Non-repayable grants to help support you with education costs.

The Bath Spa Bursary is available to home UK undergraduate students joining us in the 2025/26 academic year.

For new starters joining BSU in the 25-26 academic year we will be offering bursaries of £1,050. Full details of eligibility criteria will be available in due course.

The scheme is part of Bath Spa University’s Access Agreement with the Government, and is aimed at widening access to degree courses by removing financial barriers to education for students from under-represented groups.

Please note that BSU does not award bursaries based only on low-income.

Funding available 2024/25

Bath Spa University is providing awards worth up to £4,000 each, split over three years, to eligible new students joining us in the 2024/25 academic year.

What you need to know

  • The bursary is a cash award based on income
  • In years two and three, the continuation of the award under this scheme will be subject to a student continuing to fulfil the eligibility criteria, including the residual household income thresholds, at the start of each academic year
  • Students who repeat a year will not be entitled to a bursary in that year
  • If requested, students may arrange to take their award as a fee waiver.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 Bursary Award

Year 2 Bursary Award

Year 3 Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875




The above yearly amounts are for students on three-year courses. If you are on a four-year foundation course, the foundation year amount will be prorated.

If you are on a sandwich course, the final year rate will be split between years three and four. 

Residual Household Income

Year 0 Bursary Award

Year 3 Sandwich Bursary Award

Year 4 Sandwich Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875




Payment dates

The bursary will be paid in three instalments within each academic year.

Approximate payment dates:

  • Payment 1 will be paid in November
  • Payment 2 will be paid in February
  • Payment 3 will be paid in May.

The above dates are for September starters only. Your payment dates will be different depending on when you commence your study. 

  • The first payment is usually made two to three months after the start date of your course. Then, the remaining payments should correspond with the second and third payments of your student maintenance loan.
  • Payments cannot usually be made before these dates as they also correspond with the tuition fee liability dates.
  • The three instalments may not be equal. Please refer to the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts.
  • We cannot pay your bursary unless you provide your bank details via The Hub as explained in the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts. If you do not respond within our specified timeframe then we will assume you do not require the bursary.
  • Students can request their bursary as a fee waiver.
Additional support for priority groups

In each year of study, we will provide a number of supplementary awards for bursary award-holders to further support entrants who are also from one or more of the following priority groups:

  • Declared care leavers
  • Currently living at an accredited Foyer or who have moved out of an accredited Foyer in the past 12 months
  • In receipt of the increased loan for living costs.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 supplementary award

Year 2 supplementary award

Year 3 supplementary award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




If you are on a four-year foundation course, the extra supplementary amounts may be prorated.

Residual Household Income

Year 0 extra award

Year 1 extra award

Year 2 extra award

Year 3 extra award

£0 to  £15,000





£15,001 to £25,000





The total individual bursary awards for eligible undergraduate entrants on a three-year course are: 

Residual Household Income

Total award

Total award for priority groups

£0 to £15,000



£15,001 to £25,000



£25,001 to £42,875



As part of the scheme we will also provide a number of individual bursary awards for undergraduate entrants where their declared household residual income is below £42,875 per annum for the above priority groups if their home postcode is not within the POLAR4 low participation neighbourhoods.


Students must be initially assessed for an award within the first five months of their first year of study (foundation year if applicable). This includes any eligible students who were not automatically selected.

Students must also continue to meet the eligibility criteria during subsequent years of study in order to receive payments after their first year.

If eligible, part-time students will receive a bursary award that is proportional to their intensity of study.

The criteria is all of the following:

  • You must be a first time undergraduate degree student in your first year of study (including foundation year)
  • You must not hold a degree or higher qualification
  • Immediately before you started your studies, you must have lived in an area of low higher education participation based on POLAR4 or Adult HE (Quintile 1 and 2) as determined by the Office for Students, before starting your studies. We will use the postcode provided to Student Finance for their assessment prior to your first year of study.
  • Your household income must be assessed and evidenced by Student Finance as below £15,000, £25,000 or £42,875 when first enrolled on the course
  • You must be domiciled in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland.

You will not be eligible for the award if:

  • You're a student from the EU or an international student
  • You have any formal sponsorship agreement with anyone other than Student Finance
  • You do not have a full tuition fee loan within 2 weeks of starting the course, unless you have paid your tuition fees already
  • You're transferring course, transferring institution or restarting a course
  • You are not engaging or maintaining attendance on your course after the award has been made.

How to apply

You do not need to apply for this bursary. However, you must have applied for Student Finance and been income assessed.

