Lucy Sweetman
- Senior Lecturer, Creative Writing (Professional Writing)
- Email: l.sweetman@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 876680
- School: School of Writing, Publishing and the Humanities
- Website:
Personal statement
Lucy is a Senior Lecturer in Creative Writing with a focus on professional writing. She is responsible for the undergraduate Creative Writing programme’s vulnerable students and is the lead tutor for Creative Writing’s final year students.
Lucy is an Academic Advisor to students in all years and supervises students undertaking independent projects in years two and three.
Lucy’s current research is focused on using creative writing to respond to and make sense of national and global political events. Her secondary research interest is student-centred teaching and learning in higher education. Lucy is co-editing a book on leadership in higher education due to be published in early 2018.
Academic qualifications
- Certificate Professional Learning in Higher Education
- BA (Hons) American Studies
- MRes Transnational Writing, Bath Spa University.
Professional memberships
- Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA)
- Fellow, Royal Society of Arts (FRSA).
- Creative Writing (Professional Writing).
Other external roles
Freelance writer, researcher and project manager with a specialism in working with the third sector.
Areas of expertise
Commercial copywriting, speechwriting, communications and public relations. Teaching and learning.
Research and academic outputs
Exploring consensual leadership in higher education: co-operation, collaboration and partnership
Gornall, L, Thomas, B and Sweetman, L, eds. (2018) Exploring consensual leadership in higher education: co-operation, collaboration and partnership. Bloomsbury Academic, London. ISBN 9781350043572
Book chapters or sections
Appendix 1 - Independent evaluation of peer research process
Book chapters or section
Sweetman, L (2015) 'Appendix 1 - Independent evaluation of peer research process.' In: Dixon, J and Lee, J, eds. Corporate parenting for young people in care – making the difference? Catch22, London, pp. 136-149.
I w8 fr yr mesg
Book chapters or section
Sweetman, L (2003) 'I w8 fr yr mesg.' In: Goodwin, D, ed. Essential poems (to fall in love with). HarperCollins, London. ISBN 9780007160655
The role of CPD in creating routes to success for looked-after children
Sweetman, L (2011) 'The role of CPD in creating routes to success for looked-after children.' CPD Update, May.
Giving pupils a say
Sweetman, L (2005) 'Giving pupils a say.' Managing Schools Today, 14 (6). pp. 21-23. ISSN 0968-1558
Conference or workshop items
Wrestling Joan Retallack, passing notes to Marion Milner: creative-critical writing and the PhD proposal
Conference or workshop item
Sweetman, L (2018) Wrestling Joan Retallack, passing notes to Marion Milner: creative-critical writing and the PhD proposal. In: Bath Spa University Early Stage Researcher Conference, 14 June 2018, Bath Spa University, Corsham, UK.
A new civics – through higher education engagement
Conference or workshop item
Sweetman, L, Gornall, L and Thomas, B (2017) A new civics – through higher education engagement. In: SRHE Annual Conference, 6 - 8 December 2017, Celtic Manor, Newport, Wales.
Finding our way in the Upside Down: using creative inquiry to make sense of a changing world
Conference or workshop item
Sweetman, L (2017) Finding our way in the Upside Down: using creative inquiry to make sense of a changing world. In: London Conference in Critical Thought, 30 June - 1 July 2017, South Bank University, London, UK.
Supporting all learners in higher education
Conference or workshop item
Sweetman, L (2015) Supporting all learners in higher education. In: Youth Participation Impact Conference, 1 - 2 September 2015, University of Manchester, UK.
Commissioned reports
Staying put in independent foster care: working together, getting it right
Commissioned report
Sweetman, L (2015) Staying put in independent foster care: working together, getting it right. Nationwide Association of Fostering Providers.
Other items
Child and young person-centred practice in child protection and social care [working paper]
Other item
Sweetman, L (2015) Child and young person-centred practice in child protection and social care [working paper]. Research in Practice.