Personal statement

I am an environmental anthropologist, cultural geographer and political ecologist concerned to better understand diversity in cultural understandings and representations of the natural world, amidst concern over climate change and species decline. I am particularly interested in intersections and frictions between cultural, natural history and economic values as these relate to beyond-human natures. 

I have carried out oral history and heritage mapping field research with Indigenous peoples (Damara / ǂNūkhoen and ǁUbun) in west Namibia on and off since 1992. Recently this work was used as expert testimony in a national review of Indigenous and marginalised communities for the Namibian government’s Ancestral Land Commission (published by Namibia's Legal Assistance Centre, 2019).

I also research the financialisation of nature (see my website The Natural Capital Myth), as well as contributing to current debates regarding the conservation and livelihoods value of trophy hunting (for example, "Hunting Africa": Trophy Hunting, Neocolonialism and Land, 2022) 

I am part of the core teaching team for the MA Environmental Humanities, for which I lead a module called "Cultural Landscapes". From 2022-23, I will be leading a new level 6 module called "Conservation in Africa" (POL6100), available to students on BSc Wildlife Conservation, BA Environment, Politics and Philosophy and BA Global Development and Sustainability.

I am also the UK Principal Investigator for a major humanities research project funded by the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) and the German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG). Etosha-Kunene Histories (2020-2024) is an international collaboration between Bath Spa University, the University of Cologne and the University of Namibia. The project contributes new thinking on colonialism, indigeneity and ‘natural history’ in Namibia. Our geographical focus is the iconic African conservation area stretching between Etosha National Park and Skeleton Coast National Park in Namibia, encompassing an array of different community conservation and tourism wildlife concession areas in between. Our aim is to support laws and practice in biodiversity conservation in recognising the diversity of pasts, cultures and natures constituting this internationally-valued region. 

Alongside BSU Senior Lecturer in Human Geography Dr Giovanna Gioli, from 2023-2025 I am a Co-Investigator for a new research project funded by the Leverhulme Trust proposing "A Decolonial and Justice Perspective on Climate Change Adapation". This project builds on a recent open access volume I co-edited called Negotiating Climate Change in Crisis (2021).

An emphasis of my work is to use creative methods to convey scholarly research, so as to reach both new understandings and new audiences. I co-curated the  exhibition Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia in galleries in Bath (UK, 2017) and Swakopmund (Namibia, 2019). In conjunction with local research collaborators in Namibia I am developing new work with Somerset-based recording artist Toby Marks (Banco de Gaia) that reinterprets and reinvigorates archive and research recordings of Khoe-musics. I am also working with Bristol-based film-maker Oliver Halsey to create a series of film-works from the AHRC-funded research projects Future Pasts and Etosha-Kunene-Histories – see The Music Returns to Kai-as (2020).

For more information about my research you can find me on Google ScholarResearchgate and

Teaching and supervision

Postgraduate: I am part of the core teaching team for the MA Environmental Humanities. For this course I lead a module called "Cultural Landscapes" (EH7008), teach on the core modules Issues and Approaches in Environmental Humanities (EH7001) and Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Environmental Humanities (EH7009), and supervise dissertations.

Undergraduate: From 2022-23 will be leading a new level 6 module called "Conservation in Africa" (POL6100), available to students on BSc Wildlife Conservation, BA Environment, Politics and Philosophy and BA Global Development and Sustainability.

I also teach on the Level 6 open module on People and Plants (BIO6104).

I have supervised several PhDs to completion, and welcome applications engaging with intersections between culture, nature and value(s), particularly in colonial and postcolonial contexts. 

Academic qualifications

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (2008)
  • PhD University College London (UCL), Anthropology (1998)
  • BSc (First Class) University College London, Anthropology and Geography (1993)
  • Royal Ballet School and Benesh Institute (Dance Notation), Teacher Training Diplomas (1987)

Funding and awards

  • Co-Investigator "A Decolonial and Justice Perspective on Climate Change Adaptation", Leverhulme Trust 2022-2025 (led from Lancester Environment Centre, University of Lancaster).
  • Principal Investigator (UK) Historicising Natures, Cultures and Laws in the Etosha-Kunene Conservation Territories of Namibia: From Deutsch Südwestafrika’s “Game Reserve No. 2” to “Kunene People’s Park”? (Etosha-Kunene Histories) (AH/T013230/1, fEC £390,098), 2020-2024
  • Principal Investigator (UK) and Project Coordinator Disrupted Histories, Recovered Pasts: A Cross-Disciplinary Analysis and Cross-Case Synthesis of Oral Histories and History in Post-Conflict and Postcolonial Contexts (AH/N504579/1, fEC UK £99,743 & €79,661), 2016-2019
  • Principal Investigator Future Pasts in an Apocalyptic Moment: A Hybrid Analysis of ‘Green’ Performativities and Ecocultural Ethics in a Globalised African Landscape (AH/K005871/2, fEC £996,385), 2013-2019
  • Co-Investigator 21st Century Filipina Nature Writing for Sustainable Development and Environmental Justice (AH/P007589/1, fEC £80,643), 2016-2017
  • Co-Investigator Human, Non-human and Environmental Value Systems: An Impossible Frontier? (RP2012-V-041, £587,269), 2012-2016
  • Core member of AHRC international research network on Spectacular Environmentalisms: Media, Celebrity and the Environment (AH/H039279/1), 2010-2011
  • Co-Investigator, Wenner-Gren Foundation for Anthropological Research grant, Problematizing Neoliberal Biodiversity Conservation: Displaced and Disobedient Knowledge, 2008
  • Co-Investigator, Alternative Media and Public Action, ESRC Non-Governmental Public Action (NGPA) Research Programme (RES-155-25-0029, £45,000), evaluated as ‘outstanding’, 2005-2007
  • British Academy Post-Doctoral Fellowship, 1998-2001
  • Small Grant from The British Academy, 2001 and Small Grant from The Nuffield Foundation, 1999
  • Grants for PhD field research from the Emslie Horniman and Ruggles-Gate Funds of the Royal Anthropological Institute, the Parkes Foundation and Boise Fund of the Depts. of Anthropology at Cambridge and Oxford Universities respectively, the UCL Equipment Fund, and the Desert Research Foundation of Namibia, 1994-1998

Professional memberships and affiliations

  • Association of Social Anthropologists
  • Fellow of the Royal Anthropological Institute
  • Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
  • Member, International Society for Hunter Gatherer Research
  • Research Associate, Gobabeb Namib Research Institute (Namibia)
  • Research Affiliate, National Museum of Namibia, Ministry of Education, Arts and Culture
  • Member, Commission on Environmental, Economic and Social Policy (CEESP), International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN)
  • Node in the International Political Ecology Network (POLLEN)

External examiner

  • PhD thesis, Univesrity of Aberdeen (Sociology), 2021
  • PhD thesis (by publication), Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Canterbury, 2020
  • PhD thesis, Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology, University of Canterbury, 2020
  • PhD thesis, Lancaster Environment Centre, University fo Lancaster, 2020
  • PhD thesis (pre-examiner), University of Helsinki, Finland, 2020
  • PhD thesis, University of Sussex (International Relations), 2018
  • PhD thesis, University of Sussex (Development Studies), 2017
  • PhD thesis, public defense, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (Faculty of Social Sciences), 2017
  • PhD thesis, University of Leicester (Geography), 2017
  • PhD thesis, public defense, University of Oslo (Anthropology), 2017
  • PhD thesis, University of Lincoln (International Business School), 2017
  • PhD thesis, School of Oriental and African Studies (Anthropology), 2012
  • PhD thesis, public defense, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (International Centre for Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC), 2011
  • Masters Core Course and Specialisms, Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, 2011
  • Masters programme, MRes Anthropology, University College London, 2008-2012
  • Masters programme, MSc. Anthropology, Environment and Development, University College London, 2007-2011
  • PhD thesis, Oxford University (Centre for the Environment), 2007
  • PhD thesis, public defense, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (International Centre for Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC), 2007
  • PhD thesis, King’s College London (Geography), 2006
  • Masters Dissertation, Rhodes University, 2005
  • Masters Dissertation, Norwegian University of Life Sciences (International Centre for Environment and Development Studies (NORAGRIC), 2002
  • Masters Dissertation, University of Cape Town, 2000

Other recent external roles and academic service

  • Recent peer review work for UK Research & Innovation (UKRI) councils: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC), Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), Natural Environment Research Council (NERC) and Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC) 
  • Member of the Peer Review College for the UK’s Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) (Academic, International), 2020-23
  • International peer reviewer for the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research, 2013 and the Swedish Research Council for Sustainable Development (Humanities and Social Sciences)
  • Journal article reviews (2014-2022) for AntipodeGlobalizationsStability: International Journal of Security and Development; Conservation and Society; People and Nature; Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space; Political GeographyGeoforumConservation Science & Practice; Geohumanities; Journal of the Royal Anthropological InstituteAnnals of the Association of American Geographers; Hunter Gatherer ResearchHistory and Anthropology; South African Historical Journal; Environmental Humanities; Ecosystem ServicesCurrent Anthropology; American AnthropologistSociety and Natural Resources; Journal of Agrarian ChangeAmerican Ethnologist; New Political Economy; New Formations: A Journal of Theory, Culture and PoliticsConservation Biology; Oryx; Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers; Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space; Biological Conservation; Development and Change.