To be considered for a bursary, you must:

  • Complete an "Application for Student Finance" for the academic year, making sure you apply for the full package of means-tested support available and supply all evidence requested. You can find full details on the Student Finance pages.
  • Your household income figure will then be automatically sent to the University and used to assess your eligibility for a bursary (consent to share).
  • Register with Bath Spa University for the academic year.

If you are successful, we will notify you via email at the start of November (if you start in September).


Funding available

Bath Spa University is providing awards worth up to £4,000 each, split over three years, to eligible new students in 2023/24.

The bursary is a cash award based on income. In years two and three, the continuation of the award under this scheme will be subject to a student continuing to fulfil the eligibility criteria, including the residual household income thresholds, at the start of each academic year.

Students who repeat a year will not be entitled to a Bath Spa University Bursary Scheme award in that year.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 Bursary Award

Year 2 Bursary Award

Year 3 Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875




If requested, students may arrange to take their award as a fee waiver. The above yearly amounts are for students on three-year courses. If you are on a four-year foundation course, the foundation year amount will be prorated. If you are on a sandwich course, the final year rate will be split between years three and four. 

Residual Household Income

Year 0 Bursary Award

Year 3 Sandwich Bursary Award

Year 4 Sandwich Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875





Students must be assessed for an award in their first year of study (foundation year if applicable) and this includes any eligible students who were not automatically selected.

Students must then also continue to meet the eligibility criteria during subsequent years of study in order to receive payments after their first year. Part-time students, if eligible, will receive a bursary award that is proportional to their intensity of study.

The criteria is all of the following:

  • Immediately before they started their study, students must live in an area of low higher education participation based on POLAR4 or Adult HE (Quintile 1 and 2) as determined by the Office for Students, before starting your studies. We will use the postcode provided to Student Finance for their assessment prior to your first year of study. 
  • Household income assessed and evidenced by Student Finance as below £15,000, £25,000 or £42,875 when first enrolled on the course
  • Domiciled in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
  • You must be a first time undergraduate in the first year (including foundation year) of study
  • Do not hold a first degree or higher qualification.

You will not be eligible for the award if:

  • You're a student from the EU or an international student
  • You have any formal sponsorship agreement with anyone other than Student Finance
  • You do not have a full tuition fee loan within 2 weeks of starting the course, unless you have paid your tuition fees already
  • You're transferring course, transferring institution or restarting a course
  • You are not engaging or maintaining attendance on your course after the award has been made.
How to apply

You do not need to apply for this bursary. However, you must have applied for Student Finance and been income assessed.

To be considered for a bursary, you must:

  • Complete an "Application for Student Finance" for the academic year, making sure you apply for the full package of means-tested support available and supply all evidence requested. You can find full details from Student Finance.
  • Your household income figure will then be automatically sent to the University and used to assess your eligibility for a bursary (consent to share).
  • Register with Bath Spa University for the academic year.

If you are successful, we will notify you via email at the start of November (if you start in September).

Payment dates

The bursary will be paid in three instalments within each academic year.

Approximate payment dates:

  • Payment 1 will be paid in November
  • Payment 2 will be paid in February
  • Payment 3 will be paid in May.

The above dates are for September starters only, your payment dates will be different depending on when you commence your study. 

  • The first payment is usually made two to three months after the start date of your course. Then, the remaining payments should correspond with the second and third payments of your student maintenance loan.
  • Payments cannot usually be made before these dates as they also correspond with the tuition fee liability dates. Also the three instalments may not be equal, please refer to the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts.
  • We cannot pay your Bursary unless you provide your bank details via The Hub as explained in the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts. If you do not respond within our specified timeframe then we will assume you do not require the Bursary.
  • Students can request their bursary as a fee waiver.
Additional support for priority groups

Bursary supplement for priority groups In each year of study we will provide a number of supplementary awards for bursary award-holders to further support entrants who are also from one or more of the following priority groups:

  • Declared care leavers
  • Currently living at an accredited Foyer or who have moved out of an accredited Foyer in the past 12 months
  • In receipt of the increased loan for living costs.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 supplementary award

Year 2 supplementary award

Year 3 supplementary award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




If you are on a four-year foundation course, the extra supplementary amounts may be prorated.

Residual Household Income

Year 0 extra award

Year 1 extra award

Year 2 extra award

Year 3 extra award

£0 to  £15,000





£15,001 to £25,000





The total individual bursary awards for eligible undergraduate entrants on a three-year course are: 

Residual Household Income

Total award

Total award for priority groups

£0 to £15,000



£15,001 to £25,000



£25,001 to £42,875



As part of the scheme we will also provide a number of individual bursary awards for undergraduate entrants where their declared household residual income is below £42,875 per annum for the above priority groups if their home postcode is not within the POLAR4 low participation neighbourhoods.


