Dr Natalie Booth
- Senior Lecturer in Criminology
- Email: n.booth@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: + 44 (0)1225 875409
- School: School of Sciences
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Natalie's research seeks to understand how prison is experienced by family and friends of people incarcerated in England and Wales. Having explored 'maternal imprisonment and family life' during her doctorate, she authored a book revealing the previously untold experiences of those charged with the responsibility of looking after children of female prisoners 'from the caregivers' perspectives' (published by Policy Press, 2020). She also researches and writes about the maintenance of relationships and family contact during imprisonment, remand and pre-trial detention, mothers and women in prison, and developments in penal policy relating to women and families. She is co-convenor of the international research network Women, Family, Crime and Justice (WFCJ) and her research findings have informed policy developments in England and Wales (i.e. Lord Farmer’s Review, 2018).
Natalie has several years’ experience of university teaching, often delivering lectures and seminars in the field of penology and punishment. She has been recognised as a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (FHEA) and has a Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching and Learning in Higher Education (PGCTHLE). Inclusive and interactive pedagogies are central to her teaching philosophy, and to help ensure the best student learning experience. These principles have similarly underscored prison-based learning activities she has delivered.
Academic qualifications
- PhD
- MRes in Social Work
- BSc (Hons) Sociology
Research supervision
If you are interested in postgraduate study exploring the criminal justice system and women and/or families then please get in touch.
Research and academic outputs
Experiences of punishment, abuse and justice by women and families, volume 2
Booth, N, Masson, I and Baldwin, L, eds. (2023) Experiences of punishment, abuse and justice by women and families, volume 2. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447363910
The Routledge handbook of women's experiences of criminal justice
Masson, I and Booth, N, eds. (2022) The Routledge handbook of women's experiences of criminal justice. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781032064307
Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice, volume 1
Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. (2021) Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice, volume 1. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447358695
Maternal imprisonment and family life: from the caregiver's perspective
Booth, N (2020) Maternal imprisonment and family life: from the caregiver's perspective. Policy Press, Bristol. ISBN 9781447352297
Book chapters or sections
A mother’s work is never done - mothers affected by remand
Book chapters or section
Masson, I and Booth, N (2023) 'A mother’s work is never done - mothers affected by remand.' In: Baldwin, L, ed. Gendered justice: women, trauma and crime. Waterside Press, Sherfield on Lodden. ISBN 9781914603426
(Wo)men in the middle: the gendered role of supporting prisoners
Book chapters or section
Booth, N, Masson, I and Dakri, F (2022) '(Wo)men in the middle: the gendered role of supporting prisoners.' In: Masson, I and Booth, N, eds. The Routledge handbook of women's experiences of criminal justice. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 413-423. ISBN 9781032064307
Continuing the conversation: reflections from the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network
Book chapters or section
Baldwin, L, Masson, L and Booth, N (2021) 'Continuing the conversation: reflections from the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.' In: Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 219-228. ISBN 9781447358695
Starting the conversation: an introduction to the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network
Book chapters or section
Masson, L, Booth, N and Baldwin, L (2021) 'Starting the conversation: an introduction to the Women, Family, Crime and Justice network.' In: Masson, L, Baldwin, L and Booth, N, eds. Critical reflections on women, family, crime and justice. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 1-10. ISBN 9781447358695
Maintaining family ties: how family practices are renegotiated to promote mother-child contact
Book chapters or section
Booth, N (2020) 'Maintaining family ties: how family practices are renegotiated to promote mother-child contact.' In: Lockwood, K, ed. Mothering from the inside: research on motherhood and imprisonment. Emerald, Bingley, pp. 31-48. ISBN 9781789733440
