Professor Kyriaki Anagnostopoulou
- Vice-Provost
- Email: k.anagnostopoulou@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875351
- School: School of Education
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Kyriaki is Vice Provost at Bath Spa University, where she strategically leads a team of Heads of School, the Head of Academic Delivery (Partnerships), and the Academic Director at Bath Spa University London, overseeing the development and implementation of the University strategy across academic Schools.
Working closely with and supporting the Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Provost, she plays a key role in shaping size, shape and character of the University.
As a Professor of Higher Education, Kyriaki's work influences policy and practice, from strategic direction to implementation. Her deep empathy for student experience, particularly in engagement, attainment, and progression, has placed her at the forefront of higher education innovation for over 20 years.
With a focus on digital education, she has led and championed projects aimed at large-scale innovation, curriculum redesign, and enhancing the student experience.
Kyriaki has also spearheaded major organisational change projects and initiatives with significant educational impact in the UK and India, focusing on inclusivity. Her contributions to student learning earned her a National Teaching Fellowship in 2018.
She actively engages with national educational organisations and was an elected longstanding member of the Heads of e-Learning Forum (HeLF) Sterring Group, advocating for digital innovation in UK universities. Kyriaki's expertise in higher education and technology-enhanced learning is demonstrated through her presentations at over 50 national and international conferences, where she has promoted organisational change and educational innovation.
Kyriaki has a successful track record in securing competitive funding from organisations such as JISC, AdvanceHE, and the British Council, leading numerous strategic student experience projects at both institutional and national levels.
Academic qualifications
- Doctor in Education (EdD), Institute of Education, University of London, with a focus on learning and leadership development
- MA Design and Media Arts, University of Westminster
- BA (Hons) Graphic Information Design, Athens, Greece.
Professional qualifications
Professional memberships
- Fellow - Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Other external roles
- Co-editor of ‘Innovations in Education and Teaching International’, the journal of the Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA)
- Assessor for the AdvanceHE National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS), the HE sector’s teaching excellence awards.
- External examiner - University of London’s Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (2018-22)
- Board member - International Centre of Excellence for Innovation in Learning (ICEFIL), an international consortium of leading universities and other educational organisations dedicated to social justice and equality through education innovation
- Executive Steering Group member UK Heads of e-Learning Forum, elected for two consecutive terms (2011-17)
- Governor - The Mendip School, part of The Partnership Trust, with a focus on learning and teaching.
Areas of expertise
- Educational Leadership in Higher Education
- Higher Education learning and teaching, digital pedagogies and innovation
- Student Experience.
Areas of research supervision
Kyriaki welcomes applications for research degrees in any aspect of digital learning, higher education, educational leadership, and the student experience, especially those with interdisciplinary links.
A selection of national and international keynotes/presentations:
- Anagnostopoulou, K., Marx, R. and Shiohera, K. (2018) Exploring Artificial Intelligence in Education. Invited presentation at the International Centre for Excellence for Innovation in Learning (ICEFIL) Annual Conference, HU University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, 30th August
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2018) Transformational Learning on the Fault Lines of Academia: an Exploration of 'Third Space' as a Non-formal Learning Environment in Higher Education. British Educational Research Association (BERA) annual conference. Northumbria University, Newcastle, 11 to 13 September
- Thomas, A., Highton, M., Passey, D., Morris, N., Anagnostopoulou, K., and Davies, S. (2017) Evidence bases and business cases. Panel session at the 24th Annual Association for Learning Technology Conference (ALT-C2017). University of Liverpool, 5 to 7 September
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2016) Strategic and Academic impact of Massive Open Online Learning. Global Educational Dialogue (GED) on ‘Teaching-Learning and New Technologies in Higher Education’. New Delhi, India. 25 to 26 February
- Anagnostopoulou, K., Anyadi, S and Young, C. (2016) Overcoming barriers to the adoption of eLearning. Invited speaker at BETT conference, London, 20 January
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2015) Technology as a transformational enabler to learning and teaching. Invited keynote speaker at the Council of Higher Education Internal Auditors (CHEIA), Glasgow, 11 September
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2014) Approaches and strategies for choosing learning technologies. Invited opening keynote. Association of Learning Technologies (ALT): Open Course on Technology Enhanced Learning. Online, 7 May
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2013) The UK National e-Learning context: 20 years of experiences. Invited keynote for the visit of the Indian Joint Secretary of Education and Director of the National Mission on Education through ICT. British Council: Bath,21 to 25 October
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2013) Professionalism in the Digital Environment: a case study of institutional change. ‘Changing the Learning Landscape’. LFHE/JISC: University of Hertfordshire, 11 April
- Anagnostopoulou, K. (2013) Developing Institutional Strategic Plan for Open, Distance and eLearning. Invited keynote at the ICT Leadership in Higher Education. CEMCA: Hyderabad, India, 24 to 26 February
- Anagnostopoulou, K. and Quinsee, S. Leading Learning, or Being Led by It? EDUCAUSE 2009 Annual Conference, Denver USA, 3 to 6 November 2009.
