Make the most of your time at university and pursue projects which will enhance your future career.

During the 2024/25 academic year, you may apply for up to £300 to fund a project which will improve your future career opportunities through the Student Opportunities Fund.

If you apply as a group of students, you may request a maximum of £1,000.

Applications for larger amounts may be considered by the Disbursement Panel under exceptional circumstances. All applications must be for unique projects.


To be eligible, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be a Bath Spa University student studying at either Newton Park, Sion Hill, Locksbrook, Corsham Court or BSU London (Hoxton). Students studying at our Educational Partner institutes are not eligible.
  • Applicants can be enrolled on any undergraduate or postgraduate course, full time or part time.

There is no stipulation as to the type of course being undertaken, however the funds must be used to support your academic and/or future career.

No retrospective funding is available – applications cannot be considered in the event that the applicant has already made the associated purchases.

Successful applicants are required to submit a brief report detailing their participation in the funded activity within 14 days of the activity having been completed.

Please note that any projects which involve travel abroad are not eligible for the Student Opportunities Fund. You should apply to the International Travel Fund instead.

Application deadlines

Applications will open in early October.

Application deadlines for 2024/2025 are as follows:

  • Round one: 9am Monday 28 October 2024
  • Round two: 9am Monday 3 March 2025
  • Round three: 9am Monday 28 April 2025 

Where an application is submitted after a round deadline, it will not be considered until the next round. No further applications for the academic year will be considered after the round three April deadline. 

How to apply

Applications will open in early October.

Please apply by using the online application form (student login required). Select the 'Scholarship Applications' menu, then choose ' The Student Opportunity Fund’ when adding an application.

The application requires supporting evidence and a supporting statement from your tutor or course leader.

Supporting documentation must be added to the online application as attachments.

Please read the Terms and Conditions before applying, and fully complete all sections of the form before submission. Refer to the Application Guidelines for advice and information on how to complete the form.

How applications are judged

The successful applicants will be selected by the Scholarships and Bursaries Disbursement Panel. The Panel aims to convene within four weeks following the application deadline.

Applicants should expect to receive decision feedback within six weeks of the deadline.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this award, please login to MyCareer and submit a question. Please select the 'scholarships and bursaries' option from the question type list.

If you would like further information about supporting the Student Opportunities Fund or another of our Bath Spa University funds, you can find out more on our Gifts to Bath Spa webpage.