English Language and Literature
Area of research excellence: English Language and Literature
Creative Writing and English Literature at Bath Spa University have a deep and meaningful interdisciplinary relationship with one another, in which creative and critical practice are directly and vitally linked.
This enables a kind of innovative, rigorous, and socially engaged praxis that can be seen in individual research outputs and impact, collaboration through research centres and beyond, externally funded research projects, and coherent strategic planning across this research area.
The symbiosis between creative and critical practice is a distinctive feature of our individual outputs, research environment, and research impact, as is our commitment to producing innovative, rigorous and socially engaged research. This has enabled us to extend and consolidate our position as research leaders in areas such as:
- creative writing
- ecocriticism
- gothic studies
- writing for young people
- history of the book and
- digital writing and criticism.
Our approach to research impact builds on our extensive and substantial track record of public outreach. But it extends well beyond readings, lectures, and performances to demonstrate how creative writers and literary scholars are often uniquely placed to shape how individuals apprehend and articulate the complexities of their own lived experience.
Our shared commitment to the interrelationships between creative and critical practice has enabled us to develop distinctive and nuanced dialogues with communities outside of the university. These qualities were evidenced in the 2014 impact submission, but the case studies highlighted here demonstrate how our understanding and management of impact has improved in sophistication and effect.
Related research centres
- Centre for Cultural and Creative Industries (Strategic)
- Bath Spa Creative Writing Research Centre
- Empathy and Writing Research Group
- Making Books Research: Creativity, Print Culture and Digital Research Centre
- Research Centre for Mental Health, Wellbeing and Creativity.
Research and academic outputs
The living world: Nan Shepherd and environmental thought
Walton, S (2020) The living world: Nan Shepherd and environmental thought. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781350153226
Old books and digital publishing: Eighteenth-Century Collections Online
Gregg, S.H (2020) Old books and digital publishing: Eighteenth-Century Collections Online. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9781108767415
The subject of Britain: 1603-25
Ivic, C (2020) The subject of Britain: 1603-25. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719088704
Elitism: a progressive defence
Glaser, E (2020) Elitism: a progressive defence. Biteback Publishing, London. ISBN 9781785906077
Reclaiming Romanticism: towards an ecopoetics of decolonization
Rigby, K (2020) Reclaiming Romanticism: towards an ecopoetics of decolonization. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781474290593
The shapeless unease: a year of not sleeping
Harvey, S (2020) The shapeless unease: a year of not sleeping. Jonathan Cape. ISBN 9781787332027
Thomas De Quincey: selected writings
Morrison, R, ed. (2019) Thomas De Quincey: selected writings. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780199676897
Rebel writers: the accidental feminists
Brayfield, C (2019) Rebel writers: the accidental feminists. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781448217496
The Regency revolution: Jane Austen, Napoleon, Lord Byron and the making of the modern world
Morrison, R (2019) The Regency revolution: Jane Austen, Napoleon, Lord Byron and the making of the modern world. Atlantic Books, London. ISBN 9781786491237
The heartland: finding and losing schizophrenia
Filer, N (2019) The heartland: finding and losing schizophrenia. Faber & Faber, London. ISBN 9780571345953