Areas of expertise

  • Cultural landscapes
  • Social impacts of biodiversity conservation
  • Financialisation of nature
  • Biodiversity offsetting
  • Political Ecology
  • Khoe / Sān ethnography
  • Oral history
  • Namibia
  • Social movements

Selected recent talks

  • “Future pasts in an apocalyptic moment”, AHRC Workshop On the (un)translatability of “coming to terms with the past”: at the intersection of ‘Care for the Future’ and ‘Translating Cultures’, Senate House, London, 2019
  • “Political ecology, pasts and presents: from science, myth and power to post-truth?”, Political Ecology Seminar Series, School of Geographical Sciences, University of Bristol, 2018.
  • Public lecture, “!Nara harvesters of the northern Namib: retrieving disrupted socio-ecological pasts through on-site oral histories”, Swakopmund Museum, Namibia, 2018
  • “Tasting the lost flute music of Sesfontein: histories, continuities, possibilities” (with Welhemina Suro Ganuses), international conference on The Past, Present and Future of Namibian Heritage, Windhoek, Namibia, 2018
  • Keynote lecture, “Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus”, Conference on The Politics of Sustainability: Rethinking Resources, Values and Justice, Finnish Society of Development Research, Helsinki, 2018
  • “Sound and (hi)story in Damara / ≠Nūkhoen pasts, from Basel to west Namibia”, presented at Disrupted Histories, Recovered Pasts Research Workshop, Bath Spa University, 2018
  • Making nature investable? Considering some outcomes of coupling 'nature' with 'capital'”, Keynote Lecture Series, Valuing Nature Programme, University of Exeter, 2018
  • “Bonding nature(s): funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation”, paper presented in double panel on ‘Natural capital accounting’, international conference on The Value of Life: Measurement, Stakes, Implications, Wageningen University, 2017
  • “'Nature' or 'Natural Capital'? A question of value(s)”, presentation at Nature and Wellbeing Workshop, Bath Spa University, 2017
  • Keynote presentation at Glasgow Gallery of Modern Art, public seminar on the film installation Clyde Reflections, 2016
  • Speaker for Earthwatch public debate on “Should we put a monetary value on nature?”, Royal Geographical Society, London, 2016
  • Keynote Paper, “What’s ontology got to do with it?”, Network for Political Ecology Workshop, University of Oslo, 2014
  • Expert speaker, Public Dialogue on the National Ecosystem Assessment, Royal Society, London, 2014

Exhibition curation

Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia, a multi-media exhibition, curated at:

  • COSDEF Community Arts Venue, Swakopmund, Namibia, 2019
  • Gallery 44AD, Bath, 2017

Exhibition available online at FuturePasts.

Research Centres or Groups

Centre for Environmental Humanities (Research Centre), History and Heritage (Research Centre)

Research and academic outputs

Go to ResearchSPAce


Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia

Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. (2024) Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 9781805112969

The Olivier ‘Damara-Nama’ Collection from Sesfontein (Namibia) (British Library Sound Archive C1709): repertoire, rights holders and repatriation

Sullivan, S, Nami-Daman Traditional Authority, The, Hoanib Cultural Group, The, ǁHawaxab, F and Ganuses, W.S (2023) The Olivier ‘Damara-Nama’ Collection from Sesfontein (Namibia) (British Library Sound Archive C1709): repertoire, rights holders and repatriation. Future Pasts Working Paper No.14. ISBN 9781911126195

Etosha-Kunene Histories: a weave of prior work - entangled and contested pasts, lands and ‘natures’ in post-colonial Namibia

Olwage, E, Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S (2022) Etosha-Kunene Histories: a weave of prior work - entangled and contested pasts, lands and ‘natures’ in post-colonial Namibia. Etosha-Kunene Histories Special Report 1. ISBN 9781911126218

Historicising black rhino in Namibia: colonial-era hunting, conservation custodianship, and plural values

Sullivan, S, !Uriǂkhob, S, Kötting, B, Muntifering, J and Brett, R (2021) Historicising black rhino in Namibia: colonial-era hunting, conservation custodianship, and plural values. Future Pasts Working Paper No.13. ISBN 9781911126188

Cultural heritage and histories of the Northern Namib: historical and oral history observations for the Draft Management Plan, Skeleton Coast National Park 2021/2022-2030/2031

Sullivan, S (2021) Cultural heritage and histories of the Northern Namib: historical and oral history observations for the Draft Management Plan, Skeleton Coast National Park 2021/2022-2030/2031. Future Pasts Working Paper No.12. ISBN 9781911126171

Negotiating climate change in crisis

Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. (2021) Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge. ISBN 9781800642621

Tasting the lost flute music of Sesfontein: histories, memories, possibilities

Sullivan, S, Ganuses, W.S, Olivier, E and ǁHawaxab, F (2021) Tasting the lost flute music of Sesfontein: histories, memories, possibilities. Future Pasts Working Paper No.10. ISBN 9781911126133

Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. 2nd ed

Sullivan, S, Ganuses, W.S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R (2019) Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. 2nd ed. Future Pasts, Bath Spa University, Bath. ISBN 9781911126140

Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. (2018) Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138080515

Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia

Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R (2017) Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. Future Pasts, Bath Spa University, Bath. ISBN 9781911126058

Contributions to law, philosophy and ecology: exploring re-embodiments

Pellicer-Thomas, R, De Lucia, V and Sullivan, S, eds. (2016) Contributions to law, philosophy and ecology: exploring re-embodiments. Routledge, London. ISBN 9781138852877

Financialisation, biodiversity conservation and equity: some currents and concerns

Sullivan, S (2012) Financialisation, biodiversity conservation and equity: some currents and concerns. Third World Network, Penang, Malaysia. ISBN 9789675412691

'Shell to sea' in Ireland: building social movement potency

Sullivan, S and Salter, K (2008) 'Shell to sea' in Ireland: building social movement potency. NGPA working paper series, 5 . Non-Governmental Public Action Programme, London. ISBN 9780853282242

Inventory and review of ethnobotanical research in Namibia: first steps towards a central ‘register’ of published indigenous plant knowledge

Sullivan, S and Craven, P (2002) Inventory and review of ethnobotanical research in Namibia: first steps towards a central ‘register’ of published indigenous plant knowledge. National Botanical Research Institute, Windhoek, pp. 1-44. ISBN 0869765388

Political ecology: science, myth and power

Sullivan, S and Stott, P (2000) Political ecology: science, myth and power. Arnold, London. ISBN 9780340761656

The "communalization" of former commercial farmland: perspectives from Damaraland and implications for land reform

Sullivan, S (1996) The "communalization" of former commercial farmland: perspectives from Damaraland and implications for land reform. SSD research report, 25 . Social Sciences Division, Multidisciplinary Research Centre, University of Namibia, Windhoek. ISBN 0947433589

Book chapters or sections

Conclusion: realising conservation, from Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast
Book chapters or section

Dieckmann, U, Lendelvo, S and Sullivan, S (2024) 'Conclusion: realising conservation, from Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 495-502. ISBN 9781805112969

Living next to Etosha National Park: the case of Ehi-Rovipuka
Book chapters or section

