David Newman
- University Secretary
- Email: d.newman@bathspa.ac.uk
- Department: Chancelry
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
As University Secretary, David has overall responsibility for leading the effective running of governance across the institution. He also serves as Secretary to the Board of Governors and works closely with the Chair and Vice-Chancellor, providing an essential link between the executive and non-executive functions of the University.
David is a member of the University Executive Board and represents the University externally in various sector networks, including the Association of Heads of University Administration (AHUA) and the Heads of University Management and Administration Network in Europe (HUMANE). David chairs a number of University management committees, including the Business Resilience Group, Equality & Diversity Steering Group, Information Governance Group and Safeguarding Steering Group.
The following professional services departments fall within the portfolio of the University Secretary:
- Academic Governance and Quality
- Corporate Governance
- Immigration Compliance and Advice
- Legal Services.
Academic qualifications
- LLB (Hons), Law and Criminology
- PG Dip, Legal Practice
- Solicitor.
Contact David about
- Strategic governance and corporate policy matters
- Board of Governors' business
- University-related legal issues
- Corporate compliance and regulatory matters.