way for you look after yourself, both physically and psychologically. Find out more about the Student's Union Gym to keep active.

Healthcare for international students

Register with a doctor

We recommend that you register with a doctor as soon as you arrive.

Fairfield Park Health Centre provides the University Medical Service which runs a term-time surgery at the Newton Park campus. You must be living in Bath to register with this surgery.

You can register in person at Student Wellbeing Services in Sophia (Newton Park campus) or online on the Fairfield Park Health Centre Website.

Who's entitled?

Coming from an EU country

Before coming to the UK you should obtain your European Health Insurance card. This card entitles you and your family to full NHS treatment.

Coming from outside the EU

  • If you're studying for less than six months: unless you're travelling from a country with a special agreement with the UK (see reciprocal health agreements, below), you won't be entitled to free or reduced treatment from the NHS; you'll only be able to access free emergency treatment. All other services will have to be paid for on a private patient basis. We advise that you apply for adequate private health insurance before departure to the UK.
  • If you're studying for more than six months: you'll qualify for medical treatment on the NHS in the same way as a UK resident. This includes visits to a doctor and treatment in hospital. However, you'll have to pay towards the cost of prescribed medicine, some GP services, dental and optical treatment.

Please note: you won't be covered by the NHS until you've registered on your course. We recommend that you take private health insurance for the period covering your travel and stay in Bath prior to registration.

Reciprocal health agreements

The UK has reciprocal health agreements with some countries which may entitle you to free or reduced treatment costs. Check with the health authorities in your home country before you travel.

National Health Service (NHS)

The NHS is a system in the UK that enables individuals to receive free hospital treatment and healthcare.

Provision of care for transgender patients

What you can expect from us
  • To ask how you prefer to be addressed and what pronouns you prefer people to use when referring to you.
  • To take a detailed history to be able to provide the information required to complete the referral form for the Gender Identity Clinic, and:
    • undertake a basic physical examination, including measurements of weight, height and blood pressure, as this may be relevant for hormonal treatment;
    • an assessment of your mental health and consider a concurrent psychiatric/ADHD/ASD referral if there are any indicators. These referrals will not delay your Gender Identity clinic referral.
  • To provide swift referral to an approved Gender Identity Clinic, but please be aware that there are currently long waiting times for appointments at approved Gender Identity Clinics.
  • To change your gender on your patient record. This can be requested at any time and you do not need to have undergone any form of gender reassignment treatment in order to do so.
    • When a patient changes gender, they are given a new NHS number and will have to be registered as a new patient. All previous medical information relating to the patient needs to be transferred into a newly created medical record.
    • If you inform the GP practice that you wish to change gender, the practice will inform you that this will involve a new NHS number being issued for you, which is not reversible.
    • If your preferred gender has changed, you will receive a third NHS number. The practice has to confirm this has been discussed with the patient when notifying Primary Care Support England (PCSE) of the gender change.
Private Care

Once you have been seen by a Gender Identity Clinic we will collaborate with the clinic in the initiation and on-going prescribing of hormone therapy, organising of blood and other diagnostic tests as recommended by the clinic.

The Gender Identity Clinic is expected to assist General Practitioners by providing relevant information and support, including the provision of guidance regarding the interpretation of blood test results.

Once a shared care agreement has been put in place between the Gender Identity Clinic and Fairfield Park, we can prescribe hormonal treatment.

Please note that Gender GP is not an approved clinic and we cannot take over prescribing on the NHS for patients who have been referred to us by this clinic. The approved and commissioned clinics can be found on the NHS website.

What we expect from you
  • To attend all GP, Gender Identity Clinic and blood test appointments as recommended.
  • Hormone therapy should be monitored at least 6 monthly in the first 3 years and yearly thereafter, dependent on clinical need.
  • We cannot continue to prescribe medications if you do not comply with the monitoring recommended by the Gender Identity Clinic.

FAQs: Medical Service

Is there a Doctor on-site?

Bath Spa University Medical Service provides a dedicated student service on Newton Park Campus every weekday during term time and in town at evenings and weekends.

The Medical Service is provided by Fairfield Park Health Centre.

Where should I send my medical information?

Student Wellbeing Services is your point of contact at Bath Spa University:

Contact Student Wellbeing Services

  • Current Bath Spa University students: Access ‘MyWellbeing’ to ask questions, book appointments and view upcoming events.
  • Future students: Access ‘MyWellbeing’ to ask questions and view upcoming events.
  • University staff: Log a call via ‘MyServices’.
  • Third parties, including parents and supporters: Email
  • Telephone enquiries: +44 (0)1225 876543
  • Telephone enquiries: Student Wellbeing Helpline available 24/7
  • If you are a student and want to let us know that something hasn't gone well with your wellbeing support, please complete this form.

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