Emerita Professor 

Personal statement

I write fiction for children and teenagers/young adults. My novels for teenagers and young adults include: 'Blue Moon' (Puffin,2003); 'Baby Blue' (Puffin, 2004); 'Hunter's Heart' (Puffin,2005); ' Breathing Underwater ( Bloomsbury,2009); 'Drawing with Light' (Bloomsbury,2010); 'Bringing the Summer' (Bloomsbury, 2012) and 'This Northern Sky'(Bloomsbury,2013).

My stories for younger children include 'Over the Edge', published by Pearson Education as part of their 'Streetwise' series (2004),' Taking Flight' (A and C Black,2006), 'Sephy's Story' (A and C Black, 2007); 'Beowulf the Brave' (A and C Black, 2008) and 'Don't Forget, Lara' (A and C Black, 2010).

My novels for children include 'Tilly's Moonlight Fox'(2012), 'Sylvie and Star' (2013) and 'Seal Island' (2014), all published by Oxford University Press.

My short stories for teenagers include 'Will's Story', published in 'Short Stories' (Bliss and Waterstones, 2005) and also in 'Turning the Corner: a collection of post-millennium short stories', Cambridge University Press, 2007); 'Make Friends, Make Friends, Never Never Break Friends' published in the anthology 'You're the Best', edited by Belinda Hollyer (Kingfisher,2006). 'One More Step' was published in 'My Kind of School', A and C Black, 2008); 'What we Love' in 'Inner City: Stories from the thick of it', ed. Tony Bradman (A and C Black, 2010). I was one of the authors who contributed reviews to 'The Ultimate Teen Book Guide' eds D. Hahn and L. Flynn, A and C Black, 2006.

My short stories for younger children include 'Reindeer Girl' in 'Winter Tales' ( Stripes Publishing, 2008); 'Snow Swan' in 'Winter Magic' (Stripes Publishing, 2009) and 'Mouse Magic' in 'Winter's Night' (Stripes Publishing, 2010).

I am the former Course Director for Bath Spa's MA in Writing for Young People. I taught the writing workshops and co-ordinated the modules for Writing Workshops, Context Module 1 Forms Ages and Stages, and the double Manuscript Module. I organised the programme of visiting speakers (agents, editors and authors). This MA is a leading course in the UK with an established reputation in the children's publishing world. Since the course began in 2004, more than 22 students have secured publication deals and have gone on to have highly successful careers as children's authors.

I have many years experience of teaching creative writing to adults and young people in a variety of settings, including schools, pupil referral centres, literature festivals and for community-based courses. I have facilitated courses for Booktrust (Writing Together) and Young Cultural Creators, London, and for Bath Festivals Trust. I am interested in the teaching of creative writing in schools, working with adults and children as collaborative learners, and was involved in a research project funded by the National Association of Writers in Education and Bath Spa University Creative Writing Department which looked at the professional development needs of writers in this region who wish to work in educational settings. My PhD looked at my YA fiction in the context of a tradition of realist writing for young adults.

Academic qualifications

  • BA (Hons) UKC
  • MPhil University of Oxford
  • PGCE University of Oxford
  • PhD Bath Spa University.

Professional qualifications

  • Postgraduate Certificate in Education.

Professional memberships

  • National Association of Writers in Education; Society of Authors; Pen.

Other external roles

  • AHRC Research Training for PhD Creative Writing: Collaborative Project with University of Portsmouth
  • Book reviews for Armadillo ( online children's books magazine)
  • Media contributions : Speaker at 'Teenage Kicks' event, London 2003
    Article in Times Educational Supplement August 2003
  • Literature Festival appearances: Cheltenham, 2004; Birmingham 2004; Cheltenham 2005; Kingston, 2009; Bath 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008; 2009; 2010, 2011
  • Writer in residence, Bath Children's Literature Festival 2010
  • Facilitator, Creative Writing Workshops in schools
  • 'Creative Writers in Practice' Days for school pupils and teachers as collaborative learners(in conjunction with BANES and School of Education, BSU)
  • Young Cultural Creators Projects 2005 - 2008
  • Booktrust; Writing Together training day for teachers (March 2006)
  • Visiting Lecturer to School of Education: third year and Postgraduate students (2006, 2007, 2008, 2009)
  • Co- managing joint research project with NAWE, 'mapping' existing opportunities for writers working in educational settings in the Wiltshire, Bath and NE Somerset, Bristol and Gloucestershire region.
  • Committee member, Bath Festival of Children's Literature
  • Author Shadowing scheme for MA students at Bath Literature Festival
  • Competition judge (Bath Literature Festival 2006)
  • Creative Writing Workshops for gifted and talented young people, Somerset Schools (July 2006, 2007, 2008)
  • Author Visits to schools ( ongoing: recent visits to Hayesfield School, Bath; Ralph Allen School, Bath; Oldfield School, Bath; Bruton School for Girls; Somervale School; Tolworth School for Girls; Brimsham Green School, Yate; Copthall School London; St Paul's Way Community School, London; Hele's School, Plymouth; The Meriton school, Bristol; St Bede's Lytham St Annes; Baines High School Lancashire;Thornden School Hants;Holt School Wokingham; Port Regis school, Dorset.
  • Workshop leader for 'Teachers are Writers' group, Bath Festivals Trust (2012)
  • Course Tutor for Faber Academy, London (2012) Writing for Young Adults.

