Dr Jenny Hatley
- Programme Leader in Education
- Email: j.hatley@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875479
- School: School of Education
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Jenny is a Programme Leader in Education and works to develop provision across the undergraduate portfolio in the School of Education. Jenny brings a wide range of experience to this role. She began her education career in museum education, creating interactive education programmes and enhancing the public communication of science at the Science Museum in London.
Following this, Jenny worked with an international NGO to lead and develop education programmes in disease prevention education and in trauma and conflict resolution in areas of conflict, natural disaster and post-conflict situations overseas. This included program development and delivery in cooperation with the UN and working through local partners with a focus on capacity building, enabling the sustainability of projects.
Jenny has also worked as a primary teacher in the UK across both the state and independent sectors with a focus on global education, social and emotional education and citizenship. She supported schools within Gloucestershire to develop provision in Relationships Education, including mentoring curriculum leads and supporting school leadership and parent communities. Jenny has also been an Associate School Leader in the Swedish free school system where she led the development of teaching pedagogy, mentored teaching staff and developed the whole school use of technology. Jenny’s international experience has been the bedrock of her commitment to education, having seen first-hand the power that it has to bring a concrete sense of hope and positive change to individuals and communities.
For the past several years, Jenny has taught in Higher Education and is an active educational researcher. She has taught at both postgraduate and undergraduate levels including foundation degrees, primary teacher education (BEd and PGCE) and Education Studies. Jenny has been the course leader for Education Studies and in partnership with students brought new developments to the curriculum centred on education for climate justice and social action. Jenny was recently awarded a Leading Teaching Award and is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Jenny’s PhD focused on the values of global citizenship education and the implications for social justice. She performed a multimodal critical discourse analysis of UNESCO documents and analysed these in light of Nancy Fraser’s theory of Democratic Justice.
Research interests
Jenny’s research interests centre on global citizenship education, global issues, global education policy, theories of social justice and their application, critical discourse analysis and values and how these change in light of changing global and political contexts. Jenny welcomes enquiries from students wishing to undertake doctoral study in these areas.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Education and Social Justice
- Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice
- MSc Space Science
- BSc (Hons) Physics with Space Science.
Professional memberships
- Senior Fellow, Higher Education Academy
- Member of the British Educational Research Association (BERA).
Other external roles
- Co-chair national working group in Global Citizenship/Evidence for Global Education - Our Shared World Coalition
- Reviewer for BERA journal 'Review of Education'.
Research and academic outputs
Book chapters or sections
The role of social justice theory in education studies
Book chapters or section
Hatley, J (2023) 'The role of social justice theory in education studies.' In: Pulsford, M, Morris, R and Purves, R, eds. Understanding education studies: critical issues and new directions. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 112-118. ISBN 9781032284682
The distinctive affordances of Close to Practice research: an argument for its deployment within postgraduate initial teacher education
Book chapters or section
Blackmore, K and Hatley, J (2022) 'The distinctive affordances of Close to Practice research: an argument for its deployment within postgraduate initial teacher education.' In: Boyd, P, Szplit, A and Zbróg, Z, eds. Developing teachers’ research literacy: international perspectives. Wydawnictwo Libron, Kraków, pp. 83-112. ISBN 9788366269972
Resilience online
Book chapters or section
Pugh, V and Hatley, J (2021) 'Resilience online.' In: Pugh, V and Hughes, D, eds. Teaching personal, social, health and economic and relationships, (sex) and health education in primary schools: enhancing the whole curriculum. Bloomsbury Academic, London, pp. 169-178. ISBN 9781350129887
Developing an emergent resilience through self-organised learning environments
Book chapters or section
Hatley, J (2020) 'Developing an emergent resilience through self-organised learning environments.' In: Ahmed Shafi, A, Middleton, T, Millican, R and Templeton, S, eds. Reconsidering resilience in education: an exploration using the dynamic interactive model of resilience. Springer, Cham, pp. 185-197. ISBN 9783030492359
Close to practice research as a means of rethinking elements of student–teacher's classroom practice
Blackmore, K and Hatley, J (2024) 'Close to practice research as a means of rethinking elements of student–teacher's classroom practice.' The Curriculum Journal, 35 (4). pp. 586-604. ISSN 0958-5176
Civil society organisations and Target 4.7 of the SDGs: towards intersectionality for promoting a more just and sustainable world
Bourn, D and Hatley, J (2023) 'Civil society organisations and Target 4.7 of the SDGs: towards intersectionality for promoting a more just and sustainable world.' International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 15 (2). pp. 103-114. ISSN 1756-5278
The influence of support for early career teachers on their decision to remain in the teaching profession
Hatley, J and Kington, A (2022) 'The influence of support for early career teachers on their decision to remain in the teaching profession.' Impact, 15. ISSN 2514-6955
Towards a dynamic interactive model of resilience (DIMoR) for education and learning contexts
Ahmed Shafi, A, Templeton, S, Middleton, T, Millican, R, Vare, P, Pritchard, R and Hatley, J (2020) 'Towards a dynamic interactive model of resilience (DIMoR) for education and learning contexts.' Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties, 25 (2). pp. 183-198. ISSN 1363-2752
Are universal values counterproductive to achieving education for global citizenship?
