We are an interdisciplinary collaborative research centre with a broad range of colleagues whose research aims to transform learning and lives

The Centre for Research into Equity, Inclusion and Community (CREIC) interrogates the conditions that lead to marginalisation and exclusion from education, and our research aims to develop theories and practices of inclusion, equity and social justice.

Our work focuses on issues such as disability, race, gender and sexuality, as well as looked-after children and children who have experienced trauma.

Our members draw from a variety of disciplines such as sociology, anthropology and philosophy, and we utilise a broad array of methodologies in our research. We often conduct research in partnership with local communities and our work has significant impact on the lives of disadvantaged individuals and groups.

Funded projects
  • 2021-2026: Ben Simmons (PI) and Stuart Read (Co-I), as well as other Bath Spa University staff. Wellcome Trust. We Are The People.
  • 2023-2025: Stuart Read (Co-I) in collaboration with CRiSTLE. Nuffield Foundation. Purposeful and effective practical work in primary school science.
  • 2023-2024: Ben Simmons (PI), Stuart Read (Co-I), Anne Parfitt (Co-I), and Theo Blackmore (Co-I). Cabinet Office: Disability Unit. Thematic reports on disability attitudes and disability in education.
  • 2023-2024: Ben Simmons (PI), Stuart Read (Co-I), Anne Parfitt (Co-I), as well as other Bath Spa University staff. AHRC Impact Accelerator Award: Leading Impact. Co-producing access awareness in the cultural heritage sector.
  • 2022: Stuart Read (PI) and Ben Simmons (Co-I). Bristol and Bath Creative R&D. Making accessible and inclusive communication with people with learning disabilities. 
  • 2021-2022: Stuart Read (PI). Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE). Disabled people’s experiences of higher education during the time of the Coronavirus pandemic: Pasts, presents and futures.
  • 2019-2020:  Stuart Read and Anne Parfitt. National Association of Virtual School Heads (NAVSH). Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for Looked After Children.


Please contact Dr Stuart Read on s.read@bathspa.ac.uk for more information.

Recent outputs

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Engaging with actor-network theory as a methodology in medical education research

Mitchell, B (2021) Engaging with actor-network theory as a methodology in medical education research. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367332242

Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences

Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. (2020) Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9780367028404

How to be a brilliant SENCO : practical strategies for developing and leading inclusive provision

Curran, H (2019) How to be a brilliant SENCO : practical strategies for developing and leading inclusive provision. NASEN Spotlight . Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9781138489653

Book chapters or sections

Doubly-disadvantaged or even hidden away: the situation of migrant and refugee children with special educational needs and disabilities
Book chapters or section

Bhatti, G, Levinson, M and Simmons, B (2024) 'Doubly-disadvantaged or even hidden away: the situation of migrant and refugee children with special educational needs and disabilities.' In: Hammarén, N, Ivemark, B and Stretmo, L, eds. Migrant youth, schooling and identity: perspectives and experiences from Northern Europe. Springer, Cham, pp. 127-141. ISBN 9783031633447

Social embodiment in early childhood education for children with PMLD
Book chapters or section

Simmons, B (2022) 'Social embodiment in early childhood education for children with PMLD.' In: Conn, C and Murphy, A, eds. Inclusive pedagogies for early childhood education: respecting and responding to differences in learning. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 94-110. ISBN 9780367756130

Developing SENCO resilience: understanding and meeting the challenge of the role
Book chapters or section

Curran, H (2021) 'Developing SENCO resilience: understanding and meeting the challenge of the role.' In: Beaton, M.C, Codina, G.N and Wharton, J.C, eds. Leading on inclusion: the role of the SENCO. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 171-180. ISBN 9780367420505

Dilemmas of self-identification and provision of disability support
Book chapters or section

Read, S, Miles, C and Merchant, W (2020) 'Dilemmas of self-identification and provision of disability support.' In: Burke, C and Byrne, B, eds. Social research and disability: developing inclusive research spaces for disabled researchers. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 64-77. ISBN 9781138387652

Exploring the situated social being of children with profound and multiple learning difficulties across educational contexts: a study of belonging
Book chapters or section

