Dr Louise Maythorne
- Knowledge Exchange Manager
- Email: l.maythorne@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875859
- Department: Research Support Office
- Campus: Corsham Court
Personal statement
Louise is the Knowledge Exchange Manager working within the University’s Research Support Office. She is responsible for brokering collaborative relationships between academic staff and research users in government, businesses and communities. Louise is responsible for third-stream funding and projects that amplify the impact of research including consultancy, public engagement and policy shaping. She supports all aspects of the University's Knowledge Exchange profile including the Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF) and the Knowledge Exchange Concordat (KEC).
Louise is a member of the University’s Research and Ethics Committee, the Enterprise Steering Group and the Knowledge Exchange Steering Group.
Before joining Bath Spa in October 2013, Louise was an Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the University of Edinburgh. She maintains an academic interest in environmental politics and conducts research into research administration - most recently she authored the chapter Knowledge Exchange as Impact in Research Impact and the Early Career Researcher edited by Fenby-Hulse, K; Heywood, E; and Walker, K. Routledge (2019). Louise is on the Editorial Board of the Journal of Research Management and Administration, serves as a Fellowship Advisor to the Journal of Research Administration and as a mentor on the AHRC-RLUK Research Catalyst Programme.
Academic qualifications
- PhD in Politics, University of Edinburgh
- MSc by Research, Politics, University of Edinburgh
- MA in Culture and Politics of the European Union, Keele University
- BA (Hons) in French, Italian and European Studies, University of Bath.
Professional memberships
- Invited member: ESRC Peer-Review College
- Editorial Board: Journal of Research Management
- Invited trainer: Praxis Unico Network of Knowledge Transfer Professionals
- Member: Innovate UK’s Knowledge Transfer Network
- Member: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement's Public Engagement Network
Contact Louise about:
- Identifying funding for research with business, public and third sectors
- Support with collaborative bid development including budget, research ethics and data management
- University Consultancy
- Intellectual Property of research
- Knowledge Exchange Framework (KEF)
- Knowledge Exchange Concordat (KEC)