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Consultancy and Commissioning – Bath Spa University

Grow through consultancy and commissions

Whether you are a start-up business or market leader, working in the commercial, public or not-for-profit sector, there will be times when you need independent and expert advice to innovate, grow and improve.

The University has substantially adopted the recommendations of the Independent Review of University Spin-out Companies which underpin our approach to our technology transfer activities.

By working with us you’ll get direct access to up-to-the minute knowledge and expertise. This is because our staff maintain a real-world understanding of how to apply their expertise. With many of them joining us from a practitioner background in the arts, humanities and cultural organisations, they continue to be at the forefront of research and leaders in their chosen fields.

Bath Spa is responsive, flexible and open to discussion about delivering a wide range of commissioned projects in our specialist areas. We can tailor our response to meet your requirements, whether its an evaluation or a bespoke art commission.

To explore your idea and find out more reach out to Consultancy and Enterprise via

Services we provide

  • Expert and authoritative consultancy - innovation to help grow your organisation.
  • Contract research projects - commissioned us to undertake research for you
  • Product and prototype design - creativity and commercial understanding
  • Data analysis services - skills and software to better understand your company’s data
  • Hire of specialist equipment and facilities - from conference venues to 3D printers.

Grants and bursaries

Bath Spa University also accesses research grants and doctoral bursaries from a range of major national funding sources, including:

  • The Arts and Humanities Research Council
  • The Leverhulme Trust
  • British Academy
  • Arts Council England
  • … and a range of other charitable and commercial organisations.

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