Dr Samantha Lane
- Academic Leader (Marketing and Student Recruitment)
- Email: s.lane@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875752
- School: School of Sciences
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Samantha is an Academic Leader within the School of Sciences, overseeing Marketing and Student Recruitment. She also contributes to teaching in the Biological Sciences, and leads modules such as Biological Techniques and the Work Placement, as well as specialist modules in Microbiology and Medical Biology.
Samantha has worked in the subject area of Biology since joining the University in 2006. Her research interests include antibiotic resistance, occupational lung disease and infectious diseases. She supervises dissertations in the areas of Microbiology and Health, Physiology and Public Understanding of Biology.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Occupational Lung Disease, Welsh School of Pharmacy, Cardiff
- PGCE Secondary Science, University of Wales Institute, Cardiff
- BSc (Hons) Microbiology, University of Wales, Cardiff
Professional memberships
- Member of the Microbiology Society
- Member of Royal Society of Biology
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Teaching specialisms
- Biological Skills
- Research Skills
- Introductory and Applied Microbiology
- Physiology
- Cell Biology
- Genetics
- Pharmacology
- Medical Biology
Research and academic outputs
The pharmacology and toxicology of inhaled dusts, endotoxins and glucans
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2006) 'The pharmacology and toxicology of inhaled dusts, endotoxins and glucans.' In: Salem, H and Katz, S, eds. Inhalation Toxicology Second Edition. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 803-824. ISBN 9780849340499
The fungal profile of cotton fibres, associated toxins and wider implications for indoor health
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2005) 'The fungal profile of cotton fibres, associated toxins and wider implications for indoor health.' In: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, S-105-S-106.
The gram-negative bacteria flora of the cotton production environment and relevance to occupational lung disease
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2005) 'The gram-negative bacteria flora of the cotton production environment and relevance to occupational lung disease.' In: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, S-105-S-106.
The applicability of a glucan-specific enzyme assay for the measurement of (1-3)-glucan on cotton fibres, and implications for occupational health
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S, Thomas, F and Nicholls, P (2004) 'The applicability of a glucan-specific enzyme assay for the measurement of (1-3)-glucan on cotton fibres, and implications for occupational health.' In: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, S-85-S-91.
Applicability of (1and#61664;3)-and#946;-D-glucan enzyme assay on cotton samples from different sources and toxicological implications
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Thomas, F (2004) 'Applicability of (1and#61664;3)-and#946;-D-glucan enzyme assay on cotton samples from different sources and toxicological implications.' In: John, D N, ed. WSP UG research abstract book. STS Publishing, Cardiff, p. 77.
The measurement of endotoxin on cotton fibres and implications for industrial health
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S, Cain, A and Nicholls, P (2004) 'The measurement of endotoxin on cotton fibres and implications for industrial health.' In: Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmacology. Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain, S-85-S-91.
Endotoxin quantification on cotton lint samples from within Sudan: the impact of growth region, variety and year of harvest on potential respiratory risk
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Cain, A (2004) 'Endotoxin quantification on cotton lint samples from within Sudan: the impact of growth region, variety and year of harvest on potential respiratory risk.' In: John, D N, ed. WSP UG research abstract book. STS Publishing, Cardiff, p. 15.
Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2004) 'Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety.' In: Schneider, T, Heap, S and Stevens, J, eds. Proceedings of the 27th International Cotton Conference. Faserinstitut, Bremen, Germany, pp. 55-61.
The influence of celebrity chefs on a student population
Lane, S and Fisher, S (2015) 'The influence of celebrity chefs on a student population.' British Food Journal, 117 (2). pp. 614-628. ISSN 0007-070X
The bacterial profile of cotton lint from worldwide origins, and links with occupational lung disease.
Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2007) 'The bacterial profile of cotton lint from worldwide origins, and links with occupational lung disease.' American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 50 (1). pp. 42-47. ISSN 10970274
The bacterial profile of cotton lint from across the world, and links with occupational lung disease
Lane, S (2007) 'The bacterial profile of cotton lint from across the world, and links with occupational lung disease.' American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 50 (1). pp. 42-47.
The fungal profile of cotton lint from across the world and implications for occupational health.
Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2006) 'The fungal profile of cotton lint from across the world and implications for occupational health.' Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 3 (9). pp. 508-512. ISSN 15459632
Endotoxins and glucans: environmental troublemakers
Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2006) 'Endotoxins and glucans: environmental troublemakers.' The Biologist, 53 (3). pp. 129-134. ISSN 0006-3339
Correlative measurement of four biological contaminants on cotton lint, and their implications for occupational health.
Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2006) 'Correlative measurement of four biological contaminants on cotton lint, and their implications for occupational health.' International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health, 12 (2). pp. 120-125. ISSN 1077-3525
Biological contamination parameters of cotton lint as biomarkers for fibre quality; a preliminary study.
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Jiang, R (2006) 'Biological contamination parameters of cotton lint as biomarkers for fibre quality; a preliminary study.' Fibers and Polymers, 7 (10). pp. 8-11. ISSN 1229-9197
The fungal profile of cotton lint from diverse sources and implications for occupational health
Sewell, R.D.E and Lane, S (2006) 'The fungal profile of cotton lint from diverse sources and implications for occupational health.' Journal of Occupational and Environmental Hygiene, 3 (9). pp. 508-512.
Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2004) 'Investigation into the biological contamination of cotton fibres, as an indicator of quality and safety.' Asian Textile Journal, 13 (7). pp. 31-33. ISSN 0971-3425
The measurement and health impact of endotoxin contamination in organic dusts from multiple sources: focus on the cotton industry
Sewell, R.D.E, Lane, S and Nicholls, P (2004) 'The measurement and health impact of endotoxin contamination in organic dusts from multiple sources: focus on the cotton industry.' Inhalation Toxicology, 16 (4). pp. 217-229. ISSN 1091-7691
Current trends in research into the waterborne parasite Giardia
Lane, S and Lloyd, D (2002) 'Current trends in research into the waterborne parasite Giardia.' Critical Reviews in Microbiology, 28 (2). pp. 123-147. ISSN 1040-841X
Health benefits of elderflower
Lane, S and De Sequeira, A (2007) Health benefits of elderflower.