Dr James Baggott-Brown
- Senior Lecturer/Subject Coordinator in Critical Studies
- Email: j.baggott-brown@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
- Campus: Locksbrook Campus
Personal statement
I am a Senior Lecturer in the School of Art, Film and Media, where I am Subject Coordinator for Critical Studies in Fine Art, Photography and Creative Arts Practice. I am also Higher Degrees Tutor for the School, with responsibility for the coordination of Postgraduate Research recruitment and delivery.
My research addresses art history and cultural theory, focussing on art criticism from the late-twentieth century to the present. My PhD addressed the ‘decline of art criticism’ in Britain in the 1980s and 1990s, and the relationships between criticism and the art market. The focus of this project was the magazine Modern Painters and its founding editor, the English art critic Peter Fuller. His research continues to address Fuller, contextualising his central role in British art and art criticism in the 1980s and 1990s.
In my role as Subject Coordinator for Critical Studies at BSU, I have redeveloped the delivery and assessment of related modules to align more closely to the concerns and interests of artists. This has formed part of broader research that addresses the nature of the critical/ historical studies elements of arts degrees, and explores ways in which arts students can thrive within the subject area.
I currently supervise two PhD students at BSU, both exploring aspects of their painting practice through a theoretical lens.
Academic qualifications
- PhD Cultural Theory – University of Plymouth
- MPhil Art History – Lancaster University
- BA (Hons) Art: History and Culture – Lancaster University
- QTS – Plymouth Marjon University.
Professional memberships
- Member of the Association for Art History.
Teaching specialisms
- Critical Practices (Fine Art, Creative Arts, Photography)
- Art History
- Cultural Theory.
- ‘Between Production and Display: On Teaching Curating to Fine Art Students’, What is Research-led Teaching: Multi-disciplinary Perspectives (Crest/ GuildHE: 2013)
- ‘Modern Painters & the Sensation Effect’, The Arts and Popular Culture in History (University of Plymouth Press: 2013)
- ‘The Burlington Magazine and the ‘Tate Bricks’ Controversy’ (May 13th 2014)
- ‘The Rise and Fall of American Art, 1940s – 1980s. A Geopolitics of Western Art Worlds. By Catherine Dossin’, Book Review, The Burlington Magazine (August 2016)
- ‘Modern Painters and the Art Market’ (working title) in Bowman, Matthew (ed.) The Price of Everything and the Value of Nothing (I.B. Tauris: TBC)
- ‘“We All Share the Same Language” Elias Sime: Eregata, Arnolfini, Bristol, October 21, 2023 – February 18, 2024, Exhibition’ Journal of Cultural Analysis and Cultural Change, Vol. 8, Issue 2, December 2023.
Research and academic outputs
But is it purposeful? Why we dethroned the essay...
Feasey, R and Baggott-Brown, J (2024) But is it purposeful? Why we dethroned the essay... In: Jisc Connect More Conference, 8 - 10 May 2024, online.
"We all share the same language” Elias Sime: Eregata, Arnolfini, Bristol, October 21, 2023 – February 18, 2024 [exhibition review]
Baggott-Brown, J (2023) "We all share the same language” Elias Sime: Eregata, Arnolfini, Bristol, October 21, 2023 – February 18, 2024 [exhibition review]. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 8 (2). e17. ISSN 2589-1316