Women, periodicals and print culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s: the Modernist period
Binckes, F and Snyder, C, eds. (2019) Women, periodicals and print culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s: the Modernist period. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh. ISBN 9781474450645
Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman
Binckes, F and Laing, K (2019) Hannah Lynch (1859-1904): Irish writer, cosmopolitan, New Woman. Cork University Press, Cork. ISBN 9781782053330
The weather in Normal
Etter, C (2018) The weather in Normal. Seren, Bridgend. ISBN 9781781724590
The wren: a biography
Moss, S (2018) The wren: a biography. Square Peg, London. ISBN 9781910931936
The colour of the sun
Almond, D (2018) The colour of the sun. Hodder Children's Books, London. ISBN 9781444919554
J.H. Prynne, The oval window: a new annotated edition
Reeve, N.H and Kerridge, R, eds. (2018) J.H. Prynne, The oval window: a new annotated edition. Bloodaxe Books, Hexham. ISBN 9781780371269
Project boast
Bentham, R and Hallett, A, eds. (2018) Project boast. Triarchy Press, Axminster. ISBN 9781911193418
The friendly ones
Hensher, P (2018) The friendly ones. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9780008175641
Happiness: a novel
Forna, A (2018) Happiness: a novel. Grove Press, New York, NY. ISBN 9780802127556
Tales of persuasion
Hensher, P (2016) Tales of persuasion. Fourth Estate, London. ISBN 9780007459636
Joe all alone
Nadin, J (2015) Joe all alone. Little, Brown Books for Younger Readers, London. ISBN 9780349124551
The world before snow
Liardet, T (2015) The world before snow. Carcanet, Manchester. ISBN 9781847772091
Dancing with disaster : environmental histories, narratives, and ethics for perilous times
Rigby, K (2015) Dancing with disaster : environmental histories, narratives, and ethics for perilous times. Under the sign of nature: explorations in ecocriticism . University of Virginia Press, Charlottesville. ISBN 9780813936901
That devil's trick: hypnotism and the Victorian popular imagination
Hughes, W (2015) That devil's trick: hypnotism and the Victorian popular imagination. Manchester University Press, Manchester. ISBN 9780719074837
Etta and Otto and Russell and James
Hooper, E (2015) Etta and Otto and Russell and James. Penguin, London. ISBN 9780241003329
Guilty but insane: mind and law in golden age detective fiction
Walton, S (2015) Guilty but insane: mind and law in golden age detective fiction. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780198723325
The tightrope walkers
Almond, D (2014) The tightrope walkers. Penguin, London. ISBN 9780241003237
Virginia Woolf in Manhattan
Gee, M (2014) Virginia Woolf in Manhattan. Telegram, London. ISBN 9781846591884
Landing gear: a novel
Pullinger, K (2014) Landing gear: a novel. Touchstone Books, New York: London. ISBN 9781476751375
Cold blood: adventures with reptiles and amphibians
Kerridge, R (2014) Cold blood: adventures with reptiles and amphibians. Chatto & Windus, London. ISBN 9780701187958
The dynamite room
Hewitt, J (2014) The dynamite room. Simon & Schuster, London. ISBN 9781471127427
Hooey Higgins and the storm
Voake, S (2014) Hooey Higgins and the storm. Walker Books. ISBN 9781406343311
Fiction published under a pseudonym
Brain, T (2014) Fiction published under a pseudonym. Harper Collins, London.
Book chapters or sections
Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice
Book chapters or section
Gadd, I (2020) 'Ready reader one: recovering reading as an ambient practice.' In: Abba, T, Dovey, J and Pullinger, K, eds. Ambient literature: towards a new poetics of situated writing and reading practices. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 27-51. ISBN 9783030414559
Understanding empathy through a study of autistic life writing: on the importance of neurodiverse morality
Book chapters or section