Hoole, A and Sullivan, S (2024) 'Living next to Etosha National Park: the case of Ehi-Rovipuka.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 375-402. ISBN 9781805112969

Historicising the Palmwag Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2024) 'Historicising the Palmwag Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 343-374. ISBN 9781805112969

Cultural heritage and histories of the Northern Namib / Skeleton Coast National Park
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2024) 'Cultural heritage and histories of the Northern Namib / Skeleton Coast National Park.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 307-342. ISBN 9781805112969

Giraffes and their impact on key tree species in the Etendeka Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia
Book chapters or section

Maoveka, K, Liebenberg, D and Sullivan, S (2024) 'Giraffes and their impact on key tree species in the Etendeka Tourism Concession, north-west Namibia.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 257-270. ISBN 9781805112969

CBNRM and landscape approaches to conservation in Kunene Region, post-Independence
Book chapters or section

Lendelvo, S, Sullivan, S and Dieckmann, U (2024) 'CBNRM and landscape approaches to conservation in Kunene Region, post-Independence.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 109-140. ISBN 9781805112969

Spatial severance and nature conservation: apartheid histories in Etosha-Kunene
Book chapters or section

Dieckmann, U, Sullivan, S and Lendelvo, S (2024) 'Spatial severance and nature conservation: apartheid histories in Etosha-Kunene.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 69-108. ISBN 9781805112969

Etosha-Kunene, from “pre-colonial” to German colonial times
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S (2024) 'Etosha-Kunene, from “pre-colonial” to German colonial times.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 23-68. ISBN 9781805112969

Etosha-Kunene conservation conversations: an introduction
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S (2024) 'Etosha-Kunene conservation conversations: an introduction.' In: Sullivan, S, Dieckmann, U and Lendelvo, S, eds. Etosha Pan to the Skeleton Coast: conservation histories, policies and practices in north-west Namibia. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 1-20. ISBN 9781805112969

Extraction old and new: toxic legacies of mining the desert in southwestern Africa
Book chapters or section

Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2023) 'Extraction old and new: toxic legacies of mining the desert in southwestern Africa.' In: Kryder-Reid, E and May, S, eds. Toxic heritage: legacies, futures, and environmental injustice. Routledge, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9781003365259

Producing elephant commodities for ‘conservation hunting’ in Namibian communal-area conservancies
Book chapters or section

Hewitson, L and Sullivan, S (2023) 'Producing elephant commodities for ‘conservation hunting’ in Namibian communal-area conservancies.' In: Bollig, M, Lendelvo, S, Mosimane, A and Nghitevelekwa, R, eds. Conservation, markets & the environment in southern and eastern Africa: commodifying the ‘wild’. James Currey, Oxford, pp. 277-304. ISBN 9781847013408

Environmental change in Namibia: land-use impacts and climate change as revealed by repeat photography
Book chapters or section

Rohde, R, Hoffman, M.T and Sullivan, S (2021) 'Environmental change in Namibia: land-use impacts and climate change as revealed by repeat photography.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 173-187. ISBN 9781800642621

I’m Sian, and I’m a fossil fuel addict: on paradox, disavowal and (im)possibility in changing climate change
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2021) 'I’m Sian, and I’m a fossil fuel addict: on paradox, disavowal and (im)possibility in changing climate change.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 139-156. ISBN 9781800642621

On climate change ontologies and the spirit(s) of oil
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2021) 'On climate change ontologies and the spirit(s) of oil.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 25-36. ISBN 9781800642621

Introduction: Climate crisis? What climate crisis?
Book chapters or section

Böhm, S and Sullivan, S (2021) 'Introduction: Climate crisis? What climate crisis?' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, xxxiii-lxx. ISBN 9781800642621

Densities of meaning in west Namibian landscapes: genealogies, ancestral agencies, and healing
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2021) 'Densities of meaning in west Namibian landscapes: genealogies, ancestral agencies, and healing.' In: Dieckmann, U, ed. Mapping the unmappable? Cartographic explorations with indigenous peoples in Africa. Transcript, Bielefeld, pp. 139-191. ISBN 9783837652413

Understanding Damara / ǂNūkhoen and ǁUbun indigeneity and marginalisation in Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2020) 'Understanding Damara / ǂNūkhoen and ǁUbun indigeneity and marginalisation in Namibia.' In: Odendaal, W and Werner, W, eds. ‘Neither here nor there’: indigeneity, marginalisation and land rights in post-independence Namibia. Land, Environment and Development Project, Legal Assistance Centre, Windhoek, pp. 283-324. ISBN 9789994561582

Speaking power to "post-truth": critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism
Book chapters or section

Neimark, B, Childs, J, Nightingale, A.J, Cavanagh, C.J, Sullivan, S, Benjaminsen, T.A, Batterbury, S, Koot, S and Harcourt, W (2019) 'Speaking power to "post-truth": critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism.' In: McCarthy, J, ed. Environmental governance in a populist/authoritarian era. Routledge, Abingdon.

Reading 'Earth Incorporated' through 'Caliban and the Witch'
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2019) 'Reading 'Earth Incorporated' through 'Caliban and the Witch'.' In: Barbagallo, C, Beuret, N and Harvie, D, eds. Commoning with George Caffentzis and Silvia Federici. Pluto Press, London, pp. 119-134. ISBN 9780745339405

Conclusion: the limits of economic valuation
Book chapters or section

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Conclusion: the limits of economic valuation.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138080515

Value(s) and valuation in development, conservation and environment
Book chapters or section

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Value(s) and valuation in development, conservation and environment.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 18-42. ISBN 9781138080515

Introducing values that matter
Book chapters or section

Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P (2018) 'Introducing values that matter.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 1-17. ISBN 9781138080515

Creating conservation values under DEFRA’s biodiversity offsetting pilot and the pragmatics of a using a calculative device
Book chapters or section

Carver, L and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Creating conservation values under DEFRA’s biodiversity offsetting pilot and the pragmatics of a using a calculative device.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138080515

Bonding nature(s)? Funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2018) 'Bonding nature(s)? Funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation.' In: Bracking, S, Fredriksen, A, Sullivan, S and Woodhouse, P, eds. Valuing development, environment and conservation: creating values that matter. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 101-121. ISBN 9781138080515

Book chapters or section

Cottine, C, Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Dialogue.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 297-300. ISBN 9780190456030

Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape
Book chapters or section

Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 279-296. ISBN 9780190456030

On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Homewood, K (2017) 'On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands.' In: Pimbert, M.P, ed. Food sovereignty, agroecology and biocultural diversity: constructing and contesting knowledge. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 115-168. ISBN 9781138955356

What’s ontology got to do with it? On the knowledge of nature and the nature of knowledge in environmental anthropology
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2016) 'What’s ontology got to do with it? On the knowledge of nature and the nature of knowledge in environmental anthropology.' In: Kopnina, H and Shoreman-Ouimet, E, eds. Routledge handbook of environmental anthropology. Routledge, London, pp. 155-169. ISBN 9781138782877

(Re-)embodying which body? Philosophical, cross-cultural and personal reflections on corporeality
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2016) '(Re-)embodying which body? Philosophical, cross-cultural and personal reflections on corporeality.' In: Pellicer-Thomas, R, De Lucia, V and Sullivan, S, eds. Law, philosophy and ecology: exploring re-embodiments. Routledge, London, pp. 119-138. ISBN 9781138852877

Making other worlds possible? Riots, movement and counter-globalisation
Book chapters or section

Mueller, T and Sullivan, S (2015) 'Making other worlds possible? Riots, movement and counter-globalisation.' In: Davis, M.T, ed. Crowd actions in Britain and France from the Middle Ages to the modern world. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 239-255. ISBN 780230203983

Nature on the move III: (re)countenancing an animate nature
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2014) 'Nature on the move III: (re)countenancing an animate nature.' In: Büscher, B, Dressler, W and Fletcher, R, eds. Nature Inc: environmental conservation in the neoliberal age. 2nd ed. Critical green engagements . University of Arizona Press, Tucson. ISBN 9780816530953

Green: an activist film
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2012) 'Green: an activist film.' In: Blewitt, J, ed. The Media, Animal Conservation and Environmental Education. Routledge, London. ISBN 978-0-415-52208-3

