Personal statement

Jenny Dunseath is an artist, Reader in Fine Art, and Senior Lecturer at Bath School of Art, Film & Media. She has taught across disciplines at undergraduate and postgraduate level.

Her practice-based research is focused on sculpture and the digital realm. Exhibitions and events have been held in national and international venues including: The Royal Academy of Art, Bloomberg New Contemporaries, Gig Munich, Tate Modern, Korean Cultural Centre, Gaana gallery Seoul, Flat Time House, OUTPOST and Spike Island.

Her secondary research interest is student-centered teaching and learning in higher education.

Jenny is co-lead of an inter-institutional research group, Material:Pedagogy:Future (MPF) convened by colleagues at Bath Spa University; Kingston School of Art, University of Westminster, and University of Bergen. MPF is an international network of transdisciplinary, practice-based researchers who are dedicated to querying their positions and agencies as artist-teachers.

Academic qualifications

  • Pg Dip, The Royal Academy of Art, London
  • BA (Hons) Fine Art Sculpture, Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
  • BTec Dip, Foundation studies Art and Design.

Professional memberships

  • Fellow, Higher Education Academy (FHEA)

Other external roles

  • External Academic Board Member for Art Academy, London
  • External Academic Advisor, Programme Review BAFA Winchester School of Art, University of Southampton
  • External Academic MFA Fine Art Scrutiny Event, Duncan of Jordanstone, College of Art and Design, School of Art and Design, University of Dundee.
  • External Academic Revalidation BA FA University Centre South Essex
  • External Academic Revalidation BA FA Winchester School of Art
  • Wunderkammer Press Board Member BSU
  • HEA Champion for BSAD, Bath Spa University
  • Senior Academic for External Periodic Review, Colchester School of Art and Design, University of Essex
  • Course Validation Graphic Design, Norwich University of the Arts
  • Senate Member, Norwich University of the Arts.

Teaching specialism

  • Fine Art Sculpture.


ACCELERATE: Accessible Immersive Learning for Art and Design. An Erasmus+ funded project, coordinated by Professor Ian Gadd supported by Academic Lead Jenny Dunseath with partners from the UK, Ireland, Poland, and Ukraine.

This 2-year project aimed to improve the teaching of art and design at higher education in Europe through the development of innovative methodologies, tools, platforms, and resources for accessible immersive learning.

Artist Boss A creative research project that examined sculpture, and the role of the studio assistant to raise questions concerning the status of production, originality, authenticity, and authorship within the tradition of twentieth-century British sculpture.

The project focused on Sir Anthony Caro and his studio assistants to look at this ‘traditional’ role and its impact on making and artists’ careers today. The project asks how does it affect making and what happens to the assistants?

It involved a series of exhibitions, a publication, a website with learning resources, talks and events to create access to new work and engages new audiences with sculpture.

Research and academic outputs

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Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture

Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M, eds. (2016) Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture. Wunderkammer Press, Bath. ISBN 9780993551109

Book chapters or sections

THIS IS NOT A POSITION: rethinking productivity: as art / as pedagogy / as research
Book chapters or section

Addison, J, Dunseath, J, Kidd, N, Large, K and Quaife, M (2024) 'THIS IS NOT A POSITION: rethinking productivity: as art / as pedagogy / as research.' In: Kauppila, H and Rouhiainen, L, eds. Taidealojen yliopistopedagoginen koulutus 10 vuotta : näkökulmia taide - ja taiteilijapedagogiikkaan = 10 years of university pedagogy in the arts: perspectives on arts and artist pedagogy. University of the Arts Helsinki, Helsinki, pp. 135-142. ISBN 9789523530850

Artist boss
Book chapters or section

Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M (2016) 'Artist boss.' In: Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M, eds. Artist boss: Anthony Caro's studio assistants and issues of legacy in British sculpture. Wunderkammer Press, Bath, pp. 19-27. ISBN 9780993551109

Conference or workshop items

Inventory of Behaviours - What conditions (cultural, sociological, economic, political) shape artists’ behaviours, and how can they help us to rethink the ways in which we work, teach, and learn?
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J, Kidd, N, Addison, J, Large, K and Quiafe, M (2024) Inventory of Behaviours - What conditions (cultural, sociological, economic, political) shape artists’ behaviours, and how can they help us to rethink the ways in which we work, teach, and learn? In: BSU Research Festival 2024, 5 June 2024, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Pauses - Inventory of Behaviours
Conference or workshop item

Kidd, N, Dunseath, J, Addison, J and Large, K (2024) Pauses - Inventory of Behaviours. In: Doing Together 2024, 4 - 5 April 2024, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.

