Starting a degree is an exciting time but we recognise that it's also a big commitment. Remember: support and guidance is available at every stage of your time at Bath Spa.

Upcoming induction sessions

International Exchange Students

Friday 14 February

Exchange welcome activities all day, starting at 8.30am and including

  • Go Global Welcome
  • Professional Services Welcome
  • SU Tea Party

Please check your emails from the Go Global Team for more details.

Missed Welcome Week? Get yourself up to speed… 

Hit the ground running by completing the following: 

  1. Registration and enrolment 
  2. Pick up your student ID card 
  3. Download our campus app 
  4. Read about the services listed below, which will help you to settle in and feel at home in no time 
  5. Look through our student IT induction information. 

Welcome videos

If you haven't had a chance to watch our welcome videos yet, you can find out information about all the support teams on our You Tube channel.

What are Welcome Activities?

Each year we schedule around 500 Welcome Activities to help you settle in and get the most out of your course and university life, right from the start of your Bath Spa journey. 

Course-related activities

Students have told us that they value course-specific sessions the most. Getting to know your course team and your fellow students is vital to how we welcome you to Bath Spa University. Depending on which course you’re studying, these activities usually include:

  • Course-specific welcome talks
  • Course-related activities such as workshops and group projects
  • Social activities such as ice-breakers, quizzes and games
  • A chance to meet your Academic Advisor

University-wide activities

We want to make sure that you feel settled, supported and confident in your academic skills and that you know who to ask if you need help. During Welcome Week, you’ll get the chance to learn more about:

Is Welcome Week the same as Freshers' Week?

At some universities, your week of settling in, finding your bearings and socialising is known as Freshers' Week; at Bath Spa we call this Welcome Week. 

During Welcome Week, some of your welcome activities are organised by the University. These focus on welcoming you to your course and to the Bath Spa community. 

The Welcome Week activities organised by the Students’ Union are a great chance to join our community, meet your fellow students, explore clubs and societies, and get connected. 

How can you access student support?

There's plenty of support available to help you settle into life at Bath Spa. Have a look at our Welcome pages to find out more, or check out the services listed below. Our professional services teams will help you to settle in and feel at home in no time.

Here to help

Our top tips to help you succeed at university

There are a number of services here to help you transition into studying at Bath Spa University. Have a look at some resources for tips on the following:

  • Vocabulary that might be new to you
  • Independent study
  • Digital learning
  • Assignments
  • Note taking and reading
  • Referencing.
Support with your studies

Read more about the services available to support you with your studies:

Students' Union

Get involved with the Students' Union's wide range of events, opportunities, and clubs and societies. 

The SU Advice Centre provides independent, confidential advice and support on a range of issues including academic matters, sexual health, housing and general wellbeing. 

Dyslexia and Specific Learning Difficulty screening

If you think that you might have Dyslexia or another Specific Learning Difficulty such as Dyspraxia or AD(H)D, the University offers a full screening process.

Student engagement

Studying for a degree is one of the most challenging and rewarding things you can do. Engagement is key to your success, and support and guidance is available at every stage of your journey. A combination of consistent attendance and interaction will help you to achieve the best outcome from your course.

If you need support with any aspect of your student journey, you can reach us at

Explore our campuses

Get to know your surroundings with our Bath Spa Selfie Trail. Share your pictures on social using #HelloBathSpa.

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Follow us on social media

Keep up to date with the latest Welcome information on social media with #HelloBathSpa.

Follow @bathspastudentlife on Instagram for updated about student life at Bath Spa, and throughout Welcome Week, and follow our main University channels here: Instagram, TikTok, FacebookTwitter and LinkedIn.