Green capitalism, and the cultural poverty of constructing nature as service provider
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2009) 'Green capitalism, and the cultural poverty of constructing nature as service provider.' In: Böhm, S and Dabhi, S, eds. Upsetting the offset: the political economy of carbon markets. MayFlyBooks, London, pp. 255-274. ISBN 9781906948061

Globalization from below? ICTs and democratic development in the project 'Indymedia Africa'
Book chapters or section

Frenzel, F and Sullivan, S (2009) 'Globalization from below? ICTs and democratic development in the project 'Indymedia Africa'.' In: Mudhai, O.F, Tettey, W.J and Banda, F, eds. African media and the digital public sphere. Palgrave Macmillan series in international political communication . Palgrave Macmillan, New York ; Basingstoke, pp. 165-182. ISBN 9780230614864

Viva nihilism!: on militancy and machismo in (anti-)globalization protest
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2007) 'Viva nihilism!: on militancy and machismo in (anti-)globalization protest.' In: Devetak, R and Hughes, C.W, eds. The globalization of political violence: globalization's shadow. Warwick studies in globalisation (10). Routledge, New York, pp. 203-243. ISBN 9780415425339

Conceptualizing glocal organization: from rhizomes to E=MC2 in becoming post-human
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2007) 'Conceptualizing glocal organization: from rhizomes to E=MC2 in becoming post-human.' In: Kornprobst, M, Pouliot, V, Shah, N and Zaiotti, R, eds. Metaphors of globalization : mirrors, magicians and mutinies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke, pp. 149-166. ISBN 9780230590687

Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2007) 'Blogs.' In: Robertson, R and Scholte, J.A, eds. Encyclopedia of globalization. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9780415973144

Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2007) '‘Indymedia’.' In: Anderson, G.L and Herr, K.G, eds. Encyclopedia of activism and social justice. Sage reference publication, I-3 . Sage, Thousand Oaks. ISBN 9781412918121

On dance and difference: bodies, movement and experience in Khoesān trance-dancing – perceptions of a ‘raver’
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2006) 'On dance and difference: bodies, movement and experience in Khoesān trance-dancing – perceptions of a ‘raver’.' In: Haviland, W.S, Gordon, R and Vivanco, L, eds. Talking about people : readings in contemporary cultural anthropology. 4th ed. McGraw-Hill, Boston, pp. 234-241. ISBN 9780072994810

'We are heartbroken and furious!' : violence and the (anti-)globalisation movement(s)
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2005) ''We are heartbroken and furious!' : violence and the (anti-)globalisation movement(s).' In: Eschle, C and Maiguashca, B, eds. Critical theories, international relations and 'the anti-globalisation movement' : the politics of global resistance. RIPE series in global political economy . Routledge, London, pp. 174-194. ISBN 9780415343909

Detail and dogma, data and discourse: food gathering by Damara herders and conservation in arid north-west Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2005) 'Detail and dogma, data and discourse: food gathering by Damara herders and conservation in arid north-west Namibia.' In: Homewood, K, ed. Rural resources and local livelihoods in Africa. James Currey, Oxford, pp. 63-99. ISBN 9781403969309

'Namibia' and 'Damara'
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2004) ''Namibia' and 'Damara'.' In: Skutsch, C, ed. Encyclopedia of the world's minorities. Routledge, New York. ISBN 157958392X

Natural resources: use, access, tenure and management
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Homewood, K (2004) 'Natural resources: use, access, tenure and management.' In: Potts, D and Bowyer-Bower, T, eds. Eastern and southern Africa : development challenges in a volatile region. DARG regional development series (4). Pearson Education, New York. ISBN 9780130264688

Protest, conflict and litigation: dissent or libel in resistance to a conservancy in north-west Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2003) 'Protest, conflict and litigation: dissent or libel in resistance to a conservancy in north-west Namibia.' In: Anderson, D.G and Berglund, E.K, eds. Ethnographies of conservation : environmentalism and the distribution of privilege. Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 69-86. ISBN 9781571816962

Qualitative research
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S and Brockington, D (2003) 'Qualitative research.' In: Scheyvens, R and Storey, D, eds. Development fieldwork : a practical guide. Sage, London, pp. 57-74. ISBN 9781412933384

How sustainable is the communalizing discourse of 'new' conservation?: the masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling 'conservancies' of Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2002) 'How sustainable is the communalizing discourse of 'new' conservation?: the masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling 'conservancies' of Namibia.' In: Chatty, D and Colchester, M, eds. Conservation and mobile indigenous peoples : displacement, forced settlement and sustainable development. Studies in forced migration (10). Berghahn, Oxford, pp. 158-187. ISBN 9781571818416

'How can the rain fall in this chaos?': myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2002) ''How can the rain fall in this chaos?': myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape.' In: LeBeau, D and Gordon, R.J, eds. Challenges for anthropology in the "African renaissance" : a southern African contribution. University of Namibia Press publication (1). University of Namibia Press, Windhoek, pp. 255-265. ISBN 991659420

Gender, ethnographic myths and community-based conservation in a former Namibian "homeland"
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2000) 'Gender, ethnographic myths and community-based conservation in a former Namibian "homeland".' In: Hodgson, D.L, ed. Rethinking pastoralism in Africa : gender, culture & the myth of the patriarchal pastoralist. James Currey, Oxford, pp. 142-164. ISBN 9780821413692

Getting the science right, or introducing science in the first place?: local "facts", global discourse- "desertification" in north-west Namibia
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2000) 'Getting the science right, or introducing science in the first place?: local "facts", global discourse- "desertification" in north-west Namibia.' In: Stott, P and Sullivan, S, eds. Political ecology : science, myth and power. Arnold, London, pp. 15-44. ISBN 9780340761656

Rural planning in Namibia: state-led initiatives and some rural realities
Book chapters or section

Sullivan, S (2000) 'Rural planning in Namibia: state-led initiatives and some rural realities.' In: Dalal-Clayton, B, Dent, D and Dubois, O, eds. Rural planning in the developing world with a special focus on natural resources : lessons learned and potential contributions to sustainable livelihoods: an overview. IIED, London. ISBN 1899825738


On doodling and other modes of engagement in meltdown

Sullivan, S (2025) 'On doodling and other modes of engagement in meltdown.' Journal of Human Rights and the Environment, 16. pp. 168-177. ISSN 1759-7196

On the political ontology of making things up in political ecology critique: responding to Bormpoudakis (2019) and Knudsen (2023)

Sullivan, S (2024) 'On the political ontology of making things up in political ecology critique: responding to Bormpoudakis (2019) and Knudsen (2023).' Journal of Political Ecology, 31 (1). pp. 789-805. ISSN 1073-0451

"Hunting Africa": how international trophy hunting may constitute neocolonial green extractivism

Sullivan, S (2023) '"Hunting Africa": how international trophy hunting may constitute neocolonial green extractivism.' Journal of Political Ecology, 30 (1). ISSN 1073-0451

CBNRM, national parks, elites, and ethnography: a comment on (mis)representations

Sullivan, S (2023) 'CBNRM, national parks, elites, and ethnography: a comment on (mis)representations.' Ecology and Society, 28 (2). e23. ISSN 1708-3087

Conservation science and discursive violence: a response to two rejoinders

Koot, S, Hebinck, P and Sullivan, S (2023) 'Conservation science and discursive violence: a response to two rejoinders.' Society & Natural Resources, 36 (5). pp. 585-597. ISSN 0894-1920

Science for success – a conflict of interest? Researcher position and reflexivity in socio-ecological research for CBNRM in Namibia

Koot, S, Hebinck, P and Sullivan, S (2023) 'Science for success – a conflict of interest? Researcher position and reflexivity in socio-ecological research for CBNRM in Namibia.' Society & Natural Resources, 36 (5). pp. 554-572. ISSN 0894-1920

!Nara harvesters of the northern Namib: a cultural history through three photographed encounters

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2022) '!Nara harvesters of the northern Namib: a cultural history through three photographed encounters.' Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society, 69. pp. 115-139. ISSN 1018-7677

Disrupted histories, recovered pasts: an introduction

Sullivan, S, Baussant, M, Dodd, L, Dos Santos, I and Otele, O (2022) 'Disrupted histories, recovered pasts: an introduction.' Conserveries mémorielles, 25. ISSN 1718-5556

