Dr Mike Hannis
- Senior Lecturer in Ethics, Politics and Environment
- Email: m.hannis@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
- Campus: Newton Park
Professional qualifications
- PhD Keele University
- MA Lancaster University
- BA University of East Anglia
Professional memberships
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
Research supervision
I am open to applications for doctoral supervision of research in environmental ethics, philosophy or politics.
I lead Bath Spa's MA in Environmental Humanities, and convene its core modules EH7001 Environmental Humanities: Issues and Approaches and EH7009 Interdisciplinary Research Methods for Environmental Humanities.
For this MA I also run my own specialist module EH7003 Environmental Ethics and Philosophy, convene EH7004 Managing Sustainability (in conjunction with Bath Business School), and supervise student dissertations on topics within my areas of expertise.
At undergraduate level I currently lead POL5001 Political Ideologies and POL6005 Environmental Politics, and co-lead POL4003 Protest and Persuasion.
Other modules I have taught on at Bath Spa include PET4000 Truth and Reality; PET4001 Ethics and Values; PE5009 Philosophy Religion and the Environment; PE5012 Ecology and Nature; GE4020 Environment People and Place; GE5027 Climate Change and Sustainability; GE5004 Climate and Society; GE6001 Geography Dissertation; OM4002 Sustainability in Life and Work; BY6506 Nature Conservation in Context; EM7501 Principles of Environmental Management; EM7503 Environment and Society and EM7505 Ecosystem Management.
Funded Research
From 2014-2019 I provided the environmental ethics component of an AHRC-funded interdisciplinary research project entitled "Future Pasts", led from Bath Spa by Professor Sian Sullivan. See www.futurepasts.net.
Research and academic outputs
Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. 2nd ed
Sullivan, S, Ganuses, W.S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R (2019) Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. 2nd ed. Future Pasts, Bath Spa University, Bath. ISBN 9781911126140
Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia
Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R (2017) Future pasts: landscape, memory and music in West Namibia. Future Pasts, Bath Spa University, Bath. ISBN 9781911126058
Freedom and environment: autonomy, human flourishing and the political philosophy of sustainability
Hannis, M (2015) Freedom and environment: autonomy, human flourishing and the political philosophy of sustainability. Routledge, New York. ISBN 9781138777279
Book chapters or sections
Extraction old and new: toxic legacies of mining the desert in southwestern Africa
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2023) 'Extraction old and new: toxic legacies of mining the desert in southwestern Africa.' In: Kryder-Reid, E and May, S, eds. Toxic heritage: legacies, futures, and environmental injustice. Routledge, pp. 23-34. ISBN 9781003365259
We'll always have Paris
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M (2021) 'We'll always have Paris.' In: Böhm, S and Sullivan, S, eds. Negotiating climate change in crisis. Open Book Publishers, Cambridge, pp. 83-96. ISBN 9781800642621
Why virtue is good for you: the politics of ecological eudaimonism
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M (2020) 'Why virtue is good for you: the politics of ecological eudaimonism.' In: Bai, H, Chang, D and Scott, C, eds. A book of ecological virtues: living well in the Anthropocene. University of Regina Press, Regina. ISBN 9780889777569
Book chapters or section
Cottine, C, Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Dialogue.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 297-300. ISBN 9780190456030
Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M and Sullivan, S (2018) 'Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape.' In: Hartman, L.M, ed. That all may flourish: comparative religious environmental ethics. Oxford University Press, New York, NY, pp. 279-296. ISBN 9780190456030
After development: in defence of sustainability
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M (2017) 'After development: in defence of sustainability.' In: Foster, J, ed. Post-sustainability: tragedy and transformation. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138296497
Compensation or bribery? Ethical issues in the treatment of communities hosting radioactive waste
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M and Rawles, K (2013) 'Compensation or bribery? Ethical issues in the treatment of communities hosting radioactive waste.' In: Oughton, D, Hansson, S and Baxter, M, eds. Social and ethical aspects of radiation risk management. Radioactivity in the Environment . Elsevier, London. ISBN 9780080450155
Nature, consumption and human flourishing
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M (2012) 'Nature, consumption and human flourishing.' In: Weintrobe, S, ed. Engaging with climate change: psychoanalytic and interdisciplinary perspectives. Routledge, Abingdon, Oxon. ISBN 9780415667623
Planning for permaculture? Land-use planning, sustainable development, and 'ecosystem people'
Book chapters or section
Hannis, M (2009) 'Planning for permaculture? Land-use planning, sustainable development, and 'ecosystem people'.' In: Bohm, S, Lohmann, L and Dabhi, S, eds. Upsetting the offset: the political economy of carbon markets. MayFly. ISBN 9781906948061
