Diana Reader
- Head of Bath Business School
- Email: d.reader@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: Bath Business School
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Dr Diana Reader is Head of Bath Business School (job share with Polly Derbyshire).
Diana graduated with a first class BSc (Honours) degree in 1997. This was followed with an MSc in Management Science. Diana's PhD Entrepreneurship Research: Evidence of the Intellectual, Social and Collaborative Nature of the Domain was completed in 2005. Her research used bibliometric analyses to explore how the academic field of entrepreneurship emerged and was presented to both scientometric and entrepreneurship communities.
Diana is a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and is an HEA Champion for the University. She joined Bath Business School in 2003 as a Senior Lecturer in Business and Management. Prior to this, Diana taught across a range of Business modules at Solent University. Diana worked for companies specialising in market research and benchmarking before she entered the higher education sector.
Academic qualifications
- BSc (Hons) - University of Southampton
- MSc - University of Southampton
- PhD - Nottingham Trent University.
Professional qualifications
- Post Graduate Certificate in Research Methods.
Professional memberships
- Senior Fellow - Higher Education Academy.
Teaching specialisms
- Entrepreneurship
- Business environment
- Operations management
- Research methods.
Recent professional updating
- Developing Leaders Programme, Bath Spa University - 2018-19
- CABS Leaders in Learning and Teaching programme - 2016-17
- Online tutoring - Oxford Brookes University
- School-based staff development:
- Mentoring for mentors in HE
- Leadership for the future
- Blended learning
- Problem based learning
- E-learning
- Quality management in HE.
Conferences and workshops
- Dann, Z., Reader, D. and Knibbs, K. (2017) "Making Authentic Assessment and Feedback Work", Curriculum Enhancement Day, Portsmouth Business School, June 2017
- Stone, G., Reader, D. (2017) "Reflections on Design-led Entrepreneurship Teaching", paper presented at the Chartered Association of Business Schools Conference, April 2017.
PhD Research supervision
- Small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs)
- Enterprise
- Bibliometrics.
Preferred methods
- Largely qualitative.
- Proficient in some quantitative approaches / methods e.g. factor analysis.
Research keywords
Research and academic outputs
Book chapters or sections
Abstracts from selected entrepreneurship niche journals 2000-2001
Book chapters or section
Reader, D and Watkins, D (2004) 'Abstracts from selected entrepreneurship niche journals 2000-2001.' In: Watkins, D, ed. Annual Review of Progress in Entrepreneurship Research. EFMD (European Foundation for.
Selected abstracts from entrepreneurship niche journals, 2002-2003
Book chapters or section
Reader, D and Watkins, D (2004) 'Selected abstracts from entrepreneurship niche journals, 2002-2003.' In: Watkins, D, ed. Annual review of progress in entrepreneurship research. Annual review of progress in entrepreneurship research, 2 . Emerald Group Publishing, Bradford, UK. ISBN 1845440471
Identifying current trends in entrepreneurship research: a new approach
Book chapters or section
Reader, D and Watkins, D (2004) 'Identifying current trends in entrepreneurship research: a new approach.' In: Watkins, D, ed. Annual review of progress in entrepreneurship research. Annual review of progress in entrepreneurship research, 2 . Emerald Group Publishing, Bradford, UK. ISBN 1845440471
The social and collaborative nature of entrepreneurship scholarship: a co-citation and perceptual analysis
Reader, D and Watkins, D (2006) 'The social and collaborative nature of entrepreneurship scholarship: a co-citation and perceptual analysis.' Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 30 (3). pp. 417-441. ISSN 1042-2587
Conference or workshop items
Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer feedback in entrepreneurship teaching
Conference or workshop item
Stone, G and Reader, D (2016) Leveraging the power of peer-to-peer feedback in entrepreneurship teaching. In: Learning, Teaching & Student Experience: 5th Annual Conference of The Chartered Association of Business Schools, 26-27 April 2016, Aston University, Birmingham, UK.
The intellectual structure of entrepreneurship: an author co-citation analysis
Conference or workshop item
Reader, D and Watkins, D (2001) The intellectual structure of entrepreneurship: an author co-citation analysis. In: Rent (Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business) XV, 22 - 23 November 2001, Turku,Finland.