Personal statement

I am a Sound Designer, Supervising Sound Editor, Field Recordist, and Re-recording Engineer. In my recent practice, since 2005, I have worked on a range of feature films, short films, documentaries, animations and sound art installations. I have a particular interest in the creative use of sound for narrative storytelling within film as well as audiovisual work that involves sound and image interaction.

In my previous practice as a music producer and studio engineer, I developed an interest in sound manipulation and experimental audio recording, using audio effects processors, recording equipment, synthesis, and sampling.

I am involved in a range of teaching at undergraduate and postgratuate level. I am the course leader for MA Sound Design. Teaching areas on the BA Creative Music Technology include electronic music production, sound design, audio post production and spatial audio. I have been working at Bath Spa University since 2005.

My research interests are within the fields of film sound design, spatial audio and sonic signatures within music production.

  • For recent IMDB film credits please see IMDB
  • For more information please visit my website

My background is mainly within music production, performance and multimedia. Previous practice areas include:

  • Music production
  • Audio mastering
  • Studio owner - 'NR Studios' (The Netherlands) 
  • Session musician
  • Music festival and event organisation (world music / electronic music)
  • Multimedia / interactive media
  • Cymatics

Academic qualifications

  • MA - University of the West of England

Professional memberships

  • Member - Performing Rights Society 

Other External Roles

  • External examiner - Plymouth University / dBs Music Cornwall
  • Link tutor - BIMM Bristol

Teaching specialism

  • Audio post production
  • Sound design for moving image
  • Synthesis / Sampling / DSP
  • Music production
  • Spatial and VR audio
  • Field recording
  • Critical theory

Research and academic outputs

Go to ResearchSPAce

Conference or workshop items

Cymatics: liquids and sound
Conference or workshop item

Meinema, J (2009) Cymatics: liquids and sound. In: Seeing Sound, 19-20 September 2009, Bath Spa University, Bath, UK.


Sonic interactions

Meinema, J (2006) Sonic interactions. University of West of England, 2006.


No Friends But The Mountains [sound design]

Meinema, J (2017) No Friends But The Mountains [sound design].

Final call animation [co-producer]

Meinema, J (2016) Final call animation [co-producer].

A special guest

Meinema, J (2016) A special guest.

Day of the people

Meinema, J (2016) Day of the people.

Italian miracle

Meinema, J (2015) Italian miracle.

Things of the aimless wanderer

Meinema, J (2015) Things of the aimless wanderer.

Worlds apart

Meinema, J (2012) Worlds apart.

Great train robbers [trailer]

Meinema, J (2012) Great train robbers [trailer].

Art is

Meinema, J (2012) Art is.

Fables of forgotten things

Meinema, J (2005) Fables of forgotten things.


Meinema, J (2005) Processed.

Another life

Meinema, J (2004) Another life.


Samba gaye (by Sekou Bembeya Diabate/Djanka Diabate)

Meinema, J (1997) Samba gaye (by Sekou Bembeya Diabate/Djanka Diabate).