Alumni profile
Course studied: MA Dance
Graduating year: 2017
Yifei graduated from MA Dance in 2017. Since then, her film Phosphenes has been exhibited by Perth Dance Festival, the International Online Festival, Outlet Dance Project, 60-Second Cellphone Screedance Challenge, Greensboro Dance Film Festival, Migrations Dance Film, Sans Souci Festival of Dance Cinema: Brazil Edition, Women Cinemakers Biennale 2018 and Light Moves Festival of Screendance.
Yifei was also selected for artist residencies in Ireland and Luxembourg.
"During my studies I immersed myself in various contemporary dance styles, along with academic dance at an advanced technical level."
About Yifei
I'm a theatre maker, performer and dance teacher based in China. I also create videos. I focus mainly on site-specific performances.
Why did you choose to study Dance at BSU?
I chose Bath Spa because as a creative University, it taught me to be a more versatile dancer. The highlights for me were my tutor's command of a broad dance vocabulary and skill of making screendance.
What's the best thing about the course?
Individual artistic practice is the focus and guiding thread of the course.
Why would you recommend BSU to others?
During my studies I immersed myself in various contemporary dance styles, along with academic dance at an advanced technical level. This helped me become a multidisciplinary dancer and choreographer.
What's your advice for current students?
Just go for it!