Simmons, B (2020) 'Exploring the situated social being of children with profound and multiple learning difficulties across educational contexts: a study of belonging.' In: Nind, M and Strnadova, I, eds. Belonging for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities: pushing the boundaries of inclusion. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 27-40. ISBN 9780367202958

Spaces of invisibility and marginalisation in schools
Book chapters or section

Levinson, M.P (2020) 'Spaces of invisibility and marginalisation in schools.' In: Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 38-47. ISBN 9780367028404

Enacting the international vision of inclusive education: a UK case study of profound and multiple learning difficulties
Book chapters or section

Simmons, B (2020) 'Enacting the international vision of inclusive education: a UK case study of profound and multiple learning difficulties.' In: Simon, C.A and Downes, G, eds. Sociology for education studies: connecting theory, settings and everyday experiences. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 135-149. ISBN 9780367028404

Pre-service teacher education in English secondary schools: opportunities for intergenerational learning through mentoring
Book chapters or section

Parfitt, A (2020) 'Pre-service teacher education in English secondary schools: opportunities for intergenerational learning through mentoring.' In: Dorczak, R and Portela Pruaño, A, eds. Generational diversity and intergenerational collaboration among teachers: perspectives and experience. Jagiellonian University Institute of Public Affairs, Kraków, pp. 45-60. ISBN 9788365688651

Work-based learning
Book chapters or section

Simon, C.A (2019) 'Work-based learning.' In: Simon, C.A and Ward, S, eds. A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 235-245. ISBN 9780367276690

Health education and behaviour
Book chapters or section

Mitchell, B (2019) 'Health education and behaviour.' In: Simon, C.A and Ward, S, eds. A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 224-232. ISBN 9780367276690

Education and social justice
Book chapters or section

Simon, C.A (2019) 'Education and social justice.' In: Simon, C.A and Ward, S, eds. A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 20-28. ISBN 9780367276690

Race, ethnicity and education in England
Book chapters or section

Chadderton, C (2019) 'Race, ethnicity and education in England.' In: Simon, C.A and Ward, S, eds. A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 29-39. ISBN 9780367276690

Quality in an audit society: the work of teacher-educators
Book chapters or section

Spina, N, Harris, J, Parfitt, A and Yue, Y (2019) 'Quality in an audit society: the work of teacher-educators.' In: Peters, M.A, ed. Encyclopedia of teacher education. Springer, Singapore. ISBN 9789811311796

Diversity in Teacher Education: policy contexts
Book chapters or section

Simon, C.A (2019) 'Diversity in Teacher Education: policy contexts.' In: Sorensen, N, ed. Diversity in Teacher Education: perspectives on a school-led system. UCL IOE Press, London. ISBN 9781782772521

Students’ experiences in EDIC+ intensive programmes
Book chapters or section

Bhatti, G (2019) 'Students’ experiences in EDIC+ intensive programmes.' In: Veugelers, W, ed. Education for democratic intercultural citizenship. Brill, Leiden, pp. 184-190. ISBN 9789004411944

Social and educational inclusion in schools and their communities
Book chapters or section

Bhatti, G (2019) 'Social and educational inclusion in schools and their communities.' In: Veugelers, W, ed. Education for democratic intercultural citizenship. Brill, Leiden, pp. 61-80. ISBN 9789004411944

Conflicting communication about the ownership and meaning of places in a school in south west England
Book chapters or section

Ralph, T and Levinson, M.P (2019) 'Conflicting communication about the ownership and meaning of places in a school in south west England.' In: Collins, P, Igreja, V and Danaher, P.A, eds. The nexus among place, conflict and communication in a globalising world. Palgrave Macmillan, Singapore, pp. 79-98. ISBN 9789811359248

Spelling difficulty in a 10-year-old trilingual child: a case study and report of an effective intervention programme
Book chapters or section

Niolaki, G.Z (2015) 'Spelling difficulty in a 10-year-old trilingual child: a case study and report of an effective intervention programme.' In: Safont Jordà, M.P and Portolés Falomir, L, eds. Learning and using multiple languages: current findings from research on multilingualism. Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 82-110. ISBN 9781443871822


What does it mean to be a ‘person’ with profound and multiple learning disabilities? Interviews with family members and allies