Stenning, A (2020) 'Understanding empathy through a study of autistic life writing: on the importance of neurodiverse morality.' In: Rosquvist, H, Chown, N and Stenning, A, eds. Neurodiversity studies: a new critical paradigm. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 108-124. ISBN 9780367338312
Lady Morgan and "the babbling page of history": cultural transition as performance in the Irish national tale
Book chapters or section
Lloyd, N (2020) 'Lady Morgan and "the babbling page of history": cultural transition as performance in the Irish national tale.' In: Connolly, C, ed. Irish literature in transition, 1780-1830. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 206-225. ISBN 9781108492980
Autism and cognitive embodiment: steps towards a non-ableist walking literature
Book chapters or section
Stenning, A (2019) 'Autism and cognitive embodiment: steps towards a non-ableist walking literature.' In: Borthwick, D, Marland, P and Stenning, A, eds. Walking, landscape and environment. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 149-167. ISBN 9781138630109
Body burdens: the materiality of work in Rita Wong's 'Forage'
Book chapters or section
Walton, S (2019) 'Body burdens: the materiality of work in Rita Wong's 'Forage'.' In: Walton, J.L and Luker, E, eds. Poetry and work: work in modern and contemporary Anglophone poetry. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 263-290. ISBN 9783030261245
‘A story of treasure, war, and wild adventure’: hero-worship, imperial masculinities, and inter-generational ideology in H. Rider Haggard’s 1880s fiction
Book chapters or section
Goodman, H (2019) '‘A story of treasure, war, and wild adventure’: hero-worship, imperial masculinities, and inter-generational ideology in H. Rider Haggard’s 1880s fiction.' In: Brown, M, Barry, A.M and Begiato, J, eds. Martial masculinities: imagining and experiencing the military in the long nineteenth century. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 232-254. ISBN 9781526135629
Women, drama and print culture 1890–1929
Book chapters or section
Wright, E.H (2019) 'Women, drama and print culture 1890–1929.' In: Binckes, F and Snyder, C, eds. Women, periodicals and print culture in Britain, 1890s-1920s: the modernist period. Edinburgh University Press, Edinburgh, pp. 92-105. ISBN 9781474450645
May Hobbs
Book chapters or section
Gee, M (2017) 'May Hobbs.' In: Hunt, S, Kidd, D and Page, R, eds. Protest! Stories of resistance. Comma Press, Manchester, pp. 237-265. ISBN 9781905583737
Deep sustainability: ecopoetics, enjoyment and ecstatic hospitality
Book chapters or section
Rigby, K (2017) 'Deep sustainability: ecopoetics, enjoyment and ecstatic hospitality.' In: Johns-Putra, A, Parham, J and Squire, L, eds. Literature and sustainability: concept, text and culture. Manchester University Press, Manchester, pp. 52-75. ISBN 9780719099670
Aggressive intimacy: mass markets and the 'Blackwood’s Magazine' coterie
Book chapters or section
Morrison, R (2016) 'Aggressive intimacy: mass markets and the 'Blackwood’s Magazine' coterie.' In: Bowers, W and H.L, Crummé, eds. Re-evaluating the literary coterie, 1580–1830: from Sidney to Blackwood's. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 181-200. ISBN 9781137545527
Book chapters or section
Forna, A (2016) 'Crossroads.' In: Freeman, J, ed. Freeman's: the best new writing on family. Freeman's (2). Grove Press, New York, NY, pp. 31-53. ISBN 9781611855401
'Madness and masculinity': male patients in London asylums and Victorian culture
Book chapters or section
Goodman, H (2015) ''Madness and masculinity': male patients in London asylums and Victorian culture.' In: Trowbridge, S and Knowles, T, eds. Insanity and the lunatic asylum in the nineteenth century. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 149-166. ISBN 9781848934528
Masculinity, tourism and adventure in English nineteenth-century travel fiction
Book chapters or section
Goodman, H (2015) 'Masculinity, tourism and adventure in English nineteenth-century travel fiction.' In: Thurnell-Read, T and Casey, M, eds. Men, masculinities, travel and tourism. Palgrave Macmillan, London, pp. 13-27. ISBN 9781137341457