Cross-case synthesis: doing together

Sullivan, S, Baussant, M, Dodd, L, Dos Santos, I and Otele, O (2022) 'Cross-case synthesis: doing together.' Conserveries mémorielles, 25. ISSN 1718-5556

Maps and memory, rights and relationships: articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for communal-area conservancies in north-west Namibia

Sullivan, S (2022) 'Maps and memory, rights and relationships: articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for communal-area conservancies in north-west Namibia.' Conserveries mémorielles, 25. ISSN 1718-5556

Recomposing the archive? On sound and (hi)story in Damara / ǂNūkhoe pasts, from Basel to west Namibia

Sullivan, S and Ganuses, W.S (2021) 'Recomposing the archive? On sound and (hi)story in Damara / ǂNūkhoe pasts, from Basel to west Namibia.' Oral History, 49 (2). pp. 95-108. ISSN 0143-0955

Producing elephant commodities for 'conservation hunting' in Namibian communal-area conservancies

Hewitson, L.J and Sullivan, S (2021) 'Producing elephant commodities for 'conservation hunting' in Namibian communal-area conservancies.' Journal of Political Ecology, 28 (1). pp. 1-24. ISSN 1073-0451

A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia

Lendelvo, S.M, Pinto, M and Sullivan, S (2020) 'A perfect storm? The impact of COVID-19 on community-based conservation in Namibia.' Namibian Journal of the Environment, 4 B. pp. 1-15. ISSN 2026-8327

A faultline in neoliberal environmental governance scholarship? Or, why accumulation-by-alienation matters

Dunlap, A and Sullivan, S (2020) 'A faultline in neoliberal environmental governance scholarship? Or, why accumulation-by-alienation matters.' Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space, 3 (2). pp. 552-579. ISSN 2514-8486

Speaking power to ‘post-truth’: critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism

Neimark, B, Childs, J, Nightingale, A.J, Cavanagh, C.J, Sullivan, S, Benjaminsen, T.A, Batterbury, S, Koot, S and Harcourt, W (2019) 'Speaking power to ‘post-truth’: critical political ecology and the new authoritarianism.' Annals of the American Association of Geographers, 109 (2). pp. 613-623. ISSN 2469-4452

Towards a metaphysics of the soul and a participatory aesthetics of life: mobilising Foucault, affect and animism for caring practices of existence

Sullivan, S (2019) 'Towards a metaphysics of the soul and a participatory aesthetics of life: mobilising Foucault, affect and animism for caring practices of existence.' New Formations, 95. pp. 5-21. ISSN 0950-2378

Making nature investable: from legibility to leverageability in fabricating 'nature' as 'natural capital'

Sullivan, S (2018) 'Making nature investable: from legibility to leverageability in fabricating 'nature' as 'natural capital'.' Science and Technology Studies, 31 (3). pp. 47-76. ISSN 2243-4690

On possibilities for salvaged polyphonic ecologies in a ruined world

Sullivan, S (2018) 'On possibilities for salvaged polyphonic ecologies in a ruined world.' Dialogues in Human Geography, 8 (1). pp. 69-72. ISSN 2043-8206

The disvalues of alienated capitalist natures

Sullivan, S (2017) 'The disvalues of alienated capitalist natures.' Dialogues in Human Geography, 7 (3). pp. 310-313. ISSN 2043-8206

“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2017) '“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting.' Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30 (7). pp. 1459-1480. ISSN 0951-3574

How economic contexts shape calculations of "yield" in biodiversity offsetting

Carver, L and Sullivan, S (2017) 'How economic contexts shape calculations of "yield" in biodiversity offsetting.' Conservation Biology, 31 (5). pp. 1053-1065. ISSN 0888-8892

Noting some effects of fabricating 'nature' as 'natural capital'

Sullivan, S (2017) 'Noting some effects of fabricating 'nature' as 'natural capital'.' The Ecological Citizen, 1 (1). pp. 65-73. ISSN 2515-1967

What's ontology got to do with it? On nature and knowledge in a political ecology of the 'green economy'

Sullivan, S (2017) 'What's ontology got to do with it? On nature and knowledge in a political ecology of the 'green economy'.' Journal of Political Ecology, 24. pp. 217-242. ISSN 1073-0451

On ‘natural capital’, ‘fairy tales’ and ideology

Sullivan, S (2017) 'On ‘natural capital’, ‘fairy tales’ and ideology.' Development and Change, 48 (2). pp. 397-423. ISSN 0012-155X

Beyond the money shot; or how framing nature matters? Locating 'Green' at Wildscreen

Sullivan, S (2016) 'Beyond the money shot; or how framing nature matters? Locating 'Green' at Wildscreen.' Environmental Communication, 10 (6). pp. 749-762. ISSN 1752-4040

Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2015) 'Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England.' Ecosystem Services, 15. pp. 162-173. ISSN 2212-0416

Shades of the rainbow serpent? A KhoeSān animal between myth and landscape in southern Africa – ethnographic contextualisations of rock art representations

Sullivan, S and Low, C (2014) 'Shades of the rainbow serpent? A KhoeSān animal between myth and landscape in southern Africa – ethnographic contextualisations of rock art representations.' Arts, 3 (2). pp. 215-244. ISSN 2076-0752

Nature on the move III: (re)countenancing an animate nature

Sullivan, S (2013) 'Nature on the move III: (re)countenancing an animate nature.' New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, 6 (1-2). pp. 50-71. ISSN 1715-6718

Introducing “Nature on the move”: a triptych

Sullivan, S, Igoe, J and Buscher, B (2013) 'Introducing “Nature on the move”: a triptych.' New Proposals: Journal of Marxism and Interdisciplinary Inquiry, 6 (1-2). pp. 15-19. ISSN 1715-6718

Sustainability and development in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern European countries

Thomas, M, Sullivan, S and Briant, B (2013) 'Sustainability and development in the former Soviet Union and Central and Eastern European countries.' International Journal of Sustainable Human Development, 1 (4). pp. 163-176. ISSN 2052-8582

Banking nature? The spectacular financialisation of environmental conservation

Sullivan, S (2013) 'Banking nature? The spectacular financialisation of environmental conservation.' Antipode, 45 (1). pp. 198-217. ISSN 0066-4812

Global environmental justice and biodiversity conservation

Sullivan, S, Martin, A and McGuire, S (2013) 'Global environmental justice and biodiversity conservation.' The Geographical Journal, 179 (2). pp. 122-131.

After the green rush? Biodiversity offsets, uranium power and the 'calculus of casualties' in greening growth

Sullivan, S (2013) 'After the green rush? Biodiversity offsets, uranium power and the 'calculus of casualties' in greening growth.' Human Geography, 6 (1). pp. 80-101.

Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal conservation

Sullivan, S, Büscher, B, Neves, K, Igoe, J and Brockington, D (2012) 'Towards a synthesized critique of neoliberal conservation.' Capitalism Nature Socialism, 23 (2). pp. 4-30. ISSN 1045-5752

On bioculturalism, shamanism and unlearning the creed of growth

Sullivan, S (2011) 'On bioculturalism, shamanism and unlearning the creed of growth.' Geography and You, March. pp. 15-19.

A technological recipe for making nature the friend of capital

Sullivan, S (2011) 'A technological recipe for making nature the friend of capital.' The Land, 10 (Summer). pp. 44-46.

Comparing alternative media in North and South: the cases of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa

Sullivan, S, Frenzel, F, Böhm, S, Quinton, P, Spicer, A and Young, Z (2011) 'Comparing alternative media in North and South: the cases of IFIWatchnet and Indymedia in Africa.' Environment and Planning A, 43. pp. 1173-1189.

