Personal statement

Professor Sue Rigby was Vice-Chancellor of Bath Spa University between January 2018 and December 2025.

Sue commenced her role as Vice-Chancellor of Bath Spa University in January 2018. Previously she was Deputy Vice-Chancellor for Student Development at the University of Lincoln where she was responsible for the student journey from application to alumni activities, and had oversight of the Colleges of Science and Arts.

Sue is a palaeontologist by background. After being an academic at Cambridge, Leicester and Edinburgh she moved into senior management, first as Assistant Principal and then Vice Principal at the University of Edinburgh. She is an HEA Principal Fellow.
Sue is currently an Executive Member of the MillionPlus group (The Association for Modern Universities).

In addition, Sue is a Trustee Board member at Student Minds (Student Mental Health Charity) and a Board Member for the QAA (Quality Assurance Agency). Sue is also acting as Chair of the QAA Credit Framework Group (developing a credit framework for English Universities).

In the recent past Sue was the Chair of the Natural Sciences TEF Pilot Panel and Chair of the Learning Gain Steering Group for Office for Students.

Sue led the Inclusive Development strand of the BIS Disabled Students Sector Leadership Group. In addition, she led the work undertaken by the Higher Education Funding Council for England to define information needs for taught postgraduate students. This work has now been formalised into national policy across the whole of the UK, affecting all universities and many higher education colleges.

Experience and expertise

Professional memberships
  • Principal Fellow, Higher Education Academy (PFHEA).
Other external roles


  • Board Member of HECSU (Higher Education Career Service Unit)
  • Higher Education Public Information Strategy Group
  • Scottish Quality Framework Review Group Alliance Universities Learning and Teaching Group
  • QAA Postgraduate Benchmarking Project Network for Enhancing Teaching and Learning (international group of senior leaders in learning and teaching)
  • Curriculum Development Group (international group of research intensive Universities involved in curriculum design)
  • U21 (leading on MOOCS and Virtual Mobility) Coimbra Group task group on employability and the student experience.


  • 2016: Strategic planning support, Erasmus University of Brussels and York St John University
  • 2015: External review of learning and teaching support, University College Dublin
  • Pre-2012: External examiner in Southampton, Durham and Oxford Universities.
Areas of expertise

Sue’s areas of expertise are around the development and interrogation of learning contexts. These can be at undergraduate or postgraduate level, but are the physical or conceptual domains where formal or informal learning happens: the frameworks by which we permit and audit these environments and the tools and methods by which we undertake leadership to enhance and develop these domains.

Main interests:

  • Leadership in learning and teaching (e.g. joint project with Dai Hounsell for Leadership Foundation in Higher Education). We address a perceived deficit in leadership training in learning and teaching, and identify means by which colleagues can address their teaching challenges using appropriate management and leadership techniques. I am leading work with that group around a new type of project management for uncertain projects, which I have developed in collaboration with an external consultant, Valuta. This is a commercial proposition for them which they have already sold on, for example to the Northern Irish Government. For us it is a means of leading and managing projects across the academic/professional divide.
  • The value and power of the co-curriculum in defining student learning. I explore the potential of learning outside credit-frameworks, for example through the development of the HEAR and the Edinburgh Award. I explore the development of communities within the student body, through formal interactions such as School Councils, through informal, in-subject activities like PALS groups, and through ephemeral curricular and co-curricular activities such as Innovative Learning Week and outreach opportunities.
  • The development of taught postgraduate programmes. My research interests here centre around the evolution of the Master's degree from a "research project, plus some teaching" model in the 1980s, to its current diverse, flourishing but poorly understood set of patterns. I have developed a typology for Master's programmes that should facilitate their appropriate support, development and marketing. This typology is now being examined by HEFCE as a means of assessing postgraduate funding bids from England and Wales. I bring this expertise to bear on the QAA Benchmarking group on postgraduate programmes of which I am a member.
  • Regulatory frameworks for learning and teaching. Regulations are frequently seen, in the literature and in academic discourse, as in impediment to progress or to autonomous teaching. This research strand explores the reasons for this, and is directed towards increasing our understanding of the inherent tensions under which such regulations develop, which oblige them to exist in a permanent state of compromise. Future work will concentrate on means by which academics can engage effectively with the academic regulatory framework within which they operate, and with its development to a state that is best fit-for-purpose.
  • The accommodations that universities may make to the increasing amount of open education material available online. My particular interests centre around how, and under what circumstances, a university might adapt its regulatory framework to accommodate learning or assessment completed through this means of study. I led the U21 group work on MOOCs and Virtual Mobility, working particularly closely with colleagues in Australia, Canada and Singapore. This was a 26 partner consortium working to deliver a shared online course in 2014.
  • The use of data, especially surveys, in HE enhancement.
  • Inclusive learning and the introduction of ubiquitous enhancements to learning as an outcome of facilitating the learning of students with extra needs.
  • Learning gain and the issues around measuring that which we struggle to define.

