International Scholarship application
Find out more about how to apply for an international scholarship and access the application form.
How to fill out the application form
- Please complete all the details, including your name, contact details, student number and qualifications. Applications with missing details will be automatically rejected.
- If you're awaiting your final results, you're still able to apply. Please state 'pending results' in the qualification section. You must submit your results when they're available.
- The scholarship essay question is very important. To answer this question you should include details that cover all the criteria:
- Academic achievement / results
- Involvement in activities at your previous university, community work and your contribution to society
- Charity / volunteer work you've done
- Information on your future aspirations
- Examples on how you'll contribute to the social and economic development of your country.
- You should also give examples on how you intend to become involved in university life at BSU.
To be eligible to apply for these scholarships, you must have already accepted your offer to study at Bath Spa University.