Callum Anderson
- PhD student - Dance
- Email: callum.anderson24@bathspa.ac.uk
- Department: Bath School of Music and Performing Arts
- Website:
Personal statement
Callum is a Brighton-based contemporary dance artist/researcher and arts marketer. He is currently a PhD student at Bath Spa University.
His research has been published in the International Journal of Screendance, and his chapter ‘Dancing in the Street: Pride, Parades and Protest’ is due for publication in Encountering Environments Through The Arts: Interdisciplinary Embodiments, Politics, and Imaginaries (Hunter and Chubb, eds., March 2025).
Callum received the Valarie Briginshaw Prize for Dance Writing and Academic Excellence for his MA dissertation.
Working across live and digital performance, Callum has made work for large scale screens, portable devices and installations, as well as dancing and choreographing in more traditional dance settings.
His film fragments (2021) is held for long term preservation by Screen Archive South East (University of Brighton) as part of their 'Our Screen Heritage' project.
Callum has taught dance technique, choreography, and academic classes for, among others, the Sussex Dance Network, the Newman Academy, and the Oxfordshire Creative Academy.
He has also examined undergraduate student work at Performers College Brighton, and has given guest lectures at the University of Chichester.
Academic qualifications
- BA (Hons) Dance, University of Chichester
- MA Performance: Dance, University of Chichester
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Thesis title
Working title: Are we queerly there yet: imagining queer space and place through bodily and choreographic interventions
Research supervisors
Dr Kerrie Reading and Professor Vicky Hunter
Research interests
- Screendance and mediated performance
- representations of queer masculinities in dance and on film
- site-dance
- choreopolitics
- choreographies of protest.