Personal statement

I report directly to the University Provost, providing leadership for effective delivery of the University's ambitions as expressed in our Strategy 2030. As a Pro-Vice-Chancellor, I work at senior level across the full range of professional services and academic schools, providing senior leadership capacity in the pursuit of a wide range of substantial strategic development objectives, but with a particular emphasis on strategic transformation in the academic side of our business.

Academic qualifications

  • PhD Human Geography, University of Birmingham, 1999
  • MBA (Higher Education Management), UCL Institute of Education, 2014
  • BSocSc (Hons) Cultural Studies (Media, Culture and Society), University of Birmingham, first class, 1995.

Professional memberships

  • Fellow, Royal Society of Arts
  • Fellow, Royal Geographical Society (with IBG)
  • Associate Fellow, Leadership Foundation for Higher Education.

Other external roles

  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Geography in Higher Education; Planet.

Areas of expertise

  • Human, Social, Cultural Geography Sustainability
  • Higher education management, reform and restructuring.

Research supervision

I welcome applications for research degrees in any aspect of human, social and cultural geographies, especially those with interdisciplinary links.

Research and academic outputs

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Mobile Methodologies

McGuinness, M, Fincham, B and Murray, L (2010) Mobile Methodologies. Palgrave McMillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230594425

Book chapters or sections

Geography matters: the case of English almshouses
Book chapters or section

Bryson, J.R, McGuinness, M and Ford, R.J (2016) 'Geography matters: the case of English almshouses.' In: Moody, M and Breeze, B, eds. The philanthropy reader. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 164-166. ISBN 9781138903593

Conclusion: mobilising methodologies
Book chapters or section

McGuinness, M, Fincham, B and Murray, L (2010) 'Conclusion: mobilising methodologies.' In: Fincham, B, McGuinness, M and Murray, L, eds. Mobile methodologies. Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. ISBN 9780230594425

Geographies with a difference?: citizenship and difference in postcolonial urban spaces
Book chapters or section

McGuinness, M (2004) 'Geographies with a difference?: citizenship and difference in postcolonial urban spaces.' In: Blunt, A and McEwan, C, eds. Postcolonial geographies. Continuum studies in geography . Continuum, London. ISBN 9780826477507

Are you afraid of the dark?
Book chapters or section

McGuinness, M (2001) 'Are you afraid of the dark?' In: Howes, N, ed. We are no longer ourselves: Rut Blees Luxemburg, Effie Paleologou, Sophy Rickett. The Gallery/Site Gallery/Turnpike Gallery, Stratford-upon-Avon/Sheffield/Leigh. ISBN 9781899926909


Student experiences of multidisciplinarity in the undergraduate geography curriculum

Hall, T, McGuinness, M, Parker, C and Toms, P (2018) 'Student experiences of multidisciplinarity in the undergraduate geography curriculum.' Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 42 (2). pp. 220-237. ISSN 1466-1845

Where's the Geography department? The changing administrative place of Geography in UK higher education

Hall, T, Toms, P, McGuinness, M, Parker, C and Roberts, N (2015) 'Where's the Geography department? The changing administrative place of Geography in UK higher education.' Area, 47 (1). pp. 56-64. ISSN 1475-4762

The leaves beneath my feet: comparing children's descriptions of their journey to school by travel mode

McGuinness, M (2010) 'The leaves beneath my feet: comparing children's descriptions of their journey to school by travel mode.' Qualitative Researcher, 12. p. 12. ISSN 1748-7315

Putting themselves in the picture: using reflective diaries in the teaching of feminist geography

McGuinness, M (2009) 'Putting themselves in the picture: using reflective diaries in the teaching of feminist geography.' Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 33 (3). pp. 339-349. ISSN 1466-1845

Going global? Long-haul fieldwork in undergraduate geography

Simm, D and McGuinness, M (2005) 'Going global? Long-haul fieldwork in undergraduate geography.' Journal of Geography in Higher Education, 29 (2). pp. 241-253. ISSN 1466-1845

Crisis resolution of student-led research projects at distant localities

Simm, D and McGuinness, M (2004) 'Crisis resolution of student-led research projects at distant localities.' Planet (13). pp. 8-11. ISSN 1473-1835