Sue has taught many aspects of geology, in labs, lectures and in fieldwork. At various times she has contributed to, or led, the following courses: History of Life, Oceanography, Sedimentology and Stratigraphy, Dinosaur Palaeobiology, Arran, Spain and Cyprus fieldtrips, Geoscience Outreach. Sue’s teaching is innovative and excellent. A Geoscience Outreach course which she was involved with was shortlisted for the Tam Dalyell Prize in 2008, and History of Life was nominated every year it ran for a EUSA teaching award. In 2012-3, Sue’s teaching was rated excellent by 91% of students responding to the end of course questionnaire.

Sue’s textbook, written in support of paleontology teaching, is now in its second edition. It is the standard textbook for introductory palaeontology and has informed the design of the A-level curriculum. It has been translated into four languages. Sue redesigned the geology degree programme, and designed the MEarthSci degree. She has also been an external examiner in Southampton, Durham and Oxford.


  • Geology
  • History of Life
  • Oceanography
  • Sedimentology and Stragraphy
  • Dinosaur Palaeobiology.
Papers/internal publications
  • Rigby, S. "Why not just ask: alumni views of teaching excellence". Submitted April 2016, but also submitted as "grey literature" by HEFCE to HESA review.
  • Rigby, S and Milsom, C. V. "Why everyone hates University Academic Regulations" (to Higher Education Quarterly).
External presentation contributions
  • 2017: Keynotes at University of Kent, Leeds Beckett, University of Bedfordshire, Learning Gain Conference, Annual Meeting of Heads of Disability Services, WonkHE conference, UK Graduate Employability and Skills Conference, SEDA Annual Conference.
  • 2016: Eight keynote lectures.
  • 2015: 12 keynote lectures, all in UK.
  • 2014: Five keynotes in UK universities, lead presenter at U21 Education meeting, Sydney, invited keynote University of Pretoria, invited keynote Dutch Higher Education Summit, Amsterdam.
  • 2013: Guardian Round Table participant: Future of Master's Provision in UK, May.
  • 2013: Invited speaker, Westminster Briefing on HEAR, May.
  • 2013: Invited speaker, NETL meeting, Edinburgh, May.
  • 2013: Keynote address, Liverpool John Moores learning and teaching conference, June.
  • 2013: Invited speaker, Panopto conference, Newcastle, August.
  • 2013: Keynote ICLT Malaysia, September.
  • 2013: Invited speaker, Glasgow Caledonian University Court Retreat, October.
  • 2013: Invited speaker, Blackboard Conference, London, November.
  • 2012: Subject lead on curriculum design, U21 meeting Singapore.
  • 2012: Invited expert, University of Strathclyde regulations development.
  • 2011: Invited speaker, "Feedback and curriculum design", University of Bergen, Norway.
  • 2011: Invited expert, "University regulations and OER", Lisbon.
  • 2011: Universitas 21 meeting, Vancouver, November.
  • 2011: Invitation to present a paper and participate in a round-table discussion on Industry-University links at the International Learning and Teaching Conference, Penang, November.
Principal research grants
  • 2016: NCOP grant for extending the efficacy of widening participation initiatives in Lincolnshire, HEFCE, £4.1 million, co-I.
  • 2014: Extension of MMM to four further Universities in Scottish sector, £68,000.
  • 2011: HEA Departmental Grant with Sandy Tudhope - £24,000 - "Improving the employability of students in a practical, field based discipline, through the introduction of a personal tutor system".
  • 2011: Leadership Foundation in Higher Education: £8,500 joint grant with Dai Hounsell, Leading in Learning and Teaching.
  • 2010: Scottish Funding Council - £804,000, Making the Most of Masters, a project to research into and encourage postgraduate students to undertake work with employers in lieu of a standard dissertation.
  • 2009: High Commission of Pakistan - £8,000 for fieldwork in the Kohat Basin.
  • 2009: University Collections Committee - £2,000 for work on cabinets in the Cockburn Museum.
  • 2009: Museums Galleries Scotland - £2000 for updating displays in the School of Geoscience.
  • 2008: Principal’s Learning Fund - £13,000 towards improving feedback in the School.
  • 2007: Museums Council - £10,000 to provide half funding for a curator for the Cockburn Museum.
  • 2006: University Museums fund - £1,500 to inventory Cockburn Museum.
  • 2006: Carnegie Trust - £1,860 for start-up investigation into using X-ray microtomography in graptolite phylogenetic research.
  • 2005: University of Edinburgh Principal’s e-learning fund - £103,000 with Professor Colin Graham for development of an outreach e-learning module in earth science.