International Network for the Advancement of Quality Learning Online (£20,000) Knowledge Exchange Partnership funded by the British Council India. Co-lead.
Learning in Third Space: The nature of non-formal learning opportunities afforded to e-learning leaders in the workplace.
Professionalism in the Digital Environment – Institutional approaches to developing digital literacies. Funded by JISC (£100,000 with match funding).
OSTRICH: OER Sustainability through Teaching & Research Innovation: Cascading across HEIs. Funded by the HEA and JISC (£75,000). Collaborative project between University of Leicester (lead), University of Bath, and the University of Derby. Institutional lead.
E-Learning and the First Year Experience (ELFYSE). Funded by the Higher Education Academy (£5,000).
From Inputs to impact: A study of the impact of JISC funding on universities. Funded by JISC (£50,000). Research carried out for MillionPlus in collaboration with Leeds Metropolitan University and the University of Bedfordshire.
Middlesex University Skills and Education Planning Tool (MUSKET). Funded by JISC (approx. £300,000). Co-investigator.
Leading learning…or being led by it? An exploration of the possible relationship between conceptions of and approaches to learning and the exercise of leadership by Heads of e-Learning. Funded by the Leadership Foundation in Higher Education (£15,000) and the Higher Education Academy (£5,000).
Managing Connections using e-learning tracking data to improve retention rates in Higher Education. Funded by the Higher Education Academy (£34,500 with match funding).
Research and academic outputs
Supporting the first year student experience through the use of learning technologies
Anagnostopoulou, K and Gallacher, D, eds. (2010) Supporting the first year student experience through the use of learning technologies. Middlesex University and the Higher Education Academy, London. ISBN 9781859243190
Practical guide: bringing together e-learning and student retention
Anagnostopoulou, K and Gallacher, D (2008) Practical guide: bringing together e-learning and student retention. Middlesex University. ISBN 9781859243015
eLearning: a tutor guide. 2nd ed
Haynes, M and Anagnostopoulou, K (2005) eLearning: a tutor guide. 2nd ed. Middlesex University, London.
eLearning: a study guide. 2nd ed
Anagnostopoulou, K and Haynes, M (2005) eLearning: a study guide. 2nd ed. Middlesex University, London.
eLearning: authoring and reviewing materials
Anagnostopoulou, K and Haynes, M (2005) eLearning: authoring and reviewing materials. Middlesex University, London.
Managing online learning
Haynes, M and Anagnostopoulou, K (2005) Managing online learning. Middlesex University, London.
Designing to learn and learning to design: an overview of instructional design models
Anagnostopoulou, K (2002) Designing to learn and learning to design: an overview of instructional design models. LTSN, York.