Simmons, B and Read, S (2024) 'What does it mean to be a ‘person’ with profound and multiple learning disabilities? Interviews with family members and allies.' PMLD Link, 36 (2). pp. 2-4. ISSN 2042-5619

Mainstream placements for children with PMLD: the perspective of teaching staff and parents

Simmons, B (2023) 'Mainstream placements for children with PMLD: the perspective of teaching staff and parents.' PMLD Link, 35.2 (105). pp. 15-17. ISSN 2042-5619

Misfitting and social practice theory: incorporating disability into the performance and (re)enactment of social practices

Williams, V, Gall, M, Mason-Angelow, V, Read, S and Webb, J (2023) 'Misfitting and social practice theory: incorporating disability into the performance and (re)enactment of social practices.' Disability & Society, 38 (5). pp. 776-797. ISSN 0968-7599

What spelling errors can tell us about the development of processes involved in children’s spelling

Niolaki, G.Z, Negoita, A, Vousden, J.I, Terzopoulos, A.R, Taylor, L and Masterson, J (2023) 'What spelling errors can tell us about the development of processes involved in children’s spelling.' Frontiers in Psychology, 14. e1178427. ISSN 1664-1078

Creating authentic and positive stories about personhood for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: a call for reader expressions of interest

Read, S, Simmons, B and Parfitt, A (2023) 'Creating authentic and positive stories about personhood for people with profound and multiple learning disabilities: a call for reader expressions of interest.' PMLD Link, 35.1 (104). pp. 37-38. ISSN 2042-5619

“Fitting in whilst standing out”: identity flexing strategies of professional British women of African, Asian, and Caribbean ethnicities.

Opara, V, Ryan, M.K, Sealy, R and Begeny, C.T (2023) '“Fitting in whilst standing out”: identity flexing strategies of professional British women of African, Asian, and Caribbean ethnicities.' Frontiers in Sociology, 8. e820975. ISSN 2297-7775

White supremacy in postgraduate education at elite universities in England: the role of the gatekeepers

Jackson-Cole, D and Chadderton, C (2023) 'White supremacy in postgraduate education at elite universities in England: the role of the gatekeepers.' Whiteness and Education, 8 (1). pp. 101-119. ISSN 2379-3406

Covid, schooling and race in England: a case of necropolitics

Chadderton, C (2023) 'Covid, schooling and race in England: a case of necropolitics.' Race, Ethnicity and Education, 26 (1). pp. 112-128. ISSN 1361-3324

What constitutes 'ethical' research for people with PMLD? A call for reader responses

Simmons, B, Read, S, Parfitt, A and Bush, T (2022) 'What constitutes 'ethical' research for people with PMLD? A call for reader responses.' PMLD Link, 34.3 (103). pp. 38-40. ISSN 2042-5619

Eastern European parents' experiences of parenting a child with SEN in England

Marku, B, Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A and Wood, C (2022) 'Eastern European parents' experiences of parenting a child with SEN in England.' Educational Psychology in Practice, 38 (3). pp. 297-316. ISSN 0266-7363

Spelling predictors; investigating the role of phonological ability and rapid naming in a large cross-sectional British study

Niolaki, G.Z, Vousden, J, Terzopoulos, A, Shepherd, D-L, Debney, L and Masterson, J (2022) 'Spelling predictors; investigating the role of phonological ability and rapid naming in a large cross-sectional British study.' Learning and Instruction, 80. e101635. ISSN 0959-4752

The experience of SENCOs in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: the amplification and exposure of pre-existing strengths and challenges and the prioritisation of mental health and wellbeing in schools

Boddison, A and Curran, H (2022) 'The experience of SENCOs in England during the COVID-19 pandemic: the amplification and exposure of pre-existing strengths and challenges and the prioritisation of mental health and wellbeing in schools.' Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 22 (2). pp. 126-136. ISSN 1471-3802

Spelling performance of 6- and 8-year-old Irish children: is it or ?

