Personal statement

Tobi Poster-Su is a Lecturer in Drama, and a practitioner-researcher who specialises in puppetry and devised, crossdisciplinary work. He is Module Leader for the first year module Theatre Project and teaches on Building the Ensemble and Investigating Theatre and Performance.

Tobi is currently undertaking an AHRC-funded PhD (Towards a Critical Puppetry: Racialisation and Material Performance in the Twenty-First Century) at Queen Mary University of London. He has published in Critical Stages, Theatre Journal and Applied Theatre Research and has delivered presentations at ATHE 2020, IFTR 2021 and TaPRA 2021 conferences. He is a co-convener of the TaPRA Bodies and Performance working group and a committee member of Quorum at Queen Mary.

As co-artistic director of Wattle and Daub, Tobi has co-created and performed in Chang and Eng and Me (and Me) (2021), The Depraved Appetite of Tarrare the Freak (2017) and Triptych (2011). He has directed puppetry for shows including Tom Morris’ adaptation of A Christmas Carol (2018) and Heidi: A Goat’s Tale (2012).

Academic qualifications 

  • BA Acting, University of Leeds
  • PGCert Higher Education, Bristol UWE
  • MA Education, Bristol UWE

Professional memberships

  • FHEA

Other roles

  • Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA): Bodies and Performance working group co-convener
  • Quorum at Queen Mary University of London: Organising committee member

Areas of expertise

  • Theatremaking
  • Autoethnographic and enquiry-based performance
  • Puppetry and material performance
  • Race and racialisation.

Research and academic outputs

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Book chapters or sections

A real American wife, a Japanese object: puppetry and the Orient in Minghella’s 'Madam Butterfly'
Book chapters or section

Poster-Su, T (2023) 'A real American wife, a Japanese object: puppetry and the Orient in Minghella’s 'Madam Butterfly'.' In: Bell, J, Cohen, M.I and Song, J, eds. Representing alterity through puppetry and performing objects. University Of Connecticut, Storrs.


Der persönliche Standpunkt von Puppenspieler*innen und die Konstruktion von „Race“ in „Chang and Eng and Me (and Me)“

Erbelding, M and Poster-Su, T (2023) 'Der persönliche Standpunkt von Puppenspieler*innen und die Konstruktion von „Race“ in „Chang and Eng and Me (and Me)“.' Double, 47.

Sculpting China: critical puppetry and the formation of diasporic identity in 'Chang and Eng and Me (and Me)'

Poster-Su, T (2021) 'Sculpting China: critical puppetry and the formation of diasporic identity in 'Chang and Eng and Me (and Me)'.' Critical Stages/Scènes critiques, 24. ISSN 2409-7411

A grotesque act of ventriloquism: raising and objectifying the dead on stage

Poster-Su, T (2020) 'A grotesque act of ventriloquism: raising and objectifying the dead on stage.' Applied Theatre Research, 8 (1). pp. 45-56. ISSN 2049-3010


My Neighbour Totoro [puppetry captain, puppeteer]

Poster-Su, T (2022) My Neighbour Totoro [puppetry captain, puppeteer]. The Barbican, London, UK, 8 October 2022 – 21 January 2023.

Chang and Eng and Me (and Me) [creator, performer]

Poster-Su, T (2021) Chang and Eng and Me (and Me) [creator, performer]. Online, 8 February 2021.

Other items

Casting Fu Manchu by Eelyn Lee [performance review]
Other item

Poster-Su, T (2021) Casting Fu Manchu by Eelyn Lee [performance review]. Theatre Journal, 73 (2). pp. 247-249. ISSN 1086-332X