Main House
As the historic heart of Newton Park, Main House is a gathering space for both students and staff alike.
Main House started life as a Georgian country house for the Langton family, constructed in 1762-65 according to the design of Stiff Leadbetter. The house later became the home base for the suffragist Lady Anna Gore-Langton, who used it as a seat for her activist work across Somerset and within the larger UK.
At various times in its life, Main House has also been a World War I Red Cross Hospital and a teacher training college, before its conversion to Bath Spa's Newton Park campus later in the twentieth century.
Today Main House acts as a central space for staff and administrative offices, but it also has a number of shared student spaces.

Student spaces
The Sitting Room located in MHG13 is a dedicated space for wellbeing activities. Events or activities you might see taking place in here are:
- Mindfulness sessions
- Mind Student Wellbeing Group
- Meet and greet with the Bath Spa Care Dogs
- And much more!
This space is managed by the Student Wellbeing Services team and is for organised events and activities only. If you'd like to use this space for a student wellbeing activity please contact
Opening times: 4:00pm - 11:00pm
This study space in MHG15 is for all students to utilise. There's lots of desk space and it’s the perfect spot to settle down with your books. It also provides a great space for group work and informal student groups to meet.
Opening times: 8:00am - 5:00pm (term time)
Please note there are a small number of meetings held in this room throughout the year, so if the door is closed please check the sign outside the room which lists the dates the room is closed for meetings.
The Careers team is now located in MHG16. This is your go to space for all career advice! No need to book an appointment, just drop in and chat - they can help you book onto an event, make an appointment to speak to a dedicated careers advisor or simply help you to access the job shop.
Opening times: 10:00am - 4:00pm (term time)
All services are currently also available online and can be accessed on MyCareer or through our Careers pages.
The Quiet Space offers a small sanctuary at Newton Park to relax, rejuvenate and take a moment.
Opening times: 8:00am - 5:00pm (term time)
This is a designated space for prayer, contemplation, meditation and reflection. The space has been made available by Bath Spa University in partnership with the University’s Multi-Faith Chaplaincy for the benefit of students and staff. The shared nature of the space is intended to be as inclusive as possible and relies on the respect and generosity of users to work effectively. Please observe the guidelines for use of the room.
Opening times: 8:00am - 5:00pm (term time)
The Gallery is a great place for both students and staff to enjoy the grandeur of Main House. This is an open space for you to grab a seat and relax, study or meet with friends.
Opening times: 8:00am - 5:00pm (term time)