Touch Type
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2023) Touch Type. In: CreaTech, 22 September 2023, Fabrication Lab and Ambika P3, University of Westminster, London, UK.

Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2023) Chew. In: On Not Knowing: How Artists Teach, 9 - 10 June 2023, Glasgow School of Art, Glasgow, UK.

Making immersive technology accessible for art and design teaching
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2023) Making immersive technology accessible for art and design teaching. In: Accelerate Multiplier Event, 18 May 2023, UK / Ireland / Poland / Ukraine [online].

About making: keep chewing the gum
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2023) About making: keep chewing the gum. In: Issues in Creative Practice: Doing Together, 3 - 4 April 2023, Locksbrook, Bath Spa University, UK.

As seen
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) As seen. In: Issues in Creative Practice Research: Creativity and Crisis Symposium, 9 February 2021, Bath Spa University, UK [online].

What is a studio and how do we use one?
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2017) What is a studio and how do we use one? In: What Is A Studio And How Do We Use One? A One Day Symposium In Conjunction With Inventory Of Behaviours, 6 February 2017, blip blip blip, East Street Arts Patrick Studios, Leeds, UK.

Generation Z depth:‘exploring sculpture and technology’
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J and Dawson, I (2017) Generation Z depth:‘exploring sculpture and technology’. In: New Art Centre Workshops, 17 January 2017, Roche Court, Salisbury, UK.

Anthony Caro and his studio assistants
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2017) Anthony Caro and his studio assistants. In: Norfolk Contemporary Art Society Events, 12 January 2017, The Forum, Norwich, UK.

About making
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2015) About making. In: Artist's Talk, 15 September 2015, Spike Island, Bristol, UK.

Case study: Anthony Caro and his assistants
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2015) Case study: Anthony Caro and his assistants. In: Life Cycle, Continuous, 3 December 2015, PSC’s Project Space, London.

Making sculpture: views from the studio
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J, Ayling, N, Bax, O, Black, H and Wallbank, J (2014) Making sculpture: views from the studio. In: Collaborating with Caro, 10 October 2014, Central St Martins, London.

About making
Conference or workshop item

Kidd, N, Addison, J and Dunseath, J (2014) About making. In: Noticing Making Summer School, July 2014, Tate Modern, London.

The studio assistant: artist-assistant relationships and the lineage of contemporary British sculpture (1960 - present day)
Conference or workshop item

Dunseath, J (2014) The studio assistant: artist-assistant relationships and the lineage of contemporary British sculpture (1960 - present day). In: GLAD Conference 2014: The Studio - Where do we Learn? Where do we Teach?, 27 February 14, Sheffield Institute of Arts, Sheffield Hallam University.


Elbow (2015) [REF2021 collection]

Dunseath, J (2021) Elbow (2015) [REF2021 collection].

Artist boss (2014-2017) [REF2021 collection]

Dunseath, J (2018) Artist boss (2014-2017) [REF2021 collection].


Inventory of behaviours

Addison, J, Dunseath, J, Kidd, N and Large, K (2024) Inventory of behaviours. In: The Work of the Head, the Heart, the Hands, Galleria Valo, Arktikum, Rovaniemi, Finland, 17 October - 14 December 2024.

Touch Type

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2024) Touch Type. In: Ludic Territories, Das LOT, Vienna, Austria, 30 May - 2 June 2024.


Dunseath, J (2023) Mouseclick. In: Moving Image 2023, Southwark Park Galleries, London, UK, 11 November - 9 December 2023.

Touch Type

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2022) Touch Type. Skelf [online], 4 May 2022 - 1 October 2022.