Supposing truth is a woman? A commentary

Sullivan, S (2011) 'Supposing truth is a woman? A commentary.' International Feminist Journal of Politics, 13 (2). pp. 231-237. ISSN 1461-6742

Conservation is sexy! What makes this so, and what does this make? An engagement with 'Celebrity and the Environment'

Sullivan, S (2011) 'Conservation is sexy! What makes this so, and what does this make? An engagement with 'Celebrity and the Environment'.' Conservation and Society, 9 (4). pp. 334-345. ISSN 0972-4923

Conservation and concealment in, USA: an analysis of neoliberal performance in the species offsetting industry

Sullivan, S and Pawliczek, J (2011) 'Conservation and concealment in, USA: an analysis of neoliberal performance in the species offsetting industry.' Environmental Conservation, 38 (4). pp. 435-444. ISSN 0376-8929

Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global Indymedia network

Sullivan, S, Spicer, A and Böhm, S (2011) 'Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global Indymedia network.' Globalizations, 8 (5). pp. 703-717. ISSN 1474-7731

Alternative view of Serengeti road

Sullivan, S, Homewood, K and Brockington, D (2010) 'Alternative view of Serengeti road.' Nature, 467. pp. 788-789. ISSN 1476-4687

Problematizing neoliberal biodiversity conservation: displaced and disobedient knowledge

Sullivan, S and Igoe, J (2010) 'Problematizing neoliberal biodiversity conservation: displaced and disobedient knowledge.' Current Conservation, 3 (3). pp. 4-7.

‘Ecosystem service commodities’ – a new imperial ecology? Implications for animist immanent ecologies, with Deleuze and Guattari

Sullivan, S (2010) '‘Ecosystem service commodities’ – a new imperial ecology? Implications for animist immanent ecologies, with Deleuze and Guattari.' New Formations: A Journal of Culture/Theory/Politics, 69. pp. 111-128.

Green capitalism, and the cultural poverty of constructing nature as service-provider

Sullivan, S (2009) 'Green capitalism, and the cultural poverty of constructing nature as service-provider.' Radical Anthropology, 3. pp. 18-27.

Global enclosures: an ecosystem at your service

Sullivan, S (2008) 'Global enclosures: an ecosystem at your service.' The Land, Winter. pp. 21-23.

An 'other' world is possible? On representation, rationalism and romanticism in social forums

Sullivan, S (2005) 'An 'other' world is possible? On representation, rationalism and romanticism in social forums.' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 5 (2). pp. 370-392. ISSN 1473-2866

The organisation and politics of social forums [editorial]

Sullivan, S, Bohm, S and Reyes, O (2005) 'The organisation and politics of social forums [editorial].' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 5 (2). pp. 98-101. ISSN 1473-2866

Sensing the forum: a collage

Sullivan, S and Bohm, S (2005) 'Sensing the forum: a collage.' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 5 (2). p. 393. ISSN 1473-2866

Riflessioni sulla ‘nuova’ (neoliberista) protezione ambientale (con casi pratici dalla Namibia)

Sullivan, S (2005) 'Riflessioni sulla ‘nuova’ (neoliberista) protezione ambientale (con casi pratici dalla Namibia).' Africa e Orienti, 2. pp. 102-115.

Barcelona 22-25 January 2004: First International Conference on Social Movements and Activist Research

Sullivan, S (2004) 'Barcelona 22-25 January 2004: First International Conference on Social Movements and Activist Research.' CSGR Newsletter, 11. pp. 12-15.

On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands (and beyond ...)

Sullivan, S and Homewood, K (2003) 'On non-equilibrium and nomadism: knowledge, diversity and global modernity in drylands (and beyond ...).' CSGR Working Papers, 122. pp. 1-60.

‘Anger is a gift!' Or is it? Engaging with violence in the (anti-)globalisation movement(s)

Sullivan, S (2003) '‘Anger is a gift!' Or is it? Engaging with violence in the (anti-)globalisation movement(s).' CSGR Newsletter, 10. pp. 11-14.


Sullivan, S (2003) 'Frontline(s).' Ephemera: Theory and Politics in Organization, 3 (1). pp. 68-89. ISSN 1473-2866

On non-equilibrium in arid and semi-arid grazing systems

Sullivan, S and Rohde, R (2002) 'On non-equilibrium in arid and semi-arid grazing systems.' Journal of Biogeography, 29 (12). pp. 1595-1618. ISSN 1365-2699

Difference, identity, and access to official discourses: Hai║om, “Bushmen,” and a recent Namibian ethnography

Sullivan, S (2001) 'Difference, identity, and access to official discourses: Hai║om, “Bushmen,” and a recent Namibian ethnography.' Anthropos: International Review of Anthropology and Linguistics, 96. pp. 179-192. ISSN 0257-9774

The impacts of people and livestock on topographically diverse open wood- and shrub-lands in arid north-west Namibia

Sullivan, S (1999) 'The impacts of people and livestock on topographically diverse open wood- and shrub-lands in arid north-west Namibia.' Global Ecology and Biogeography, 8 (3-4). pp. 257-277. ISSN 1466-8238

Folk and formal, local and national: Damara cultural knowledge and community-based conservation in southern Kunene, Namibia

Sullivan, S (1999) 'Folk and formal, local and national: Damara cultural knowledge and community-based conservation in southern Kunene, Namibia.' Cimbebasia, 15. pp. 1-28. ISSN 0253-2522

Human impacts on woody vegetation, and multivariate analysis: a case study based on data from Khowarib settlement, Kunene Region

Sullivan, S and Konstant, T.L (1997) 'Human impacts on woody vegetation, and multivariate analysis: a case study based on data from Khowarib settlement, Kunene Region.' Dinteria, 25. pp. 87-120. ISSN 0012-3013

Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land [editorial]

Sullivan, S (1996) 'Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land [editorial].' Journal of Biogeography, 23 (1). ISSN 1365-2699

The impact of utilization of palm products on the population structure of the vegetable ivory palm (Hyphaene petersiana, arecaceae) in North-Central Namibia

Sullivan, S, Konstant, T.L and Cunningham, A.B (1995) 'The impact of utilization of palm products on the population structure of the vegetable ivory palm (Hyphaene petersiana, arecaceae) in North-Central Namibia.' Economic Botany, 49 (4). pp. 357-370. ISSN 0013-0001

The effects of utilization by people and livestock on Hyphaene petersiana (Arecaceae) basketry resources in the palm savanna of North-Central Namibia

Sullivan, S, Konstant, T.L and Cunningham, A.B (1995) 'The effects of utilization by people and livestock on Hyphaene petersiana (Arecaceae) basketry resources in the palm savanna of North-Central Namibia.' Economic Botany, 49 (4). pp. 345-356. ISSN 0013-0001

Conference or workshop items

Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2018) Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus. In: The Politics of Sustainability: Re-thinking Resources, Values and Justice, 15 - 16 February 2018, Helsinki, Finland.

Making nature investable? Considering some outcomes of coupling 'nature' with 'capital'
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2018) Making nature investable? Considering some outcomes of coupling 'nature' with 'capital'. In: Valuing Nature Keynote Lecture, 11 January 2018, University of Exeter, UK.

‘Mathematics maybe, but not money’: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2017) ‘Mathematics maybe, but not money’: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting. In: Capitalizing Nature: Forms and Strategies for Economizing the Environment, 19th to 21st Century, 12 -13 June 2017, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris, France.

Bonding nature(s): funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2017) Bonding nature(s): funds, financiers and values at the impact investing edge in environmental conservation. In: Centre for Space, Place and Society (CSPS) International Conference - The Value of Life: Measurement, Stakes, Implications, 28 - 30 June 2017, Hotel de Wageningsche Berg, Wageningen, Netherlands.

'Nature' or 'natural capital'? A question of value(s)
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2017) 'Nature' or 'natural capital'? A question of value(s). In: Nature and Wellbeing Workshop, 8 May 2017, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Ontology after truth? Ethnography and ethics in an unraveling world
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Ontology after truth? Ethnography and ethics in an unraveling world. In: Bath Spa's Research Centre for Environmental Humanities presents a Public Panel Discussion: Doing Interdisciplinarity with Depth, 15 December 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Natural capital: interrogating ‘capital’, ‘valuation’ and the implications for equity, justice and rights
Conference or workshop item

Burlando, C, Seagle, C and Sullivan, S (2016) Natural capital: interrogating ‘capital’, ‘valuation’ and the implications for equity, justice and rights. In: Political Ecologies of Conflict, Capitalism and Contestation (PE-3C) - International Conference, 7 - 9 July 2016, Hotel de Wageningsche Berg, Wageningen, Netherlands.

Does nature come with a price tag?
Conference or workshop item

Heap, T, Juniper, T, Huxham, M, Mace, G, King, M, Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Does nature come with a price tag? In: Earthwatch Debate Series, 5 May 2016, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.

