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Eleanor Rose – Bath Spa University

   Student Ambassador   

Course: BA (Hons) Fine Art
Graduating year: 2025

What's the best thing about being a Student Ambassador?

The ability to help people create the future that aligns with their needs.

Showcasing our University allows visitors to make the right decisions in relation to their course and their pathway. It is fulfilling to know that we have helped them to do so.

What's been your favourite experience so far?

I have had a variety of great experiences within the Student Ambassador Scheme, one being having the opportunity to work with various institutions such as the Wessex Inspiration Network and Streams Learning Hub.

For example, I have helped provide higher education as a potential path to certain individuals by assisting with workshops and providing tours of the degree show.

I have also helped students in a GCSE attainment project which was a pleasure to help out with!

What's your favourite thing to do as a Student Ambassador?

Deliver tours around the studios and facilities of Locksbrook Campus. Every tour I give, I develop a further appreciation of the building and workshops that are on offer there.

I also enjoy answering all the questions the visitors have to ask. It helps improve my communication skills whilst being able to help others in the process!

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