Hatley, J (2019) 'Are universal values counterproductive to achieving education for global citizenship?' Research Intelligence, 140. ISSN 0307-9023
Universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of global citizenship education: a multimodal critical discourse analysis
Hatley, J (2019) 'Universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of global citizenship education: a multimodal critical discourse analysis.' International Journal of Development Education and Global Learning, 11 (1). pp. 87-102. ISSN 1756-5278
The role of assessment feedback in developing academic buoyancy
Ahmed Shafi, A, Hatley, J, Middleton, T, Millican, R and Templeton, S (2018) 'The role of assessment feedback in developing academic buoyancy.' Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 43 (3). pp. 415-427. ISSN 0260-2938
Conference or workshop items
How can values within global citizenship education achieve greater social justice?
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2023) How can values within global citizenship education achieve greater social justice? In: Academic Network for Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) Conference: Global Education & Learning for a Just, Peaceful and Sustainable World, 19 - 20 June 2023, UNESCO HQ, Paris, France.
What is the evidence for 'what works' for the achievement of SDG4.7 in education?
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2022) What is the evidence for 'what works' for the achievement of SDG4.7 in education? In: Education for Sustainability in a Climate Crisis: International Perspectives, 5 - 6 July 2022, University of Worcester, UK [online].
The role of social justice theory in education studies
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2022) The role of social justice theory in education studies. In: BESA Conference: Education and Social Justice, 23 - 24 June 2022, Manchester, UK.
Universal values and implications for social justice – a multimodal critical discourse analysis
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2019) Universal values and implications for social justice – a multimodal critical discourse analysis. In: BERA Annual Conference, 9 - 11 September 2019, University of Manchester, UK.
What can global citizenship education offer to the current mess we’re in?
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2019) What can global citizenship education offer to the current mess we’re in? In: BERA Comparative and International Education SIG / University of Worcester Conference: Global Perspectives: Re-imagining Education, 20 -21 June 2019, University of Worcester, UK.
The position of universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of UNESCO's global citizenship education
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2019) The position of universal values as a barrier to the effectiveness of UNESCO's global citizenship education. In: Academic Network on Global Education & Learning (ANGEL) Conference, 9 - 10 May 2019, Institute of Education, London, UK.
Assessment for resilience
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J, Ahmed Shafi, A, Millican, R, Stapleton, S and Middleton, T (2016) Assessment for resilience. In: BERA Annual Conference, 13 - 15 September 2016, University of Leeds, UK.
The role of values in assessment for resilience
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2016) The role of values in assessment for resilience. In: Annual Conference for Research in Education (ACRE), 12 - 13 July 2016, Edge Hill University, UK.
Investigating the role of values in global citizenship education
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2016) Investigating the role of values in global citizenship education. In: Social Justice in Times of Crisis and Hope: Young People, Well-being and the Politics of Education, 6 - 8 July 2016, RMIT University, Barcelona, Spain.
Assessment for resilience - implications for professional practice.
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2015) Assessment for resilience - implications for professional practice. In: IPDA International Conference: Professional Learning for Performance, 27 - 28 November 2015, Aston University, UK.
Global campaign for education: implications for social justice in light of neoliberal influence
Conference or workshop item
Hatley, J (2015) Global campaign for education: implications for social justice in light of neoliberal influence. In: Doctoral Research Conference, May 2015, University of Bristol, UK.
The values of global citizenship education and implications for social justice
Hatley, J (2018) The values of global citizenship education and implications for social justice. PhD thesis, Lancaster University.
Commissioned reports
Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence in Schools in England. Research for Our Shared World
Commissioned report
Bourn, D and Hatley, J (2022) Target 4.7 of the Sustainable Development Goals: Evidence in Schools in England. Research for Our Shared World. DERC Research Paper No.22. UCL Institute of Education, London. ISBN 9781999685270