Maintaining family ties: the disparities between policy and practice following maternal imprisonment in England and Wales
Book chapters or section
Booth, N (2018) 'Maintaining family ties: the disparities between policy and practice following maternal imprisonment in England and Wales.' In: Gordon, L, ed. Contemporary research and analysis on the children of prisoners: invisible children. Cambridge Scholars, Newcastle upon Tyne, pp. 155-171. ISBN 9781527503595
Maternal imprisonment: a family sentence
Book chapters or section
Booth, N (2017) 'Maternal imprisonment: a family sentence.' In: Hudson, J, Needham, C and Heins, E, eds. Social policy review 29: analysis and debate in social policy, 2017. Policy Press, Bristol, pp. 105-126. ISBN 9781447336211
"Diversion is absolutely amazing": how Advance diverts women from the criminal justice system
Lill, P, Trick, J and Booth, N (2025) '"Diversion is absolutely amazing": how Advance diverts women from the criminal justice system.' Prison Service Journal. ISSN 0300-3558 (Forthcoming)
Ambiguous loss: the experiences of remand prisoners' loved ones
Masson, I and Booth, N (2024) 'Ambiguous loss: the experiences of remand prisoners' loved ones.' Criminology & Criminal Justice. ISSN 1748-8958
Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact; the experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners
Masson, I and Booth, N (2022) 'Using techniques of neutralisation to maintain contact; the experiences of loved ones supporting remand prisoners.' The Howard Journal of Crime and Justice, 61 (4). pp. 463-483. ISSN 2059-1101
Feminist ethics and research with women in prison
Quinlan, C, Baldwin, L and Booth, N (2022) 'Feminist ethics and research with women in prison.' The Prison Journal, 102 (2). pp. 172-195. ISSN 0032-8855
Loved ones of remand prisoners: the hidden victims of COVID-19
Booth, N and Masson, I (2021) 'Loved ones of remand prisoners: the hidden victims of COVID-19.' Prison Service Journal, 253. pp. 23-31. ISSN 0300-3558
Gendered prisons, relationships, and resettlement policies; three reasons for caution for imprisoned mothers
Booth, N (2021) 'Gendered prisons, relationships, and resettlement policies; three reasons for caution for imprisoned mothers.' British Journal of Criminology, 61 (5). pp. 1354-1371. ISSN 1464-3529
Seeing is believing: the effect of prison-based insight-days on student nurses’ perceptions of undertaking practice placements within a prison healthcare environment
Hunt, E.L, Booth, N and Hunt, L.A (2020) 'Seeing is believing: the effect of prison-based insight-days on student nurses’ perceptions of undertaking practice placements within a prison healthcare environment.' Nurse Education in Practice, 45. e102795. ISSN 1471-5953
Disconnected: exploring provisions for mother–child telephone contact in female prisons serving England and Wales
Booth, N (2020) 'Disconnected: exploring provisions for mother–child telephone contact in female prisons serving England and Wales.' Criminology & Criminal Justice, 20 (2). pp. 150-168. ISSN 1748-8958
Examining prisoners’ families: definitions, developments and difficulties
Masson, I and Booth, N (2018) 'Examining prisoners’ families: definitions, developments and difficulties.' Howard League for Penal Reform ECAN Bulletin, 39. pp. 15-20.
Promises, promises: can the Female Offender Strategy deliver?
Booth, N, Masson, I and Baldwin, L (2018) 'Promises, promises: can the Female Offender Strategy deliver?' Probation Journal, 65 (4). pp. 429-438. ISSN 0264-5505
Family matters: a critical examination of family visits for imprisoned mothers and their families
Booth, N (2018) 'Family matters: a critical examination of family visits for imprisoned mothers and their families.' Prison Service Journal, 238. pp. 10-15. ISSN 0300-3558
Prisoners’ children and families
Booth, N (2017) 'Prisoners’ children and families.' Criminal Law and Justice Weekly, 181 (15). pp. 246-248. ISSN 1759-7943
Commissioned reports
Prisoners’ childhood and family backgrounds: results from the Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction (SPCR) longitudinal cohort study of prisoners
Commissioned report
Williams, K, Papadopoulou, V and Booth, N (2012) Prisoners’ childhood and family backgrounds: results from the Surveying Prisoner Crime Reduction (SPCR) longitudinal cohort study of prisoners. Ministry of Justice Research Series 4/12, London. ISBN 9781840995442
Other items
Staying in touch [blog post]
Other item
Booth, N (2020) Staying in touch [blog post]. Sensory Criminology: Exploring Sensory Experience of the Criminological, Feb 3.
Prison telephones often leave mothers and children disconnected [blog post]
Other item
Booth, N (2018) Prison telephones often leave mothers and children disconnected [blog post]. Russell Webster.