Integrity and Ethics
All research carried out at Bath Spa University is underpinned with common values of rigour, integrity and professionalism. As required by HEFCE, the University complies fully with the Universities UUK Concordat to Support Research Integrity.
The University complies fully with the Universities UK Concordat to Support Research Integrity. Supplied here are our annual statements on compliance approved by the Board of Governors:
- Statement for 2014/15
- Statement for 2015/16
- Statement for 2016/17
- Statement for 2017/18
- Statement for 2018/19
- Statement for 2019/20
- Statement for 2020/21
- Statement for 2021/22
- Statement for 2022/23
- Statement for 2023/24
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor (Research and Enterprise) – Professor John Strachan – is responsible for ensuring that the University's environment promotes and nurtures a commitment to research integrity, and that suitable processes are in place to deal with misconduct and for ensuring that the correct steps are taken to remedy any situations arising out of an investigation.
The Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Research and Enterprise is the first point of contact for all allegations of misconduct, and for whistleblowers or for any other person wishing to raise concerns about the integrity of research being conducted under the auspices of Bath Spa University.
The university also has a whistleblowing policy for staff which can be found on the University intranet (login required).
The University is committed to the following principles of good research practice which are laid out in our Approach to Research Integrity and Ethics and our Code of Good Practice for Research.
- That our research is underpinned with common values of rigour and integrity
- That we nurture a research environment that supports research of the highest standards of rigour and integrity
- That our research confirms to all ethical, legal and professional obligations
- That we use transparent, robust and fair processes to handle allegations of misconduct
- That we continue to monitor, and where necessary improve, the suitability and appropriateness of the mechanisms in place to provide assurances over the integrity of research
As set out in the handbook, the University has robust mechanisms in place for dealing with allegations of academic misconduct, and clearly defined ethical approval process for staff and students. All academic staff are required to complete the on-line Stage 1 ethical approval process before submitting a research grant application.
Training on research ethics and integrity is available for all academic staff, and research students as part of our Researcher Development programme.
You can find out more about the procedures, training and documentation available to support you and your students with the Ethical Approval process at Bath Spa University here.
For questions about research ethics and integrity, please contact: