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Sustainable Development Award – Bath Spa University

Apply for up to £750 to support a study, research or work placement abroad.

Launched in Spring 2023, the Bath Spa Sustainable Development Award assists students wishing to embark on international placements, research or study trips that are related to their course and either take place in the Global South or link to the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals.


Funds must be used to support a study, research or work placement abroad which will have a direct impact on their studies, research and/or career. 

The proposed travel should not begin within six weeks of the application deadline. Applications for retrospective funding will not be considered. 

How to apply

All applications for 2023/2024 have now closed.

If you have any questions, please email the Go Global Team via

Application deadlines

  • Monday 26 February 2024, 9:00am (GMT)
  • Monday 29 April 2024, 9:00am (BST)
  • Monday 17 June 2024, 9:00am (BST)

How applications are judged

Sustainable Development Award allocations will be decided by the Bath Spa University disbursement panel, which will consist of representatives from the Go Global Team, Careers Department and Access and Participation Office, an external donor to the University, and academics from across the University.

The panel will meet within four weeks of each application deadline to discuss applications received. Applicants should expect to hear an outcome within six weeks.

Terms and conditions

Successful recipients will be subject to the following conditions:

  • Awards must be used for the purposes stated in your application form.
  • If, by reason of any emergency or other circumstance, the Award holder is unable to complete the project, they will be required to refund all or part of the Award as may be considered reasonable in all the circumstances.
  • Recipients may be publicised on the University website and in the media; recipients will be expected to provide appropriate feedback (reports, blog posts, pictures and/or videos) to support this.
  • Recipients must supply the Go Global team with a least one photo and a 250 word minimum summary of their experience. This information will be used in literature to promote the value of, and provide feedback, to those who support the fund and the University.
  • Recipients must provide the Go Global team with receipts for the mobility to cover up to the value of the Award given. Any funding for which no receipt or proof of payment is produced must be repaid to the University.
  • Recipients may be interviewed by the press office and/or be invited to attend events with donors who support the fund, partners in the project, other successful recipients and the wider University community, allowing discussion about the projects that have been carried out.
  • Recognition of the award should be made wherever possible. Wording such as 'Supported by Bath Spa Sustainable Development Mobility Award' would suffice, but please contact us if you need assistance. 
  • Recipients must complete a Bath Spa University Risk Assessment and have this signed off by the Go Global team prior to 15 July 2023 in order to receive this funding.
  • Depending on the nature of their mobility recipients may be invited to attend a predeparture session and a returners session with the Go Global team to help them prepare for their mobility and to help use the mobility to their advantage once they have returned.

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