Linking teaching and research through departmental research conferences for student project work

Simm, D and McGuinness, M (2003) 'Linking teaching and research through departmental research conferences for student project work.' Planet (11). pp. 21-24. ISSN 1473-1835

Chasing a ‘loose and baggy monster’: almshouses and the geography of charity

McGuinness, M (2002) 'Chasing a ‘loose and baggy monster’: almshouses and the geography of charity.' Area, 34 (1). pp. 48-58. ISSN 1475-4762

Geography matters? Whiteness and contemporary geography

McGuinness, M (2000) 'Geography matters? Whiteness and contemporary geography.' Area, 32 (2). pp. 225-230. ISSN 1475-4762

Thinking about Birmingham and the new European reconstruction

McGuinness, M (1997) 'Thinking about Birmingham and the new European reconstruction.' Cultural Studies from Birmingham, 4. pp. 61-92. ISSN 0964-1882

Conference or workshop items

The Bath Spa model: creativity, multidisciplinarity and sustainability at BSU
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M and Gough, G (2014) The Bath Spa model: creativity, multidisciplinarity and sustainability at BSU. In: Embedding Education for Sustainability in a Creative and Multi-disciplinary Context, 25 March 2014, Newton Park, Bath Spa University, Bath, England.

Interdisciplinary learning: listening to the student voice
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M and Parker, C (2012) Interdisciplinary learning: listening to the student voice. In: Annual International Conference of the Royal Geographical Society 2012, 3 July - 5 July 2012, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Developing a community place-based curriculum through science and technology
Conference or workshop item

Barratt, R, Barratt-Hacking, E, McGuinness, M, Barratt-Hacking, E and Black, P (2011) Developing a community place-based curriculum through science and technology. In: Association for Science Education Annual Conference, 5 - 10 January 2011, University of Reading.

Everyday urban mobilities: capturing children's travel worlds
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M (2007) Everyday urban mobilities: capturing children's travel worlds. In: Developing ‘mobile’ methods, 12 June 2007, Cardiff University, Cardiff, Wales.

Home and away: integrating research and teaching through local and overseas fieldwork
Conference or workshop item

Simm, D and McGuinness, M (2006) Home and away: integrating research and teaching through local and overseas fieldwork. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference, September 2006, London.

Childs-eye perspectives on the journey to school
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M (2006) Childs-eye perspectives on the journey to school. In: Cycling and Society Annual Conference, April 2006, University of Chester, England.

'Oooh, what a picture!': designing a mobile methodology for capturing children's travel experiences
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M (2006) 'Oooh, what a picture!': designing a mobile methodology for capturing children's travel experiences. In: RGS-IBG Annual Conference, 2006, London.

Landscapes of sustainable mobility
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M (2004) Landscapes of sustainable mobility. In: Cycling and Society Research Group Symposium, 2004, Centre for Mobilities Research, Lancaster University, Lancaster, England.

Landscapes of mobility: geographies of culture
Conference or workshop item

McGuinness, M (2003) Landscapes of mobility: geographies of culture. In: Institute of British Geographers Annual Conference, September 2003, London.


Somerset Floods: One Year On [curators]

McGuinness, M, Edwards-Evans, C and Wilkins, M (2015) Somerset Floods: One Year On [curators]. Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution, Bath, UK, February 2015.

Other items

Judith Okely, 'Anthropological practice: fieldwork and the ethnographic method' [book review]
Other item

McGuinness, M (2016) Judith Okely, 'Anthropological practice: fieldwork and the ethnographic method' [book review]. Qualitative Research, 16 (4). pp. 485-486. ISSN 1741-3109

'Towards cosmopolis: planning for multicultural cities' by Leonie Sandercock [book review]
Other item

McGuinness, M (1999) 'Towards cosmopolis: planning for multicultural cities' by Leonie Sandercock [book review]. Area, 31 (2). pp. 187-188. ISSN 1475-4762

'Production of culture/cultures of production' edited by Paul du Gay [book review]
Other item

McGuinness, M (1998) 'Production of culture/cultures of production' edited by Paul du Gay [book review]. Service Industries Journal, 18 (4). pp. 170-171. ISSN 0264-2069