Information Technology and learning: the shifting identities of learners and educators
Anagnostopoulou, K (2019) 'Information Technology and learning: the shifting identities of learners and educators.' In: Simon, C.A and Ward, S, eds. A student's guide to education studies. 4th ed. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 190-202. ISBN 9780367276690
Quality assurance - an endeavour in enhancing teaching and learning experience through collaborative and assistive technologies
Dafoulas, G and Anagnostopoulou, K (2009) 'Quality assurance - an endeavour in enhancing teaching and learning experience through collaborative and assistive technologies.' In: Proceedings of the International Conference of Quality, Enhancement: Experience, Challenges and Perspectives for Armenian Higher Education. Yerevan State University, Yerevan.
Ensuring quality enhancement through the four pronged approach to supporting online learning
Haynes, M, Bakry, W-E and Anagnostopoulou, K (2004) 'Ensuring quality enhancement through the four pronged approach to supporting online learning.' In: Proceedings of the 21st ICDE World Conference - Lifelong Learning in the Networked World, Hong Kong, 18-21 February 2004. International Council for Open and Distance Education (ICDE), Hong Kong.
Virtual learning environments as tools in learning and teaching
Haynes, M and Anagnostopoulou, K (2002) 'Virtual learning environments as tools in learning and teaching.' In: Fallows, S and Bhanot, R, eds. Educational development through information and communications technology. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 59-72. ISBN 9780749435653
Making the right connections: improving quality in online learning
Jackson, B and Anagnostopoulou, K (2001) 'Making the right connections: improving quality in online learning.' In: Stephenson, J, ed. Teaching & learning online: new pedagogies for new technologies. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9780749435110
Anagnostopoulou, K (2023) 'Editorial.' Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1470-3300
Anagnostopoulou, K (2023) 'Editorial.' Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 60 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1470-3300
Anagnostopoulou, K (2022) 'Editorial.' Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 59 (3). pp. 239-241. ISSN 1470-3300
An exploration of perceptions of learning and e-learning
Anagnostopoulou, K, Gallacher, D and Priego-Hernandez, J (2009) 'An exploration of perceptions of learning and e-learning.' Brooks eJournal of Learning and Teaching (BeJLT), 2 (4).
Measuring quality enhancement through the four pronged approach to supporting online learning
Haynes, M, Anagnostopoulou, K and Bakry, W (2004) 'Measuring quality enhancement through the four pronged approach to supporting online learning.' Open Praxis: Bulletin of the ICDE, 1. pp. 12-15. ISSN 1369-9997
The first year student experience and its relation to e-learning and technology: hearing the voice of withdrawn and persistent learners
Anagnostopoulou, K (2008) The first year student experience and its relation to e-learning and technology: hearing the voice of withdrawn and persistent learners. In: SRHE Annual Conference: Valuing Higher Education, 9 -11 December 2008, Adelphi Hotel, Liverpool, UK.
Learning in third space : the nature of non-formal learning opportunities afforded to e-learning leaders in the workplace
Anagnostopoulou, K (2014) Learning in third space : the nature of non-formal learning opportunities afforded to e-learning leaders in the workplace. PhD thesis, UCL, Institute of Education.
Leading learning…or being led by it? An exploration of the possible relationship between conceptions of and approaches to learning and the exercise of leadership by Heads of e-Learning
Anagnostopoulou, K (2010) Leading learning…or being led by it? An exploration of the possible relationship between conceptions of and approaches to learning and the exercise of leadership by Heads of e-Learning. Leadership Foundation in Higher Education.
Researching one’s own profession: considerations and guidance.
Anagnostopoulou, K and Quinsee, S (2010) Researching one’s own profession: considerations and guidance. Higher Education Academy.
Final report - managing connections: using e-learning tracking information to improve retention rates in higher education
Anagnostopoulou, K, Parmar, D and Priego-Hernandez,, J (2008) Final report - managing connections: using e-learning tracking information to improve retention rates in higher education. Middlesex University.