Ancestral agencies at remembered places: articulating the conservation and cultural landscapes of Palmwag/Hurubes, west Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2016) Ancestral agencies at remembered places: articulating the conservation and cultural landscapes of Palmwag/Hurubes, west Namibia. In: Landscaping Change, 29 - 31 March 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Living with selves beyond-the-human: ||Khao-a Dama perspectives on agency in Hurubes, west Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Living with selves beyond-the-human: ||Khao-a Dama perspectives on agency in Hurubes, west Namibia. In: CHAGS 11: Eleventh Conference on Hunting and Gathering Societies, 7-11 September 2015, University of Vienna, Austria.

Witchcraft, wilderness and rhinos: on frictions in market-based improvement through community-conservation in west Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Witchcraft, wilderness and rhinos: on frictions in market-based improvement through community-conservation in west Namibia. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 1-4 September 2015, University of Exeter, Exeter, UK.

Reflections on 'Clyde Reflections"
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Reflections on 'Clyde Reflections". In: Moving Image Season: Clyde Reflections Seminar, 13 June 2015, Gallery of Modern Art (GoMA), Glasgow, UK.

Policy and critical framings of the “payment for ecosystem services” concept
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Policy and critical framings of the “payment for ecosystem services” concept. In: Grand Challenges in Ecosystems and the Environment Workshop, 30 April 2015, Imperial College London Silwood Park Campus, Berkshire, UK.

Finding "the people that history forgot"? On-site oral history, archaeology and the stone circles of southern Kunene, west Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Finding "the people that history forgot"? On-site oral history, archaeology and the stone circles of southern Kunene, west Namibia. In: 2nd Franco-British Research Workshop: Delving Back into the Past to Look into the Present and Future, 22-23 April 2015, Royal Society, London, UK.

Wild game or soul mates? On humanist naturalism and animist socialism in composing socionatural abundance
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) Wild game or soul mates? On humanist naturalism and animist socialism in composing socionatural abundance. In: Landscape, Wilderness and the Wild, 26 - 28 March 2015, Newcastle University, UK.

‘Remember your ancestors’: Tse-khom, sustainability and ontologies of intangible cultural heritage in west Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2015) ‘Remember your ancestors’: Tse-khom, sustainability and ontologies of intangible cultural heritage in west Namibia. In: 1st Franco-British Research Workshop: Delving Back into the Past to Look into the Present and Future, 16-17 January 2015, Royaumont Foundation, Val d’Oise, France.

What's ontology got to do with it? On nature, knowledge and 'the green economy'
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2014) What's ontology got to do with it? On nature, knowledge and 'the green economy'. In: Political Ecologies of the Green Economy, 10-11 December 2014, Litteraturhuset, Oslo.

Ecosystem services and the role of the market: a concerned view
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2014) Ecosystem services and the role of the market: a concerned view. In: Public Dialogue on the National Ecosystem Assessment, 30 September - 1 October 2014, Royal Society, London, UK.

“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on the nature of numbers, and the numbers of nature
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2014) “Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on the nature of numbers, and the numbers of nature. In: Ecological Accounts: Making Non-Human Worlds (In)visible During Moments of Socio-ecological Transformation, 26 August 2014, University of St. Andrews, UK.

(Fragments of) text, sound and corporeality in recording KhoeSan contexts: a preliminary sharing of past and present ethnographic research in Namibia
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2014) (Fragments of) text, sound and corporeality in recording KhoeSan contexts: a preliminary sharing of past and present ethnographic research in Namibia. In: The Histories and Politics of Audio Archives: Trans-disciplinary Trajectories of Audio Recording, Audio Archives and Hearing Cultures in South(ern) Africa, July 2014, Basler Afrika Bibliographien, Basel, Switzerland.

New directions in conservation: a closer look at ‘value’ and offsetting
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Jutta, K, O'Neill, J and Robertson, M (2014) New directions in conservation: a closer look at ‘value’ and offsetting. In: 2nd Forum on Natural Commons, on Challenging Biodiversity Offsetting and the Financialisation of Nature, 2 June 2014, Regents Park Hub, London, UK.

What’s ontology got to do with it? Anthropological perspectives on the valuing of nature as a cultural service provider
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2014) What’s ontology got to do with it? Anthropological perspectives on the valuing of nature as a cultural service provider. In: Natural Environments and Cultural Services, 23-24 June 2014, St John's College, Durham University.

Biodiversity offsetting – implications, concerns and controversy [speaker]
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2013) Biodiversity offsetting – implications, concerns and controversy [speaker]. In: FERN and Re-Common Ecosystems Off Setting and Trading Workshop, Oct 2013, Brussels, Belgium.

Preliminary thoughts on the valorisation of ‘green uranium’ in Africa
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2013) Preliminary thoughts on the valorisation of ‘green uranium’ in Africa. In: Environmental Politics and Change in Southern Africa, 19 June 2013, University of London, UK.

Trade-offs in national policies
Conference or workshop item

Sukhdev, P, Sullivan, S, Selvin Pérez, E, Hickey, V, Sekhran, N and Cox, A (2013) Trade-offs in national policies. In: 7th Trondheim Conference on Biodiversity on Ecology and Economy for a Sustainable Society, 27 - 30 May 2013, Trondheim, Norway.

Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2012) Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier? In: Leverhulme Centre for the Study of Value, December 2012, University of Manchester, Manchester, UK.

Resistance to environmental interventions
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2012) Resistance to environmental interventions. In: NSU Conference 2012: Development for a Finite Planet: Grassroots Perspectives and Responses to Climate Change, Resource Extraction and Economic Development, 26 - 27 November 2012, CIENS, Oslo, Norway.

Financialisation, biodiversity conservation and equity: some currents and concerns
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2012) Financialisation, biodiversity conservation and equity: some currents and concerns. In: 4th Critical Finance Conference, 15 - 17 August 2012, Essex University, UK.

After the green rush? Some distributive implications of new value grabbing in conservation banking markets
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2012) After the green rush? Some distributive implications of new value grabbing in conservation banking markets. In: American Association of Geographers International Conference, 24 - 28 February 2012, New York, USA.

Trance Namibia? Juxtapositions of music, dance and desire in a desert landscape
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2011) Trance Namibia? Juxtapositions of music, dance and desire in a desert landscape. In: Listening for a Change: Environment, Music, Action, British Forum for Ethnomusicology, 5 November 2011, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS), London, UK.

Conflicts we see and conflicts we don’t: biodiversity conservation through and ecosystem services framework
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S, Martin, A and McGuire, S (2011) Conflicts we see and conflicts we don’t: biodiversity conservation through and ecosystem services framework. In: ACES 2011 Conservation Conflicts: Strategies for Coping with a Changing World, 22 - 25 August 2011, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK.

Natures [speaker]
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2011) Natures [speaker]. In: Natures at Wilderness Festival, 12 - 14 August 2011, Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire, UK.

Nature on the move III: (Re)-countenancing an animated nature?
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2011) Nature on the move III: (Re)-countenancing an animated nature? In: Nature TM Inc.: Questioning the Market Panacea in Environmental Policy and Conservation, 30 June - 2 July 2011, Institute for Social Studies, The Hague, The Netherlands.

Cashing in on conservation
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S, Yocum, H and Vardhan, M (2010) Cashing in on conservation. In: American Anthropological Association Annual Meeting, 16 - 21 November 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Spectacular frontiers in environmental conservation
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2010) Spectacular frontiers in environmental conservation. In: Spectacular Environmentalisms: Celebrity and the Mediation of Environmental Change AHRC Research Network Meeting, 6 September 2010, King's College London, UK.

The environmentality of Earth Incorporated on contemporary primitive accumulation and the financialisation of environmental conservation
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2010) The environmentality of Earth Incorporated on contemporary primitive accumulation and the financialisation of environmental conservation. In: A Brief Environmental History of Neoliberalism Conference, 6 - 8 May 2010, Lund University, Sweden.

(Re)activating animism in environmental politics: Deleuze, Guattari,and human/non-human potencies
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2009) (Re)activating animism in environmental politics: Deleuze, Guattari,and human/non-human potencies. In: Deleuze & Activism, 11 - 13 November 2009, Centre for Critical & Cultural Theory, University of Cardiff, UK.

