The Creative Practice and Embodied Knowledge Research Group draws on research from (but is not limited to) the fields of dance, performing arts, music, theatre, creative writing and interdisciplinary artmaking.
Through the enmeshed, intermingling of ideas across and through domains it is concerned with the diverse forms of knowledge which reside in our practising, moving, creative bodies and aims to find ways in which this can be explored and shared across different disciplines and contexts.
The participants embrace collaborative dialogue and shared exchange working in post disciplinary spaces; unknowing and uncertainty are central components of speculative research enquiry.
We are interested in pushing at the edges and borders, traversing boundaries, sharing processes and practices, creative play and inventive modes of research enquiry both inside and outside the academy that place creative and embodied knowledge in motion.
Ways of working
The group’s research activities and modes of working explore and respond to pressing socio-political, environmental and economic concerns that inform and shape the conditions in which our research endeavours, creative work and institutional responsibilities are located.
Its working practices and ethos are underpinned by a concern for collegiality, listening with care, decolonisation and shared responsibility as we collectively work to reframe notions of achievement, competition and comparison through practices of speculation, relating otherwise, slowness, and deep listening.
Our activities
The group's activities are open to artists, academics and the public, from aligned and unaligned disciplines, who are interested in how different approaches to knowledge production and exchange can inform practices and reflection on creativity, composition, cohabitation, collaboration, porosity and being in the world.
We hope to open discourses around creative practices, what constitutes a body, different and multiple ways of and approaches to embodiment to ‘undiscipline’ bodily knowledges and share insights and experiences across both human and nonhuman domains.