Dr Hania Salter-Dvorak
- Award leader: TESOL
- Email: h.salter-dvorak@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: 0044 (0)1225 875 769
- School: School of Education
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Hania is bilingual (Polish/English) and started her career as a linguist (Italian and French BA; Arabic BA). She has taught in HE for 30 years, most recently at the University of Exeter (2012 -2022), where she worked on the M.Ed in TESOL and supervised doctoral students in Applied Linguistics. Earlier in her career, she taught Arabic and Linguistics at BA level and led English for Academic Purposes provision at two London universities.
Through working with international students, she become increasingly interested in how language, culture, identity and power intersect in the acquisition of academic literacy. This became the subject for the doctorate which she completed at Bristol University in 2011.
In her research, Hania uses linguistic ethnography to explore how learning is mediated and enabled through a second language, particularly in relation to processes surrounding communication in academic settings, and the roles played by feedback, assessment and proofreading in academic writing. Her publications identify ways in which universities can accommodate a highly diverse student body through appropriate course design and community building.
Hania is currently leading the following projects funded by HEQR:
- Developing Argumentation in L2 doctoral students’ academic writing through Pedagogical Innovation and Linguistic Ethnography.
This exploratory interpretive study employs an ethnographic approach to examine the development of argumentation in the writing of L2 doctoral students working in Education.
- How Conceptualisations of culture frame identities of English Language learners in Poland: a constructivist case study.
This research project with BSU GALA partner institution, SWPS University Warsaw, will enable a case study of how culture is integrated into the secondary English Language classroom in Poland, and the implications of this for identity construction of learners who will be communicating through English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in the future.
Academic qualifications
- Ed D in Applied Linguistics/TESOL, Graduate School of Education, Bristol University
- MA in English Language Teaching (merit), Thames Valley University
- BA Arabic (1st class Hons), Polytechnic of Central London
- BA Italian with French (2nd class Hons), Bristol University.
Professional memberships
- British Association of Applied Linguistics (BAAL)
- International Association for Languages and Intercultural Communication (IALIC)
- European Association for Teaching English for Academic Purposes (EATAW).
Other external roles
- External examiner at Southampton University on MA Applied Linguistics for Language Teaching; MA ELT TESOL; MA ELT TESOL Studies, IPhD first year taught modules in TESOL, Applied Linguistics (current)
- External PhD examiner at University of Sydney (2021) and University of Southampton (2020)
- Reviewer of full-length articles for TESOL Quarterly, Written Communication and Studies in Second Language Learning and Teaching journals
- Contributor to ‘People studying people: Research Ethics in Society MOOC’, University of Leicester (2017)
- External examiner on BA Hons International Professional English, Hanoi University of Science and Technology in partnership with University College Plymouth, St Mark and St John (2011-2015)
- Editorial panel member for book entitled ‘Literature teaching in the EFL/ESL Context: New perspectives’ published by Sultan Quaboos University Press, Oman (2011)
- External examiner on the Graduate Diploma in Management/Finance/Law with English at INTO, University of Exeter (2008-12)
- Advisor on curriculum & assessment design for EAP and the PG certificate in teaching and learning at Westminster International University in Tashkent, Uzbekistan (2006-8).
Areas of expertise
- Culture and identity in formal and informal language learning
- Development of L2 students’ academic literacy in Anglophone academia, especially with regard to argumentation skills
- Processes surrounding lecturer feedback and assessment of the academic writing of L2 students in Anglophone academia
- Spoken communication in academic settings and the influence of cultural norms
- Constructivist course evaluation.
Contact Hania about
- Advice on applying for PhD in TESOL/Applied Linguistics
- Advice on applying for MA TESOL
- How to develop argumentation and critical thinking in academic writing.
Research supervision - PhD students
I have a successful track record of PhD supervision, and would be very happy to supervise PhDs in TESOL, especially in the areas of academic writing, culture and identity in language learning, and course evaluation.
Please contact me to discuss your ideas.
I have supervised the following doctoral theses:
- International Teaching Faculty and a Monocultural Student Population: An Interpretive Analysis of Tertiary Teachers’ and Students’ Perceptions in the United Arab Emirates
- English as a Medium of Instruction in the Tertiary Education Setting of the UAE: The Perspectives of Content Teachers
- Saudi English language teachers’ perceptions and reported practices of teacher leadership
- Using interactive whiteboards to teach vocabulary to primary school children
- Teacher leadership: A case study of teacher leaders’ professional development in an EFL institute of a Saudi Arabian university
- Investigating Student Interaction Patterns in EAP Classrooms: A Case study at a Saudi University’s ELC classrooms
- Informal Language Learning of Female Saudi Undergraduates
- Self-directed Professional Development: Possibilities and Restrictions for Teachers of English in Saudi Tertiary Institutions
- Teachers’ Perceptions of Curriculum Change in Higher Education: the Qatar University English Program
- How English Language teachers negotiate their professional identities through the use of prescribed textbooks
- The experiences of postgraduates from French ex-colonies in French universities: A narrative study
- Learning from Chinese international volunteers’ intercultural communication experiences
- Critical thinking in the academic writing of undergraduates in a Pakistani university
- EFL teaching to visually impaired secondary school students in Oman
- A Case Study of Feedback on EFL Academic Writing in Saudi Arabia.