Funding available

Bath Spa University is providing awards worth up to £4,000 each, split over three years, to eligible new students in 2022/23.

The bursary is a cash award based on income. In years two and three, the continuation of the award under this scheme will be subject to a student continuing to fulfil the eligibility criteria, including the residual household income thresholds, at the start of each academic year.

Students who repeat a year will not be entitled to a Bath Spa University Bursary Scheme award in that year.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 Bursary Award

Year 2 Bursary Award

Year 3 Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875




If requested, students may arrange to take their award as a fee waiver.

The above yearly amounts are for students on three-year courses.

If you are on a four-year foundation course, the foundation year amount will be pro-rated. If you are on a sandwich course, the final year rate will be split between years three and four. 

Residual Household Income

Year 0 Bursary Award

Year 3 Sandwich Bursary Award

Year 4 Sandwich Bursary Award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




£25,001 to £42,875





Students must be assessed for an award in their first year of study (foundation year if applicable) and this includes any eligible students who were not automatically selected.

Students must then also continue to meet the eligibility criteria during subsequent years of study in order to receive payments after their first year of study. Part-time students, if eligible, will receive a bursary award that is proportional to their intensity of study.

The criteria is all of the following:

  • Immediately before they started their study, students must live in an area of low higher education participation based on POLAR4 or Adult HE (Quintile 1 and 2) as determined by the Office for Students, before starting your studies. We will use the postcode provided to Student Finance for their assessment prior to your first year of study.
  • Household income assessed and evidenced by Student Finance as below £15,000, £25,000 or £42,875 when first enrolled on the course
  • Domiciled in England, Wales, Scotland or Northern Ireland
  • You must be a first time undergraduate in the first year (including foundation year) of study
  • Do not hold a first degree or higher qualification.

You will not be eligible for the award if:

  • You're a student from the EU or an international student
  • You have any formal sponsorship agreement with anyone other than Student Finance
  • You do not have a full tuition fee loan within 2 weeks of starting the course, unless you have paid your tuition fees already
  • You're transferring course, transferring institution or restarting a course
  • You are not engaging or maintaining attendance on your course after the award has been made.
How to apply

You do not need to apply for this bursary. However, you must have applied for Student Finance and been income assessed.

To be considered for a bursary, you must:

  • Complete an "Application for Student Finance" for the academic year, making sure you apply for the full package of means-tested support available and supply all evidence requested. You can find full details from Student Finance.
  • Your household income figure will then be automatically sent to the University and used to assess your eligibility for a bursary (consent to share).
  • Register with Bath Spa University for the academic year.

If you are successful, we will notify you via email by the start of November (if you start in September).

Payment dates

The bursary will be paid in three instalments within each academic year.

Approximate payment dates:

  • Payment 1 will be paid on 11 November
  • Payment 2 will be paid on 10 February
  • Payment 3 will be paid on 12 May.

The above dates are for September starters only, your payment dates will be different depending on when you commence your study. 

  • The first payment is usually made two to three months after the start date of your course. Then, the remaining payments should correspond with the second and third payments of your student maintenance loan.
  • Payments cannot usually be made before these dates as they also correspond with the tuition fee liability dates. Also the three instalments may not be equal, please refer to the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts.
  • We cannot pay your Bursary unless you provide your bank details via The Hub as explained in the email you will receive to confirm the payment amounts. If you do not respond within our specified timeframe then we will assume you do not require the Bursary.
  • Students can request their bursary as a fee waiver.
Additional support for priority groups

Bursary supplement for priority groups In each year of study we will provide a number of supplementary awards for bursary award-holders to further support entrants who are also from one or more of the following priority groups:

  • Declared care leavers
  • Currently living at an accredited Foyer or who have moved out of an accredited Foyer in the past 12 months
  • In receipt of the increased loan for living costs.

Residual Household Income

Year 1 supplementary award

Year 2 supplementary award

Year 3 supplementary award

£0 to £15,000




£15,001 to £25,000




If you are on a four-year foundation course, the extra supplementary amounts may be prorated.

Residual Household Income

Year 0 extra award

Year 1 extra award

Year 2 extra award

Year 3 extra award

£0 to  £15,000





£15,001 to £25,000





The total individual bursary awards for eligible undergraduate entrants on a three-year course are: 

Residual Household Income

Total award

Total award for priority groups

£0 to £15,000



£15,001 to £25,000



£25,001 to £42,875



As part of the scheme we will also provide a number of individual bursary awards for undergraduate entrants where their declared household residual income is below £42,875 per annum for the above priority groups if their home postcode is not within the POLAR4 low participation neighbourhoods.

Get in touch

If you have any questions about this award, please email