Research and academic outputs

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Fossils at a glance. 2nd ed

Milsom, C.V and Rigby, S (2009) Fossils at a glance. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell. ISBN 9781405193368


Wilkinson, I and Rigby, S (2002) Graptolites. Earthwatch.

Fossils: the story of life

Rigby, S (1997) Fossils: the story of life. Earthwatch.

Graptolites in colour

Rigby, S, ed. (1997) Graptolites in colour. Big G Publications.

Book chapters or sections

Book chapters or section

Harper, E.M and Rigby, S (2005) 'Palaeoecology.' In: Selley, R.C, Cocks, R.M and Plimer, I.R, eds. Encyclopedia of geology. Elsevier, pp. 140-147. ISBN 9780123693969

Book chapters or section

Rigby, S and Harper, E.M (2005) 'Evolution.' In: Selley, R.C, Cocks, R.M and Plimer, I.R, eds. Encyclopedia of geology. Elsevier, pp. 160-167. ISBN 9780123693969

The evolutionary history of zooplankton
Book chapters or section

Rigby, S and Milsom, C.V (2001) 'The evolutionary history of zooplankton.' In: Briggs, D.E.G and Crowther, P.R, eds. Palaeobiology: a synthesis. 2nd ed. Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 451-454. ISBN 9780632051496

Where and when did graptolites live?
Book chapters or section

Rigby, S and Rushton, A.W.A (1991) 'Where and when did graptolites live?' In: Palmer, D.C and Rickards, R.B, eds. Graptolites. Boydell Press, pp. 33-38. ISBN 9780851152622

How did they live?
Book chapters or section

Rigby, S and Fortey, R.A (1991) 'How did they live?' In: Palmer, D.C and Rickards, R.B, eds. Graptolites. Boydell Press, pp. 23-33. ISBN 9780851152622

Graptoloid biogeography: recent progress, future hopes
Book chapters or section

Rickards, R.B, Rigby, S and Harris, J.H (1989) 'Graptoloid biogeography: recent progress, future hopes.' In: McKerrow, W.S and Scotese, C.R, eds. Palaeozoic palaeogeography and biogeography. The Geological Society Memoir No. 12 . The Geological Society, pp. 139-146. ISBN 0903317494


The use of computational fluid dynamics in reconstructing the hydrodynamic properties of graptolites

Rigby, S and Tabor, G (2006) 'The use of computational fluid dynamics in reconstructing the hydrodynamic properties of graptolites.' GFF, 128 (2). pp. 189-194. ISSN 1103-5897

Advances in Scottish graptolite biostratigraphy: an introduction

Stone, P, Rigby, S and Floyd, J.D (2003) 'Advances in Scottish graptolite biostratigraphy: an introduction.' Scottish Journal of Geology, 39 (1). pp. 11-15. ISSN 0036-9276

The functional morphology and population structure of Rastrites maximus from the Southern Uplands

Rigby, S (2003) 'The functional morphology and population structure of Rastrites maximus from the Southern Uplands.' Scottish Journal of Geology, 39 (1). pp. 51-60. ISSN 0036-9276

The hydrodynamic significance of the graptoloid nema in scandent graptoloids

Rantell, L and Rigby, S (2002) 'The hydrodynamic significance of the graptoloid nema in scandent graptoloids.' Senckenbergiana lethaea, 82 (1). pp. 131-140. ISSN 0037-2110

Origins, evolution, and diversification of zooplankton

Rigby, S and Milsom, C.V (2000) 'Origins, evolution, and diversification of zooplankton.' Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics, 31 (1). pp. 293-313. ISSN 0066-4162

Volcanically mediated plankton blooms in the Central Belt of the Southern Uplands, Scotland, during the Llandovery

