Snizhana Rudakevych
- Click Start in Creative Digital Skills
Alumni profile
Course studied: Click Start in Creative Digital Skills
“Everyone on Click Start was extra supportive, and I really liked working with the career coaches from Catch 22. During the course I learnt coding basics, which AI websites to use and improved my teamwork skills.”
Why did you choose to take part in Click Start?
I chose to take part in Click Start because I wanted to gain knowledge in web development and upgrade my knowledge in digital marketing.
What was the highlight of your course?
The highlight of my course was that I learned how to create a website with zero knowledge or prior experience.
"On my course, I learned..."
What web development is and how to create a website. I also developed my soft skills by learning different ideation techniques.
"The skills I've improved on this course are..."
Web development, communication, ideation and teamwork.
"My advice to learners thinking of taking part in this course is..."
Don't think too much about it, just go and use this free course to learn something new and meet new people. Make sure you use the support provided by Catch 22 to help you find a job.