Spruhan, H, Niolaki, G.Z, Vousden, J, Terzopoulos, A and Masterson, J (2022) 'Spelling performance of 6- and 8-year-old Irish children: is it or ?' The Journal of Educational Research, 115 (1). pp. 87-97. ISSN 1940-0675

How special are mainstream schools? Reflections on social spaces for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties

Simmons, B (2021) 'How special are mainstream schools? Reflections on social spaces for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties.' PMLD Link, 33.3 (100). pp. 36-38. ISSN 2042-5619

A call to action for conducting research with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities

Read, S, Simmons, B, Levinson, M.P and Bush, T (2021) 'A call to action for conducting research with people with profound and multiple learning disabilities.' PMLD Link, 33.3 (100). pp. 6-7. ISSN 2042-5619

Where next for people with cognitive disabilities and electronic assistive technology?

Clarke, Z, Darley, S, Wright, A, Surridge, J, Martindale, A, Simmons, B, Hunnisett, S and Dukas, T (2021) 'Where next for people with cognitive disabilities and electronic assistive technology?' Communication Matters Journal, 35 (3). pp. 32-34. ISSN 2756-1011

Turning around coast-based schools: an interpretive narrative analysis of a report on school reform in English coastal communities

Parfitt, A (2021) 'Turning around coast-based schools: an interpretive narrative analysis of a report on school reform in English coastal communities.' Improving Schools, 24 (3). pp. 245-260. ISSN 1365-4802

The production of social spaces for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties: a Lefebvrian analysis

Simmons, B (2021) 'The production of social spaces for children with profound and multiple learning difficulties: a Lefebvrian analysis.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 42 (5-6). pp. 828-844. ISSN 0142-5692

Can compassion provide a lifeline for navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19) in higher education?

Parfitt, A, Read, S and Bush, T (2021) 'Can compassion provide a lifeline for navigating Coronavirus (COVID-19) in higher education?' Pastoral Care in Education, 39 (3). pp. 178-191. ISSN 0264-3944

More than phonics: visual imagery and flashcard interventions for bilingual learners with spelling difficulties

Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A.R and Masterson, J (2021) 'More than phonics: visual imagery and flashcard interventions for bilingual learners with spelling difficulties.' Patoss Bulletin, 34 (2). pp. 14-25. ISSN 1476-1521

Discovering ‘what works’

Curran, H (2021) 'Discovering ‘what works’.' Early Years Educator, 22 (10). p. 6. ISSN 1465-931X

A linguistic awareness intervention targeting spelling and written expression in a 10-year-old dyslexic child

Niolaki, G.Z, Vousden, J, Terzopoulos, A, Taylor, L and Masterson, J (2021) 'A linguistic awareness intervention targeting spelling and written expression in a 10-year-old dyslexic child.' Προσχολική & Σχολική Εκπαίδευση = Preschool and Primary Education, 9 (1). pp. 1-27. ISSN 2241-7206

From living to lived and being-with: exploring the interaction styles of children and staff towards a child with profound and multiple learning disabilities

Simmons, B (2021) 'From living to lived and being-with: exploring the interaction styles of children and staff towards a child with profound and multiple learning disabilities.' International Journal of Inclusive Education, 25 (6). pp. 657-670. ISSN 1360-3116

The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student

Macer, M and Chadderton, C (2021) 'The reproduction of the gender regime: the military and education as state apparatuses constraining the military wife student.' Gender and Education, 33 (3). pp. 337-354. ISSN 0954-0253

'It's the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest, most misunderstood roles in a school'. Understanding the complexity of the SENCO role post-SEND reform

Curran, H and Boddison, A (2021) ''It's the best job in the world, but one of the hardest, loneliest, most misunderstood roles in a school'. Understanding the complexity of the SENCO role post-SEND reform.' Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs, 21 (1). pp. 39-48. ISSN 1471-3802

The growth of multi-academy trusts in England: emergent structures and the sponsorship of underperforming schools

Simon, C.A, James, C and Simon, A (2021) 'The growth of multi-academy trusts in England: emergent structures and the sponsorship of underperforming schools.' Educational Management Administration & Leadership, 49 (1). pp. 112-127. ISSN 1741-1432

Predictors of single word spelling in English speaking children: a cross sectional study

Niolaki, G.Z, Vousden, J, Terzopoulos, A.R, Taylor, L.M, Sephton, S and Masterson, J (2020) 'Predictors of single word spelling in English speaking children: a cross sectional study.' Journal of Research in Reading, 43 (4). pp. 577-596. ISSN 0141-0423

