Gareth Stone
- Senior Lecturer, Business and Management
- Email: g.stone@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: Bath Business School
Personal statement
Gareth is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA) and leads courses on Design Thinking within Bath Business School. He has an academic interest in Creativity and Enterprise from an Operations Management perspective.
Gareth joined the Business and Management team at Bath Spa University in 2009 after completing several successful Supply Chain programmes at the Lean and Agile Research Centre at the University of Bath.
His has an aviation production background, and has both industry and academic experience of implementing lean production systems. His main research areas are associated with the exploration of innovative 'build-to-order' concepts and enterprise training and business transformation and change.
He has published work on automotive transition strategies and was involved in the development of key industry performance metrics for the aerospace industry (UKLAI).
Gareth has previously lectured in Operations Management at Southampton Business School and at the University of Bath and has facilitated business improvement workshops throughout Europe. He has also worked as a research manager at a leading building materials market research consultancy.
His collaborative research has been presented at a number of international industry focused conferences including Euroma and Gerpisa, and has published in peer reviewed journals, books and multimedia formats for blended learning.
Academic qualifications
- MSc Management and Business Research, Open University
- BA (Hons) Management and Design Technology, University of Southampton.
Professional memberships
- SFHEA - Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.
Teaching specialism
- Information and Operations Management
- Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
- Organisational Transformation
- Business Environment.
Research and academic outputs
Making build to order a reality: the 5 day car initiative
Stone, G, Miemcyck, J and Esser, R (2011) 'Making build to order a reality: the 5 day car initiative.' In: Strengthening competitiveness through production networks: a perspective from European ICT research projects in the field of 'enterprise networking' [. Dictus Publishing. ISBN 9783843339797
ICT as an enabler to the 5-day car: a central challenge to the ILIPT project
Stone, G, Witthaut, M, Miemcyck, J and Hellingrath, B (2011) 'ICT as an enabler to the 5-day car: a central challenge to the ILIPT project.' In: Strengthening competitiveness through production networks: a perspective from European ICT research projects in the field of 'enterprise networking'. Dictus Publishing. ISBN 9783843339797
Requirement for a sea change in automotive production
Stone, G, Parry, G, Graves, A and Esser, R (2008) 'Requirement for a sea change in automotive production.' In: New technologies for the intelligent design and operation of manufacturing networks. Fraunhofer IRB Verlag. ISBN 9783816775201
Managing the transition to the 5-day car
Stone, G, Crute, V and Graves, A (2008) 'Managing the transition to the 5-day car.' In: Parry, G and Graves, A, eds. Build to order: the road to the 5-day car. Springer, pp. 383-400. ISBN 9781848002258
Stone, G, Graves, A and Miemcyck, J (2009) 'Editorial.' International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 9 (1). pp. 1-3. ISSN 1741-5012
Collaborative ICT ventures and the implementation of responsive automotive supply networks
Stone, G, Howard, M, Miemcyck, J and Graves, A (2008) 'Collaborative ICT ventures and the implementation of responsive automotive supply networks.' International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management, 8 (3). pp. 239-253. ISSN 1741-5012
Transformation of the European automotive industry: the future of lean
Stone, G, Parry, G and Graves, A (2006) 'Transformation of the European automotive industry: the future of lean.' Journal of Financial Transformations, 18. pp. 11-17.
Entrepreneurship education in UK HEIs
Stone, G and Watkins, D (1999) 'Entrepreneurship education in UK HEIs.' Industry and Higher Education, 13 (6). p. 382. ISSN 0950-4222
Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer feedback in entrepreneurship teaching
Stone, G and Reader, D (2016) Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer feedback in entrepreneurship teaching. In: Learning, Teaching & Student Experience: 5th Annual Conference of The Chartered Association of Business Schools, 26-27 April 2016, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
Assessment of the socio–economic and environmental impact potential of a European implementation of the 5DayCar
Stone, G and Brauer, K (2008) Assessment of the socio–economic and environmental impact potential of a European implementation of the 5DayCar.
Aerospace metrics
Stone, G, Ward, Y, Crute, V and Graves, A (2002) Aerospace metrics.