Darrell Watts
- Technical Demonstrator – Lead in Ecology and Data Analysis
- Email: d.watts@bathspa.ac.uk
- Telephone: +44 (0)1225 875670
- School: School of Sciences
Personal statement
I am a Demonstrator in the School of Society, Enterprise and Environment at BSU.
I have been employed at BSU since I graduated from Bangor in Botany, and from the now defunct Horticulture department at 'another educational establishment' in Bath.
My 'academic' interests are the turloughs and flora of the Burren, data analysis and 'on-line' study guides.
In my few spare moments, I play cricket for Bathford in the Wiltshire league.
Academic qualifications
- BSc
- MPhil.
Professional qualifications
- BSc. Hons. Botany (University of Wales, Bangor)
- M. Phil. (University of Bath)
- IDQ Bo11 - Botany (National History Museum).
Teaching specialism
- Botanical and horticultural advice, and provision of plant material
- Biological recording for the Newton Park campus
- IT advice, particularly the application of statistics and experimental design
- Web page authoring
- Appropriate application of web standards.