Personal statement

Polly is Interim Head of Bath Business School (job share with Diana Reader). She also coordinates external development activities at Bath Business School.

This includes coordinating all Open Days, Applicant Visit Days and our Creative Networking Events, but Polly is interested in extending other public engagement activities.

Additionally she has responsibility for overseeing Bath Business School’s international partnerships and other collaborative provision including partnerships in UAE, Singapore and Barcelona as well with a UK private provider in London.

She has line management responsibility for eight colleagues and carries out other managerial responsibilities within the Business School.

Polly is Module Leader for a final year module in Strategic Human Resource Management for Business and Management students and supervisor for dissertation students at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Polly acts as External Examiner for the University of Buckingham.

Academic qualifications

  • MA in Managing Human Resources
  • Certificate in Learning (HE)
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Guidance
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Personnel Management.

Professional memberships

  • Member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA).

Bath Spa employment

  • Current role: 2016-present
  • Senior Lecturer, HRM Pathway Leader: 2006-2016
  • Careers Advisor: 2002-2006.

Other external roles

  • Board Trustee for Travelling Light Theatre Company.

Areas of expertise/subjects

  • Human Resource Management
  • Employability.

Papers/internal publications

  • Derbyshire, P (2009), An Investigation of employers’ perceptions of students at recruitment and selection stage and during the early days in employment, Bath Spa University PedR
  • Derbyshire, P (2010), How do we halt the decline in placement take up? In: Employability in the Curriculum: Beyond the Bolt-on?, 22-23 June 2010, University of Central Lancashire’s Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (ceth), UCLAN, Preston.


Polly works annually with at least eight organisations on Human Resource Management projects for the final year Strategic Human Resource Management module.

Research and academic outputs

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Book chapters or sections

The role of HRD in developing capabilities for creativity and innovation at work: a multilevel approach
Book chapters or section

Walker, A and Derbyshire, P (2020) 'The role of HRD in developing capabilities for creativity and innovation at work: a multilevel approach.' In: Loon, M, Stewart, J and Nachmias, S, eds. The future of HRD, volume I: innovation and technology. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 115-141. ISBN 9783030524586

Conference or workshop items

How do we halt the decline in placement take up?
Conference or workshop item

Derbyshire, P (2010) How do we halt the decline in placement take up? In: Employability in the Curriculum: Beyond the Bolt-on?, 22-23 June 2010, University of Central Lancashire’s Centre for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (ceth), UCLAN, Preston.