Shades of the rainbow serpent: a KhoeSān animal between myth and landscape in Southern Africa
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S and Low, C (2009) Shades of the rainbow serpent: a KhoeSān animal between myth and landscape in Southern Africa. In: Living Landscapes, 18 - 21 June 2009, Aberystwyth University, UK.

Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global Indymedia network.
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S and Spicer, A (2009) Becoming global (un)civil society: struggles in the global Indymedia network. In: Beyond NGOS: Civil and Uncivil Society in the 21 st Century, 26 - 27 February 2009, London, UK.

Markets for biodiversity and ecosystems: reframing nature for capitalist expansion?
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2008) Markets for biodiversity and ecosystems: reframing nature for capitalist expansion? In: Rethinking Conservation Through the Lens of Food Sovereignty: Implications for Policy and Practice, 7 - 12 October 2008, Barcelona, Spain.

On bioculturalism and unlearning the creed of growth
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2008) On bioculturalism and unlearning the creed of growth. In: American Museum of Natural History’s Symposium on Sustaining Cultural and Biological Diversity in a Rapidly Changing World: Lessons for Global Policy, 2 - 5 April 2008, New York, USA.

Conceptualising glocal organisation: from rhizome to E=mc 2 in becoming post-human
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2006) Conceptualising glocal organisation: from rhizome to E=mc 2 in becoming post-human. In: Metaphors of Globalization: Mirrors, Magicians and Mutinies, 19 - 20 March 2006, Munk Centre for International Studies, University of Toronto, Canada.

‘Viva Nihilism!’ On militancy and machismo in (anti-)globalisation protest
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2005) ‘Viva Nihilism!’ On militancy and machismo in (anti-)globalisation protest. In: Interdisciplinary Seminar Series on Rights, Justice, Violence and War, 2 February 2005, University of Sussex, UK.

The 'wild' and the known: implications of identity and memory for 'community-based natural resource management' in a Namibian landscape.
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2001) The 'wild' and the known: implications of identity and memory for 'community-based natural resource management' in a Namibian landscape. In: Landscape & Politics: A Cross-Disciplinary Conference, 23 - 25 March 2001, Department of Architecture, University of Edinburgh, UK.

'How can the rain fall in this chaos?': myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape.
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2000) 'How can the rain fall in this chaos?': myth and metaphor in representations of the north-west Namibian landscape. In: Environmental Values Conference, 23 - 25 June 2000, University College Cork, Ireland.

Vegetation use in a former Namibian 'homeland': some assumptions and implications for policy
Conference or workshop item

Sullivan, S (2000) Vegetation use in a former Namibian 'homeland': some assumptions and implications for policy. In: Association for Anthropology in Southern Africa (AASA), 8 - 13 May 2000, Windhoek, Namibia.


People, plants and practice in drylands: socio-political and ecological dimensions of resource-use by Damara farmers in north-west Namibia

Sullivan, S (1998) People, plants and practice in drylands: socio-political and ecological dimensions of resource-use by Damara farmers in north-west Namibia. PhD thesis, UCL (University College London).

Commissioned reports

Maps and memory, rights and relationships: articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for a communal-area conservancy in north-west Namibia
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S (2019) Maps and memory, rights and relationships: articulations of global modernity and local dwelling in delineating land for a communal-area conservancy in north-west Namibia. Future Pasts Working Paper No.7. ISBN 9781911126157

Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S (2018) Dissonant sustainabilities? Politicising and psychologising antagonisms in the conservation-development nexus. Future Pasts Working Paper No.5. ISBN 9781911126072

Disrupted histories, recovered pasts: a cross-disciplinary analysis and cross-case synthesis of oral histories and history in post-conflict and postcolonial contexts
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S, Baussant, M, Dodd, L, Otele, O and Dos Santos, I (2017) Disrupted histories, recovered pasts: a cross-disciplinary analysis and cross-case synthesis of oral histories and history in post-conflict and postcolonial contexts. 'Disrupted Histories, Recovered Pasts' Working Paper No.1. ISBN 9781911126065

What’s ontology got to do with it? Nature, knowledge and ‘the green economy’
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S (2016) What’s ontology got to do with it? Nature, knowledge and ‘the green economy’. Future Pasts Working Paper No.3. ISBN 9781911126027

Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape: perspectives on agency amongst ||Khao-a Dama, !Narenin and ||Ubun elders in west Namibia
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape: perspectives on agency amongst ||Khao-a Dama, !Narenin and ||Ubun elders in west Namibia. Future Pasts Working Paper No.2. ISBN 9781911126010

Future pasts? Sustainabilities in west Namibia - a conceptual framework for research
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R.F (2016) Future pasts? Sustainabilities in west Namibia - a conceptual framework for research. Future Pasts Working Paper No.1. ISBN 9781911126034

Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2014) Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England. LCSV working paper series no. 5. ISBN 9780992818944

The natural capital myth; or will accounting save the world? Preliminary thoughts on nature, finance and values
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S (2014) The natural capital myth; or will accounting save the world? Preliminary thoughts on nature, finance and values. LCSV working paper series no. 3. ISBN 9780992818920

A conceptual map for the study of value. An initial mapping of concepts for the project ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S, Fredriksen, A, Bracking, S, Greco, E, Igoe, J and Morgan, R (2014) A conceptual map for the study of value. An initial mapping of concepts for the project ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’. LCSV working paper series no. 2. ISBN 9780992818913

Initial research design: ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S, Bracking, S, Bond, P, Brockington, D, Büscher, B, Igoe, J and Woodhouse, P (2014) Initial research design: ‘Human, non-human and environmental value systems: an impossible frontier?’. LCSV working paper series no. 1. ISBN 9780992818906

Offsetting nature? Habitat banking and biodiversity offsets in the English land use planning system
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2012) Offsetting nature? Habitat banking and biodiversity offsets in the English land use planning system. Green House. ISBN 9780956954572

People and plants on communal land in Namibia: the relevance of indigenous range and forest management practices, and land tenure systems, to in situ plant genetic resources conservation in the arid and semi-arid regions of Namibia
Commissioned report

Sullivan, S (1996) People and plants on communal land in Namibia: the relevance of indigenous range and forest management practices, and land tenure systems, to in situ plant genetic resources conservation in the arid and semi-arid regions of Namibia.


Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curators]

Ganuses, W.S, Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2019) Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curators]. COSDEF Community Arts Venue, Swakopmund, Namibia, 5 - 15 June 2019.

Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curator]

Sullivan, S (2017) Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curator]. Gallery 44AD, Bath, UK, 12 July - 12 August 2017.

Other items

Hunting for conservation [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2024) Hunting for conservation [book review]. Conservation Biology, 38 (4). e14258. ISSN 0888-8892

Affirming life and diversity: rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S and Young, Z (2008) Affirming life and diversity: rural images and voices on food sovereignty in South India [book review]. Participatory Learning and Action, 58. p. 140.

Rhythm and timing of movement in performance: drama, dance and ceremony [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2007) Rhythm and timing of movement in performance: drama, dance and ceremony [book review]. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 13 (3). pp. 748-749. ISSN 1467-9655

The poor are not us: poverty and pastoralism in eastern Africa [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2003) The poor are not us: poverty and pastoralism in eastern Africa [book review]. The Journal of Modern African Studies, 41 (4). pp. 657-658. ISSN 0022-278X

World savannas: ecology and human use [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2001) World savannas: ecology and human use [book review]. Progress in Physical Geography, 25. pp. 299-300. ISSN 1477-0296

Cattle for beads: the archaeology of historical contact and trade on the Namib coast [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2001) Cattle for beads: the archaeology of historical contact and trade on the Namib coast [book review]. Cimbebasia, 17. pp. 258-260. ISSN 1012-4926

Roots in the African dust: sustaining the sub-Saharan drylands [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (2000) Roots in the African dust: sustaining the sub-Saharan drylands [book review]. The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, 6 (4). pp. 751-752. ISSN 1467-9655

Savanna details with a paradigm shift: review of "An African savanna" [book review]
Other item

Sullivan, S (1994) Savanna details with a paradigm shift: review of "An African savanna" [book review]. Journal of Biogeography, 4 (12). p. 448. ISSN 365-2699