The insider view: tackling disabling practices in higher education institutions

Merchant, W, Read, S, D’Evelyn, S, Miles, C and Williams, V (2020) 'The insider view: tackling disabling practices in higher education institutions.' Higher Education, 80 (2). pp. 273-287. ISSN 0018-1560

The quest for genuinely participatory and inclusive research approaches: exploring and expressing experience through cultural animation and transcription poetry

Levinson, M.P (2020) 'The quest for genuinely participatory and inclusive research approaches: exploring and expressing experience through cultural animation and transcription poetry.' International Review of Qualitative Research, 13 (2). pp. 182-199. ISSN 1940-8447

School-to-work transitions support: ‘cruel optimism’ for young people in ‘the state of insecurity'

Chadderton, C (2020) 'School-to-work transitions support: ‘cruel optimism’ for young people in ‘the state of insecurity'.' Power and Education, 12 (2). pp. 173-188. ISSN 1757-7438

Literacy difficulties in higher education: identifying students’ needs with a hybrid model

Niolaki, G.Z, Taylor, L.M, Terzopoulos, A and Davies, R (2020) 'Literacy difficulties in higher education: identifying students’ needs with a hybrid model.' Educational & Child Psychology, 37 (2). ISSN 0267-1611

Intervention for a visual attention span processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with slow reading speed

Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A and Masterson, J (2020) 'Intervention for a visual attention span processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with slow reading speed.' Προσχολική & Σχολική Εκπαίδευση = Preschool and Primary Education, 8 (1). pp. 1-30. ISSN 2241-7206

Intervention for a lexical reading and spelling difficulty in two Greek-speaking primary age children

Terzopoulos, A.R, Niolaki, G.Z and Masterson, J (2020) 'Intervention for a lexical reading and spelling difficulty in two Greek-speaking primary age children.' Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 30 (3). pp. 371-392. ISSN 0960-2011

Can the concept of the protean career help us to understand millennial pre-service teacher retention challenges? A study of two pre-service teachers’ career pathways in England

Parfitt, A (2020) 'Can the concept of the protean career help us to understand millennial pre-service teacher retention challenges? A study of two pre-service teachers’ career pathways in England.' Journal of Education for Teaching, 46 (3). pp. 324-335. ISSN 0260-7476

Student-Led Improvement Science Projects: a praxiographic, actor-network theory study

Mitchell, B (2020) 'Student-Led Improvement Science Projects: a praxiographic, actor-network theory study.' Studies in Continuing Education, 42 (1). pp. 133-146. ISSN 0158-037X

Learning style: snake oil or solid strategy?

Mortimore, T (2019) 'Learning style: snake oil or solid strategy?' Patoss Bulletin, 32 (2). pp. 22-40. ISSN 1476-1521

Survival in the badlands: an exploration of disaffected students’ uses of space in a UK secondary school

Ralph, T and Levinson, M.P (2019) 'Survival in the badlands: an exploration of disaffected students’ uses of space in a UK secondary school.' British Journal of Sociology of Education, 40 (8). pp. 1188-1203. ISSN 0142-5692

Variations in interaction: examining how social engagement is contingent upon context

Simmons, B (2019) 'Variations in interaction: examining how social engagement is contingent upon context.' PMLD Link, 31.2 (90). pp. 7-9. ISSN 2042-5619

Are good intentions enough? The role of the policy implementer during educational reform

Curran, H (2019) 'Are good intentions enough? The role of the policy implementer during educational reform.' PRACTICE, 1 (1). pp. 88-93. ISSN 2578-3858

Implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled people in healthcare services

Heslop, P, Turner, S, Read, S, Tucker, J, Seaton, S and Evans, B (2019) 'Implementing reasonable adjustments for disabled people in healthcare services.' Nursing Standard. ISSN 0029-6570

Criss-crossing the Irish Sea: shifting Traveller womens’ identities in home and school environments

Cavaliero, T and Levinson, M.P (2019) 'Criss-crossing the Irish Sea: shifting Traveller womens’ identities in home and school environments.' Diaspora, Indigenous, and Minority Education, 13 (1). pp. 26-39. ISSN 1559-5692

