An output is the result of an investigation ‘leading to new insights effectively shared’ – such as a journal article, a book (written or edited), a book chapter, a performance, digital or visual media, a composition, a physical artefact, a digital artefact, an example of design, a conference paper, a public lecture, a conference workshop, or the organisation of an exhibition or a conference.
This makes up 60% of the assessment (a decrease from 65% in 2014) and consists of outputs produced by the University during the assessment period (1st January 2014 to 31st December 2020).
How many outputs are required?
For individuals employed at BSU who have ‘significant responsibility for research’ on a census date in mid-2020, a minimum of one output and a maximum of five outputs per person may be submitted.
Outputs may also be submitted if their authors were employed at BSU since 01/01/2014, and at the time the output first became publicly available, but have since left. In this case, there is no minimum number of outputs required, but the maximum of five still applies.