Teaching specialism

  • Writing for Children and Teenagers; I have a particular interest in realist fiction for young people
  • Former Course Director, MA Writing for Young People.

PhD supervision

I have been a PhD Supervisor for two students (novel/memoir on childhood experiences; teenage novel and critical study of wilderness/wild places in fiction for young adults). Both students have successfully completed their PhD in Creative Writing.

External examiner

  • External Validator for BA Writing Popular Fiction at Southampton Institute (Faculty of Media, Arts and Society) 2005
  • Independent Assessor for appointment of Visiting Professor to School of Arts, Communication and Culture, Nottingham Trent University (2006)
  • External Examiner for MPhil at University of Glamorgan 2008.


Research Group: Writing for Young People

  • PhD by publication; a contracted novel for younger children (Oxford University Press) due for publication in 2014
  • Young Cultural Creators (Creative writing projects with London schools, public libraries and the Children's Society Archives, funded by the Association of Libraries, Museums and Archives, London)

Invited speaker

Children's Book Federation Conference, at Southwold, May 2003 and in Birmingham, April 2004; 'Young Readers' (Teenage Readers' Day), Birmingham, June 2004; Cheltenham Literature Festival (2005); Bath Literature Festival (2005); AWP Conference, Vancouver (2005); Bath Literature Festival, 2006; speaker at Day Conference on Future of Public Libraries, June 2006; Bath Children's Literature Festival (2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011) and festival Writer in Residence 2010; panel speaker at NAWE Conference November 2007, ; AWP Conference, New York, February 2008 (author on panel: 'A Difficult Age: the state of Young Adult Fiction in the UK'); Chair of 'The Youth Debate', at Bath Literature Festival February 2008.Panel at YLG Conference, Coventry, 2009; panel speaker at NAWE conference 2010; Invited speaker at Writers and Artists' conference for new writers for children 2011; AWP Conference Boston 2013: two panel events; on Love, Sex and Censorship in Young Adult Fiction, and 'Crossing Boundaries: landscapes of childhood and adolescence across three continents.'

Research and academic outputs

Go to ResearchSPAce


To the edge of the world

Green, J (2018) To the edge of the world. Oxford University Press, London. ISBN 9780192758453

The wilderness war

Green, J (2016) The wilderness war. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192743657

Seal Island

Green, J (2014) Seal Island. Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780192735669

This northern sky

Green, J (2013) This northern sky. Bloomsbury Childrens. ISBN 9781408820698

Sylvie and Star

Green, J (2013) Sylvie and Star. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192757968

Tilly's moonlight fox

Green, J (2012) Tilly's moonlight fox. Oxford University Press, Oxford. ISBN 9780192757913

Bringing the summer

Green, J (2012) Bringing the summer. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408819586

Drawing with light

Green, J (2010) Drawing with light. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408819579

Breathing underwater

Green, J (2009) Breathing underwater. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781408819555

Beowulf the brave

Green, J (2008) Beowulf the brave. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9780713688412

Sephy's story

Green, J (2007) Sephy's story. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9780713682120

Taking flight

Green, J (2006) Taking flight. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9780713675948

Hunter's heart

Green, J (2005) Hunter's heart. Puffin (Penguin Books). ISBN 0-141-31765-5

Baby blue

Green, J (2004) Baby blue. Puffin (Penguin Books). ISBN 0-141-31679-9

Over the edge

Green, J (2004) Over the edge. Pearson Longman. ISBN 0-582-79641-5

Blue moon

Green, J (2003) Blue moon. Puffin (Penguin Books). ISBN 0-141-31535-0

Book chapters or sections

Seal song
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2016) 'Seal song.' In: Moonlight magic. Stripes, London, pp. 65-80. ISBN 9781847157416

The moon-gazing hare
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2015) 'The moon-gazing hare.' In: On a snowy night. Stripes, London, pp. 145-163. ISBN 9781847156426

What we love
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2010) 'What we love.' In: Bradman, T, ed. Inner city: stories from the thick of it. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9781408113776

Mouse magic
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2010) 'Mouse magic.' In: Winter's night. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847151445

Snow swan
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2009) 'Snow swan.' In: Winter magic. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847151070

One more step
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2008) 'One more step.' In: Bradman, T, ed. My kind of school. A&C Black, London. ISBN 9781408100905

Reindeer girl
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2008) 'Reindeer girl.' In: Winter tales. Stripes, London. ISBN 9781847150691

Will's story
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2007) 'Will's story.' In: Hill, D, ed. Turning the corner: a collection of post-millennium short stories. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. ISBN 9780521703215

Make friends, make friends, never never break friends
Book chapters or section

Green, J (2006) 'Make friends, make friends, never never break friends.' In: Hollyer, B, ed. You're the best. Kingfisher, London. ISBN 9780753413326

Conference or workshop items

The writers' creative journey
Conference or workshop item

Green, J, Humphrey, K, Thebo, M and Vick, C (2016) The writers' creative journey. In: Bath Children’s Literature Festival, 1 - 9 October 2016, Guildhall, Bath, UK.

Writing the wild
Conference or workshop item

Green, J (2016) Writing the wild. In: Edinburgh International Book Festival, 13 - 29 August 2016, Baillie Gifford Corner Theatre, Edinburgh, UK.


Growing up: Julia Green's fiction in the context of the tradition of realist writing for young adults

Green, J (2015) Growing up: Julia Green's fiction in the context of the tradition of realist writing for young adults. PhD thesis, Bath Spa University.