"The SEND Code of Practice has given me clout": a phenomenological study illustrating how SENCos managed the introduction of the SEND reforms

Curran, H (2019) '"The SEND Code of Practice has given me clout": a phenomenological study illustrating how SENCos managed the introduction of the SEND reforms.' British Journal of Special Education, 46 (1). pp. 76-93. ISSN 1467-8578

HelexKids: a word frequency database for Greek and Cypriot primary school children

Terzopoulos, A.R, Duncan, L.G, Wilson, M.A.J, Niolaki, G.Z and Masterson, J (2017) 'HelexKids: a word frequency database for Greek and Cypriot primary school children.' Behavior Research Methods, 49 (1). pp. 83-96. ISSN 1554-3528

A sublexical training study for spelling in a biliterate Greek- and English-speaking child

Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A.R and Masterson, J (2017) 'A sublexical training study for spelling in a biliterate Greek- and English-speaking child.' Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 27 (4). pp. 540-562. ISSN 0960-2011

Spelling improvement through letter-sound and whole-word training in two multilingual Greek- and English- speaking children

Niolaki, G.Z, Masterson, J and Terzopoulos, A.R (2014) 'Spelling improvement through letter-sound and whole-word training in two multilingual Greek- and English- speaking children.' Multilingual Education, 4. e20. ISSN 2191-5059

Varieties of developmental dyslexia in Greek children

Niolaki, G.Z, Terzopoulos, A.R and Masterson, J (2014) 'Varieties of developmental dyslexia in Greek children.' Writing Systems Research, 6 (2). pp. 230-256. ISSN 1758-6801

Intervention for a multi-character processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with surface dyslexia

Niolaki, G.Z and Masterson, J (2013) 'Intervention for a multi-character processing deficit in a Greek-speaking child with surface dyslexia.' Cognitive Neuropsychology, 30 (4). pp. 208-232. ISSN 0264-3294

Transfer effects in spelling from transparent Greek to opaque English in seven-to-ten-year-old children

Niolaki, G.Z and Masterson, J (2012) 'Transfer effects in spelling from transparent Greek to opaque English in seven-to-ten-year-old children.' Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15 (4). pp. 757-770. ISSN 1366-7289

Commissioned reports

Disabled people’s experiences of higher education during the time of the Coronavirus pandemic: pasts, presents, and futures. Research report
Commissioned report

Read, S (2023) Disabled people’s experiences of higher education during the time of the Coronavirus pandemic: pasts, presents, and futures. Research report. Society for Research into Higher Education, London.

National SENCO Workforce Survey 2020. Supporting children and young people with special educational needs and their families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: a national survey of SENCOs
Commissioned report

Curran, H, Boddison, A and Moloney, H (2021) National SENCO Workforce Survey 2020. Supporting children and young people with special educational needs and their families during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: a national survey of SENCOs. Bath Spa University and nasen, Bath.

A longitudinal study of young women’s transitions in Tower Hamlets in an age of austerity
Commissioned report

Chadderton, C (2020) A longitudinal study of young women’s transitions in Tower Hamlets in an age of austerity. Aldgate and Allhallows Foundation, London. ISBN 9781998991419

Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for looked after children
Commissioned report

Read, S, Macer, M and Parfitt, A (2020) Effective use of Pupil Premium Plus to improve educational outcomes for looked after children. Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

The time is now: addressing missed opportunities for Special Educational Needs Support and Coordination in our schools
Commissioned report

Curran, H, Moloney, H, Heavey, A and Boddison, A (2020) The time is now: addressing missed opportunities for Special Educational Needs Support and Coordination in our schools. Bath Spa University, Bath.

Other items

Narrowed lives: meaning, moral value and profound intellectual disability [book review]
Other item

Simmons, B (2022) Narrowed lives: meaning, moral value and profound intellectual disability [book review]. British Journal of Learning Disabilities, 50 (3). pp. 448-449. ISSN 1354-4187

Dyslexia's diagnostic lottery: a call for better parent-school partnerships
Other item

McFadden, J and Niolaki, G.Z (2022) Dyslexia's diagnostic lottery: a call for better parent-school partnerships. BPS West Midlands Newsletter, Jan.