Graduate Outcomes
The Graduate Outcomes Survey (GOS) is a survey of recent graduates, from all universities and higher education colleges in the UK.
The survey aims to understand what graduates have gone on to do 15 months after graduation, and to what extent their degree qualification played a part.
It's important because it gives an insight into career destinations and helps Bath Spa University to shape programmes for current and future students.
The Graduate Outcomes Survey is administered by the Higher Education Statistics Agency (HESA) and replaced the Destination of Leavers from Higher Education (DHLE) survey in 2017. HESA contacts graduates by email or phone call 15 months after they've graduated.
Graduate Outcomes data is the most complete data available on the labour market for graduates from higher education institutions.
The responses will not only help current and future students gain insight into career destinations, they will also help us to evaluate and promote our courses and impact the reputation of Bath Spa graduates amongst employers.
It helps to:
- Give insight to current students who are making course and career choices
- Evaluate and promote Bath Spa University courses
- Influence BSU’s reputation, position in league tables and ranking such as the TEF
- Regulate our progress towards the Office for Students (OfS) benchmarks.
The survey is a series of questions about the employment, further study, or other activities that graduates are engaged in.
It also asks some subjective questions about how graduates feel about their current situation and general wellbeing; however, these questions are not mandatory.
Any information provided by graduates as part of the survey will be held securely and confidentially in line with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and Data Protection Act 2018.
The data is used to inform the development of Bath Spa courses and services and will not be shared with any external organisations. Bath Spa University’s data protection statement can be accessed here.
The Graduate Outcomes survey information is used by HESA for statutory functions and publications. HESA also supply a summary of the data to third parties such as government bodies, academic researchers and journalists. All data published by HESA and supplied by them to third parties are kept anonymous so individuals cannot be identified.
How can I get involved?
If you are a graduate who is yet to be contacted by the survey, please keep an eye out for communications from Bath Spa University and HESA around 15 months after graduation. When HESA contact you, please complete the survey – it should take about 10 minutes to complete.
It’s important to highlight that employment is not the only ‘positive’ outcome of the survey, and your completing the survey is important regardless of the activity you are currently undertaking.
Positive outcomes cover a wide range of activities such as:
- Paid work for an employer
- Self-employment or freelancing
- Running your own business
- Developing a creative, artistic or professional portfolio
- Voluntary or unpaid work for an employer
- Study, training or research
- Taking time out to travel
- Caring for someone
- Retirement.
As a reminder, if you would like Careers support and advice, you can continue to access this for up to 3 years after graduation. Please see the Graduate Support Unit pages for more information.
How to update your personal contact details
If you are yet to graduate, you can update your personal contact details with the Careers team by signing up to the Graduate Support Unit. If you're already a graduate, you can update your contact details here.
If you are a member of staff, you can help by raising awareness of the Graduate Outcomes survey and communicating the following messages to your final year students, and any graduates you are in contact with:
- Please complete the Graduate Outcomes Survey when you are contacted by HESA 15 months after leaving Bath Spa
- Please ensure that you update your personal contact details
- Mention to graduates who get in touch (e.g. for references) to expect the Graduate Outcomes Survey 15 months after leaving and explain the importance of responding.
You can find helpful resources and more information to support you on the Graduate Outcomes Staff Toolkit.