Fiona Hunt
- Programme Leader – Primary and Early Years Teacher Education
- Email: f.hunt@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: School of Education
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Fiona has a background in teaching across all Primary and Early Years age phases, as a class teacher, member of a school leadership team and as a Local Authority advisory teacher. She has particular expertise and experience in music education and leadership in Teacher Education. She co-leads the Primary and Early Years PGCE Programmes and Early Years Initial Teacher Training route.
Fiona has been involved in developing new models of teacher education and school partnerships and enjoys working with partners to envision creative approaches to educating children and new teachers.
Current research foci:
- Music and wellbeing
- Using music as a tool for "closing the gap" and addressing educational inequality
- Place-based curriculum development and impact.
Academic qualifications
- BMus (Hons), London
- PGCE, Bath
Professional memberships
- British Educational Research Association (BERA)
- Association for Partnership in Teacher Education (APTE)
- National Association for Special Educational Needs
- Teacher education
- Music education
- Professional studies
- Foundation subjects
- Ofsted
- DfE ITT compliance
- Pedagogy
- Partnership development
- Primary teaching
- Early years teaching.
Papers/internal publications
- Research cited in Barratt, R., Barratt Hacking, E and Black, P (2014) Innovative approaches to Early Childhood Education for Sustainability in England: case studies from the field, in J. Davis and S. Elliott (eds) Research in Early Childhood Education for Sustainability International perspectives and provocations, Routledge.
- Research cited in Glover, J (2000) Children composing: 4-14, Routledge.
- Hunt, F (2001) What are your children’s perceptions of a composer? Primary Music Today.
Consultancies, business and enterprise work
- Curriculum development (Music) - South Gloucestershire and Bath and NE Somerset Primary Schools
- Raising attainment through cross-curricular approaches to learning - Bath and NE Somerset Primary Schools
- Assessment in music - Bath and NE Somerset Primary Schools
- Cheltenham international summer schools - Musical development in Primary schools
- Coastal curriculum development - Lancashire
- Barratt, R., Black, P.,Browne, Hunt, F,. T.,McGuinness, M,. (2011) Developing a Place-Based Learning Science Curriculum; AZSTT Interim report
- Barratt, R., Black, P.,Browne, Hunt, F,. T.,McGuinness, M,. (2011) Developing a Place-Based Learning Science Curriculum; AZSTT Final report
- Barratt, R., Black, P.,Browne, Hunt, F,. T.,McGuinness, M,. (2012) Advancing a Place-Based Learning Science Curriculum through a community of practice; AZSTT Interim report
- Hunt, F., (2012) Developing confidence and competence in NQTs through extended provision - Music Enhancement Module; Teaching Agency Interim report
- Hunt, F,(2012) Developing confidence and competence in NQTs through extended provision - Music Enhancement Module; Teaching Agency final report
- Barratt, R., Black, P.,Browne, Hunt, F,. T.,McGuinness, M,. (2012) Advancing a Place-Based Learning Science Curriculum through a community of practice; AZSTT Final report
- Hunt, F (2013) Developing confidence and competence in NQTs through extended provision - Music Enhancement Module; Teaching Agency Final report
- Hunt, F (2013) The cultural transferability of a national initiative - El Sistema; MA paper.