“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2017) '“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting.' Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 30 (7). pp. 1459-1480. ISSN 0951-3574
After development? In defence of sustainability
Hannis, M (2017) 'After development? In defence of sustainability.' Global Discourse, 7 (1). pp. 28-38. ISSN 2326-9995
Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2015) 'Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England.' Ecosystem Services, 15. pp. 162-173. ISSN 2212-0416
The virtues of acknowledged ecological dependence: sustainability, autonomy and human flourishing
Hannis, M (2015) 'The virtues of acknowledged ecological dependence: sustainability, autonomy and human flourishing.' Environmental Values, 24 (2). pp. 145-164. ISSN 0963-2719
Land-use planning, permaculture and the transitivity of development
Hannis, M (2011) 'Land-use planning, permaculture and the transitivity of development.' International Journal of Green Economics, 5 (3). pp. 269-284. ISSN 1744-9928
Public provision of environmental goods: neutrality or sustainability? A reply to David Miller
Hannis, M (2005) 'Public provision of environmental goods: neutrality or sustainability? A reply to David Miller.' Environmental Politics, 14 (5). pp. 577-595. ISSN 0964-4016
Conference or workshop items
Killing nature to save it? ethics, economics and the trophy hunting of black rhinoceros
Conference or workshop item
Hannis, M (2017) Killing nature to save it? ethics, economics and the trophy hunting of black rhinoceros. In: BSU Environmental Humanities Research Centre Public Lecture, 13 December 2017, Bath Spa University, UK.
‘Mathematics maybe, but not money’: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting
Conference or workshop item
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2017) ‘Mathematics maybe, but not money’: on balance sheets, numbers and nature in ecological accounting. In: Capitalizing Nature: Forms and Strategies for Economizing the Environment, 19th to 21st Century, 12 -13 June 2017, Centre Alexandre Koyré, Paris, France.
Ontology after truth? Ethnography and ethics in an unraveling world
Conference or workshop item
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Ontology after truth? Ethnography and ethics in an unraveling world. In: Bath Spa's Research Centre for Environmental Humanities presents a Public Panel Discussion: Doing Interdisciplinarity with Depth, 15 December 2016, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.
Does nature come with a price tag?
Conference or workshop item
Heap, T, Juniper, T, Huxham, M, Mace, G, King, M, Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Does nature come with a price tag? In: Earthwatch Debate Series, 5 May 2016, Royal Geographical Society, London, UK.
“Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on the nature of numbers, and the numbers of nature
Conference or workshop item
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2014) “Mathematics maybe, but not money”: on the nature of numbers, and the numbers of nature. In: Ecological Accounts: Making Non-Human Worlds (In)visible During Moments of Socio-ecological Transformation, 26 August 2014, University of St. Andrews, UK.
New directions in conservation: a closer look at ‘value’ and offsetting
Conference or workshop item
Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Jutta, K, O'Neill, J and Robertson, M (2014) New directions in conservation: a closer look at ‘value’ and offsetting. In: 2nd Forum on Natural Commons, on Challenging Biodiversity Offsetting and the Financialisation of Nature, 2 June 2014, Regents Park Hub, London, UK.
Commissioned reports
Killing nature to save it? Ethics, economics and rhino hunting in Namibia
Commissioned report
Hannis, M (2016) Killing nature to save it? Ethics, economics and rhino hunting in Namibia. Future Pasts Working Paper No.4. ISBN 9781911126041
Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape: perspectives on agency amongst ||Khao-a Dama, !Narenin and ||Ubun elders in west Namibia
Commissioned report
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2016) Relationality, reciprocity and flourishing in an African landscape: perspectives on agency amongst ||Khao-a Dama, !Narenin and ||Ubun elders in west Namibia. Future Pasts Working Paper No.2. ISBN 9781911126010
Future pasts? Sustainabilities in west Namibia - a conceptual framework for research
Commissioned report
Sullivan, S, Hannis, M, Impey, A, Low, C and Rohde, R.F (2016) Future pasts? Sustainabilities in west Namibia - a conceptual framework for research. Future Pasts Working Paper No.1. ISBN 9781911126034
Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England
Commissioned report
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2014) Nets and frames, losses and gains: value struggles in engagements with biodiversity offsetting policy in England. LCSV working paper series no. 5. ISBN 9780992818944
Offsetting nature? Habitat banking and biodiversity offsets in the English land use planning system
Commissioned report
Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2012) Offsetting nature? Habitat banking and biodiversity offsets in the English land use planning system. Green House. ISBN 9780956954572
Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curators]
Ganuses, W.S, Sullivan, S and Hannis, M (2019) Future Pasts: Landscape, Memory and Music in West Namibia [curators]. COSDEF Community Arts Venue, Swakopmund, Namibia, 5 - 15 June 2019.