‘ave a look!

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) ‘ave a look! Six Second Gallery, London, UK, 6 - 21 November 2021.

As seen

Dunseath, J and Squires, K (2021) As seen. In: In Touch, CICA Museum, Gimpo, South Korea, 24 November – 12 December 2021.

As seen

Squires, K and Dunseath, J (2020) As seen. In: Ways and Means, Skelf [online], 22 July - 20 October 2020.

Hard hard hat hat & Cosmetic.wished.explorer

Dunseath, J (2018) Hard hard hat hat & Cosmetic.wished.explorer. In: On Repeat, GiG Gallery, Munich, Germany, 22 September - 26 October 2018.

Pasta real

Dunseath, J (2017) Pasta real. In: Work Work, Tintype Gallery, London, UK, 2 November - 2 December 2017.

SWAP AD HOC [group exhibition]

Dunseath, J (2017) SWAP AD HOC [group exhibition]. Castor Projects, London, UK, 31 March - 29 September 2017.

Artist Boss at Bath Spa [curator]

Dunseath, J (2016) Artist Boss at Bath Spa [curator]. Bath School of Art & Design, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK, 6 December 2016 - 20 January 2017.

Artist Boss: Anthony Caro [curators]

Dunseath, J and Wilsher, M (2016) Artist Boss: Anthony Caro [curators]. New Art Centre, Salisbury, UK, 19 November 2016 - 29 January 2017.

Artist Boss: Pool [curator and exhibitor]

Dunseath, J (2016) Artist Boss: Pool [curator and exhibitor]. The Cut, Halesworth, UK, 3 September - 6 October 2016.


Dunseath, J, Dawson, I, Heath, C, Minkin, L, Thomas, N, Greenwood, J, Colegate, M and Vari, M (2015) Elbow. C&C Gallery, London, 5 September – 4 October 2015.

From growth and form

Dunseath, J (2014) From growth and form. In: Richard Hamilton, Tate Modern, London, 13 February - 26 May 2014.

Bored game

Dunseath, J (2013) Bored game. In: The Imaginary App, Museum London, Ontario, Canada, 28 September - 20 October 2013.

Prism 13 [group exhibition]

Dunseath, J (2013) Prism 13 [group exhibition]. Sheffield.

Twin Town [group exhibition]

Dunseath, J (2012) Twin Town [group exhibition]. Korean Cultural Centre, London, September - October 2012.

Minit 4: Change-of-state. Kinetic and movie, or what is generally meant by event and movement

Dunseath, J (2012) Minit 4: Change-of-state. Kinetic and movie, or what is generally meant by event and movement. In: Peckham Artist Moving Image, Flat Time House, The John Latham Foundation and Archive, London, 20 -23 September 2012.

Concrete Geometries Research Cluster: the relational in architecture [group exhibition]

Dunseath, J (2011) Concrete Geometries Research Cluster: the relational in architecture [group exhibition]. Architectural Association, School of Architecture, London, 7–27 May 2011.

Site Construction

Dunseath, J (2011) Site Construction. Outpost Gallery, Norwich, UK, February 2011.

Point of Address [group exhibition]

Dunseath, J (2010) Point of Address [group exhibition]. Outpost.


An image, I'm pleased, I am sad

Dunseath, J (2015) An image, I'm pleased, I am sad.

Other items

Accelerate [website]
Other item

Dunseath, J (2023) Accelerate [website]. Accelerate.

Artist Boss [website]
Other item

Dunseath, J (2016) Artist Boss [website].

Today the studio is my laptop
Other item

Dunseath, J (2015) Today the studio is my laptop. Ambit, 221 (Summer). pp. 41-49.

An image, I’m pleased, I’m sad
Other item

Dunseath, J (2015) An image, I’m pleased, I’m sad. Ambit, 221 (Summer). pp. 50-51.

Collaborating with Caro [conference report]
Other item

Dunseath, J (2014) Collaborating with Caro [conference report]. Henry Moore Institute Newsletter, 116 (Nov.).

When attitude becomes action [website]
Other item

Dunseath, J (2012) When attitude becomes action [website].