Rigby, S and Davies, S.J (2000) 'Volcanically mediated plankton blooms in the Central Belt of the Southern Uplands, Scotland, during the Llandovery.' Transactions of the Royal Society of Edinburgh: Earth Sciences, 91 (3-4). pp. 457-470. ISSN 0263-5933

Fluid dynamics of the graptolite rhabdosome recorded by laser doppler anemometry

Rickards, B, Rigby, S, Rickards, J and Swales, C (1998) 'Fluid dynamics of the graptolite rhabdosome recorded by laser doppler anemometry.' Palaeontology, 41 (4). pp. 737-752. ISSN 1475-4983

A comparison of the colonization of the planktic realm and the land

Rigby, S (1997) 'A comparison of the colonization of the planktic realm and the land.' Lethaia, 30 (1). pp. 11-17. ISSN 0024-1164

Benthic origins of zooplankton: an environmentally determined macroevolutionary effect

Rigby, S and Milsom, C (1996) 'Benthic origins of zooplankton: an environmentally determined macroevolutionary effect.' Geology, 24 (1). pp. 52-54. ISSN 0091-7613

Graptolite ontogeny and the size of the graptolite zooid

Rigby, S and Sudbury, M (1995) 'Graptolite ontogeny and the size of the graptolite zooid.' Geological Magazine, 132 (4). p. 427. ISSN 0016-7568

Decay and composition of the hemichordate Rhabdopleura: implications for the taphonomy of graptolites

Briggs, D.E.G, Kear, A.J, Baas, M, Leeuw, J.W and Rigby, S (1995) 'Decay and composition of the hemichordate Rhabdopleura: implications for the taphonomy of graptolites.' Lethaia, 28 (1). pp. 15-23. ISSN 0024-1164

Hemichordate skeletal growth: shared patterns in Rhabdopleura and graptoloids

Rigby, S (1994) 'Hemichordate skeletal growth: shared patterns in Rhabdopleura and graptoloids.' Lethaia, 27 (4). pp. 317-324. ISSN 0024-1164

Erect tube growth in Rhabdopleura compacta (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia) from off Start Point, Devon

Rigby, S (1994) 'Erect tube growth in Rhabdopleura compacta (Hemichordata: Pterobranchia) from off Start Point, Devon.' Journal of Zoology, 233 (3). pp. 449-455. ISSN 0952-8369

Growth rates of pterobranchs and the lifespan of graptolites

Rigby, S and Dilly, P.N (1993) 'Growth rates of pterobranchs and the lifespan of graptolites.' Paleobiology, 19 (4). pp. 459-475. ISSN 0094-8373

Population analysis and orientation studies of graptoloids from the Middle Ordovician Utica Shale, Quebec

Rigby, S (1993) 'Population analysis and orientation studies of graptoloids from the Middle Ordovician Utica Shale, Quebec.' Palaeontology, 36 (2). pp. 267-282. ISSN 1475-4983

Graptolites come to life

Rigby, S (1993) 'Graptolites come to life.' Nature, 362 (6417). pp. 209-210. ISSN 0028-0836

Extant and fossil pterobranchs

Rigby, S (1993) 'Extant and fossil pterobranchs.' Marine Biological Association Annual Report, 1993. pp. 17-18.

Bringing graptolites alive

Rigby, S (1993) 'Bringing graptolites alive.' Petros, 31. pp. 24-27.

Graptoloid functional morphology and life habit: a review

Rigby, S (1993) 'Graptoloid functional morphology and life habit: a review.' Modern Geology, 17 (4). pp. 271-287. ISSN 0026-7775

Graptoloid feeding efficiency, rotation and astogeny

Rigby, S (1992) 'Graptoloid feeding efficiency, rotation and astogeny.' Lethaia, 25 (1). pp. 51-68. ISSN 0024-1164

Feeding strategies in graptoloids

Rigby, S (1991) 'Feeding strategies in graptoloids.' Palaeontology, 34 (4). pp. 797-813. ISSN 1475-4983

New evidence for the life habit of graptoloids from physical modelling

Rigby, S and Rickards, B (1989) 'New evidence for the life habit of graptoloids from physical modelling.' Paleobiology, 15 (4). pp. 402-413. ISSN 0094-8373


Graptoloid form and function

Rigby, S (1990) Graptoloid form and function. PhD thesis, University of Cambridge.

Commissioned reports

Leading change in assessment and feedback
Commissioned report

Hounsell, D and Rigby, S (2013) Leading change in assessment and feedback. Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.