Stories between storeys: the uses of stairs to gain domestic control
Kaznowska, H (2020) 'Stories between storeys: the uses of stairs to gain domestic control.' Early Modern Literary Studies, 29. ISSN 1201-2459
True crime narratives
Peters, F (2020) 'True crime narratives.' Crime Fiction Studies, 1 (1). pp. 23-40. ISSN 2517-7982
Nature trauma: ecology and the returning soldier in First World War English and Scottish fiction, 1918-1932’
Walton, S (2019) 'Nature trauma: ecology and the returning soldier in First World War English and Scottish fiction, 1918-1932’.' Journal of Medical Humanities. ISSN 1041-3545
“From the slave’s point of view”: towards a phenomenology of witnessing in Frederick Douglass’ 1845 Narrative
Lewis, J (2019) '“From the slave’s point of view”: towards a phenomenology of witnessing in Frederick Douglass’ 1845 Narrative.' ESQ: A Journal of Nineteenth-Century American Literature and Culture, 65 (2). pp. 257-291. ISSN 0093-8297
'Careful living': Frederick Douglass's phenomenology of embodied experience
Lewis, J (2019) ''Careful living': Frederick Douglass's phenomenology of embodied experience.' Textual Practice, 33 (10). pp. 1657-1672. ISSN 0950-236X
Wordsworth among the fascists
Strachan, J (2019) 'Wordsworth among the fascists.' Essays in Criticism, 69 (1). pp. 37-50. ISSN 0014-0856
Bitter memories: Spenser’s 'A view of the present state of Ireland'
Ivic, C (2018) 'Bitter memories: Spenser’s 'A view of the present state of Ireland'.' Éire-Ireland, 53 (3 & 4). pp. 9-35. ISSN 0013-2683
"A buried land and a blazing source": Ted Hughes and William Golding
Presley, N (2018) '"A buried land and a blazing source": Ted Hughes and William Golding.' Ted Hughes Society Journal, 7 (1). pp. 77-88. ISSN 2051-7270
"The grocers honour": or, taking the City seriously in 'The knight of the burning pestle'
Hill, T (2017) '"The grocers honour": or, taking the City seriously in 'The knight of the burning pestle'.' Early Theatre, 20 (2). pp. 159-178. ISSN 2293-7609
A companion to Blayney
Gadd, I (2017) 'A companion to Blayney.' The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America, 111 (3). pp. 379-406. ISSN 0006-128X
Canals, commerce and the construction of nation in Sydney Owenson’s O’Donnel
Lloyd, N (2017) 'Canals, commerce and the construction of nation in Sydney Owenson’s O’Donnel.' Romantic Textualities: Literature and Print Culture, 1780–1840, 22. pp. 52-65. ISSN 1748-0116
'Euer Obedient in His Studies': Thomas Middleton and the City, 1620–1622
Hill, T (2017) ''Euer Obedient in His Studies': Thomas Middleton and the City, 1620–1622.' The London Journal, 42 (2). pp. 137-150. ISSN 0305-8034
English bards and Scotch biography: John Galt’s 'Life of Lord Byron'
Morrison, R (2016) 'English bards and Scotch biography: John Galt’s 'Life of Lord Byron'.' The Byron Journal, 44 (1). pp. 27-40. ISSN 0301-7257
“Rebellion in the Celestial Empire”: Sino-Irish sympathy in Sydney Owenson’s 'Florence Macarthy'
Lloyd, N (2016) '“Rebellion in the Celestial Empire”: Sino-Irish sympathy in Sydney Owenson’s 'Florence Macarthy'.' European Romantic Review, 27 (1). pp. 39-54. ISSN 1050-9585
Stitching a life, telling a story: sewing in 'Jane Eyre'
Brain, T (2014) 'Stitching a life, telling a story: sewing in 'Jane Eyre'.' Women's Writing, 21 (4). pp. 464-487. ISSN 1747-5848
The Book of Hours (2018) [REF2021 collection]
English, L (2021) The Book of Hours (2018) [REF2021 collection].
Subverting the Sonnet: Poems (2016-2020) [REF2021 collection]
Liardet, T (2021) Subverting the Sonnet: Poems (2016-2020) [REF2021 collection].
Breathe (2018) [REF2021 collection]
Pullinger, K (2021) Breathe (2018) [REF2021 collection].
Science at the seaside: pleasure hunts in North Devon (2014-2017) [REF2021 collection]
Hadjiafxendi, K (2021) Science at the seaside: pleasure hunts in North Devon (2014-2017) [REF2021 collection].