Research and academic outputs
Book chapters or sections
Language programme evaluation: an ideal focus for doctoral dissertations in TESOL
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2017) 'Language programme evaluation: an ideal focus for doctoral dissertations in TESOL.' In: Zoghbor, W, Coombe, C, Al Alami, S and Abu-Rmaileh, S, eds. Proceedings of the 22nd TESOL Arabia Conference: language, culture, communication: transformations in intercultural contexts. TESOL Arabia Publications, Dubai, pp. 105-116. ISBN 9789948135999
Investigating processes underlying identity formation of two L2 master’s students’ in UK HE: insiders or outsiders?
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2016) 'Investigating processes underlying identity formation of two L2 master’s students’ in UK HE: insiders or outsiders?' In: Crossley, M, Arthur, L and McNess, E, eds. Revisiting insider-outsider research in comparative and international education. Symposium Books, Bristol, pp. 207-224. ISBN 9781873927670
What do EAP practitioners know about academic assessment in situ? Two disciplines, two practices, two outcomes
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2015) 'What do EAP practitioners know about academic assessment in situ? Two disciplines, two practices, two outcomes.' In: Kavanagh, M and Robinson, L, eds. The Janus moment: revisiting the past and building the future – proceedings of the 2013 BALEAP Conference. Garnet, Reading. ISBN 9781782602248
‘But I have no idea with my dissertation topic’: participation, language and identity in the experience of L2 students in Anglophone academia
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2012) '‘But I have no idea with my dissertation topic’: participation, language and identity in the experience of L2 students in Anglophone academia.' In: Angouri, J, Daller, M and Treffers-Daller, J, eds. The impact of applied linguistics: proceedings of the 44th Annual Meeting of the British Association for Applied Linguistics. Scitsiugnil Press, London, pp. 59-62. ISBN 9780755953347
Academic tourism or a truly multicultural community? Why international students need pragmatic training for British H.E.
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2007) 'Academic tourism or a truly multicultural community? Why international students need pragmatic training for British H.E.' In: Alexander, O, ed. New approaches to materials development for language learning: proceedings of the 2005 Joint BALEAP/SATEFL Conference. Peter Lang, Oxford, pp. 37-48. ISBN 9783039109098
Plagiarism explained through copyright and intertextuality in music and film
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2004) 'Plagiarism explained through copyright and intertextuality in music and film.' In: Pulverness, A, ed. IATEFL 2004 : Liverpool conference selections. IATEFL, Canterbury. ISBN 9781901095265
Changing consciousness of EFL learners through project work in the community
Book chapters or section
Salter-Dvorak, H (2002) 'Changing consciousness of EFL learners through project work in the community.' In: Cormeraie, S, Killick, D and Parry, M, eds. Revolutions in consciousness: local identities, global concerns in languages and intercultural communication. Proceedings of the 1st IALIC Conference held at Leeds Metropolitan University, December 2000. Leeds Metropolitan University, Leeds. ISBN 9781898883098
'What is it that’s going on here? And what’s in it for me?' How two L2 graduate students experienced spoken interaction
Salter-Dvorak, H (2021) ''What is it that’s going on here? And what’s in it for me?' How two L2 graduate students experienced spoken interaction.' DELTA: Documentação de Estudos em Lingüística Teórica e Aplicada, 37 (3). ISSN 0102-4450
Proofreading: how de facto language policies create social inequality for L2 master's students in UK universities
Salter-Dvorak, H (2019) 'Proofreading: how de facto language policies create social inequality for L2 master's students in UK universities.' Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 39. pp. 119-131. ISSN 1475-1585
'How did you find the argument?': conflicting discourses in a master's dissertation tutorial
Salter-Dvorak, H (2017) ''How did you find the argument?': conflicting discourses in a master's dissertation tutorial.' London Review of Education, 15 (1). pp. 85-100. ISSN 1474-8460
Learning to argue in EAP: evaluating a curriculum innovation from the inside
Salter-Dvorak, H (2016) 'Learning to argue in EAP: evaluating a curriculum innovation from the inside.' Journal of English for Academic Purposes, 22. pp. 19-31. ISSN 1475-1585
‘I've never done a dissertation before please help me’: accommodating L2 students through course design
Salter-Dvorak, H (2014) '‘I've never done a dissertation before please help me’: accommodating L2 students through course design.' Teaching in Higher Education, 19 (8). pp. 847-859. ISSN 1356-2517
Commissioned reports
Needs analysis for study skills on BA Hospitality Management
Commissioned report
Salter-Dvorak, H (1995) Needs analysis for study skills on BA Hospitality Management. Thames Valley University, London.