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Placement opportunities – Bath Spa University

Work experience bridges the gap between your academic studies and your future employment.

It's a valuable component of your University education, as it equips you with the skills, industry insights and connections that you'll need to thrive in the workplace.

Each of the modules listed on this page includes assessments, and all placements are self-sourced, requiring you to complete the full application process.

Work Placement open module

  • Open to students in their second year of studies for an undergraduate degree
  • Requires 70–120 working hours (maximum of 15 hours per week during term time)
  • Takes place during your second year of studies (across both semesters)
  • Can include voluntary or paid work.

Short-term work experience provides a glimpse into the daily operations of the workplace, helping you understand the professional working world and become familiar with the environment.

Professional Placement Year

  • Open to students who pass their second year
  • Takes place between June and September the following year (after your second year)
  • Requires a minimum of 900 working hours over 30 weeks (multiple placements allowed)
  • Experience working for an organisation with a specific role, just like any other employee.
  • Find out more about the PPY.

A Professional Placement Year is a a long-term financial opportunity with financial support and wages, providing you with a foot in the door for the future and extended work history for your CV.

Summer Placement open module

  • Open to students who have completed their second year of studies for an undergraduate degree
  • Requires a minimum of 180 working hours over a period of 6 weeks
  • Takes place during the summer break between your second and third year.
  • Find out more about this module.

This kind of work experience, nine months before graduation, offers a strategic and mutually beneficial arrangement – it provides you with a valuable learning experience, and organisations with early access to your skills and talents.

Any questions?

If you'd like to find out more, please ask a question on MyCareer and we'll get back to you as soon as we can.

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