Dr Christina (Tina) Williams
- Lecturer in Media Communications
- Email: c.williams2@bathspa.ac.uk
- School: Bath School of Art, Film and Media
- Campus: Newton Park
Personal statement
Tina is Module Leader for ‘Global Communication Strategies’ and ‘Promotional Media’ in Media Communications, and she also teaches on ‘The Moving Image’ for Film and Screen Studies. She has taught at UWE and the University of Leicester, worked as a researcher for 25 years, and has run her own company.
Tina completed her PhD at the CAMEo Research Institute for Cultural and Media Economies, based at the University of Leicester. Her research explored how writers of fiction make a living as cultural workers, with a particular focus on the function of discourses of writing employed by writers.
She is the author of the book, Work of Fiction: Making a Living from Writing in the UK (2024) published by Palgrave Macmillan, and has recently written chapters for edited collections on writing as silenced cultural work and co-operatives as models for fairer creative work.
Tina has just been awarded HEQR funding to begin investigations into the topic of rejection in the creative and cultural industries. She has worked on numerous research projects focused on the creative industries including CCERR at UWE which looked at the resilience of creative microbusinesses across the UK, and the Gender Equity Project at University of Glasgow which analysed gender equity policies in the screen industries in the UK, Germany and Canada.
Her research interests lie in discourses and experiences of creativity, and alternative (fairer, more equal) models of work in the creative industries.
Tina is the Book Reviews Editor for the Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change.
Academic qualifications
- PhD, Cultural Economies, University of Leicester
- MA, Media Communications, Goldsmiths College, University of London
- BA (Hons), Sociology and Cultural Studies, University of Sussex
Professional memberships
- Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
- Member of MeCCSA - Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association
- Member of the Society of Authors.
Other external roles
Book Review Editor for the Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change
Areas of expertise
- Cultural work
- Creative industries
Teaching subjects
- Global Communication Strategies
- Promotional Media
- The Moving Image
- Media and Communications Research Methods
- Final Project Supervision
Research and academic outputs
Work of fiction: making a living from writing in the UK
Williams, C (2024) Work of fiction: making a living from writing in the UK. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. ISBN 9783031642050
Cultural co-ops and the city: prospects for better and more meaningful work in culture
Banks, M, Oakley, K and Williams, C (2025) 'Cultural co-ops and the city: prospects for better and more meaningful work in culture.' In: McRobbie, A, ed. Refiguring spaces of the cultural: urban struggle and social inequalities. Routledge, Abingdon. (Forthcoming)
“I’m absolutely not complaining about it”: writing fiction as silenced cultural work
Williams, C (2024) '“I’m absolutely not complaining about it”: writing fiction as silenced cultural work.' In: Morrison, J and Pedersen, S, eds. Silenced voices and the media: who gets to speak? Palgrave Macmillan, Cham, pp. 247-262. ISBN 9783031654022
Co-operatives in the creative industries: a collective and connected future for cultural work?
Williams, C (2023) Co-operatives in the creative industries: a collective and connected future for cultural work? In: MeCCSA Conference, September 2023, Glasgow, UK.
Creative cooperatives: rationale, relevance, and resilience
Williams, C (2023) Creative cooperatives: rationale, relevance, and resilience. In: Creativities, Knowledge, Cities (CKC) Conference: New Futures for Creative Economies, March 2023, Bristol, UK.
Writing voices: writing fiction as silenced cultural work
Williams, C (2022) Writing voices: writing fiction as silenced cultural work. In: MeCCSA Conference, September 2022, Aberdeen, UK.
Writing futures: ‘hopeful’ interactions in cultural work
Williams, C (2020) Writing futures: ‘hopeful’ interactions in cultural work. In: MeCCSA Conference, January 2020, Brighton, UK.
(Not) imagining a writing future
Williams, C (2019) (Not) imagining a writing future. In: CAMEo Conference, September 2019, Leicester, UK.
From diversity policy to practice: the case of the UK screen industries
Eikhof, D.R, Williams, C and Marsden, S (2019) From diversity policy to practice: the case of the UK screen industries. In: 35th EGOS Colloquium, July 2019, Edinburgh, UK.
My writing day: a community of authors
Williams, C (2018) My writing day: a community of authors. In: CAMEo Conference, September 2018, Leicester, UK.
My writing day: how the Guardian presents a community of writers
Williams, C (2018) My writing day: how the Guardian presents a community of writers. In: MeCCSA-PGN Conference, July 2018, Canterbury, UK.
It takes a region to raise an artist: understanding the East Midlands’ visual arts economy
Burchill, A, Banks, M, Hawley-Lingham, E, Williams, C and De Sabbata, S (2019) It takes a region to raise an artist: understanding the East Midlands’ visual arts economy. CAMEo Research Institute, Leicester.
What readers do: aesthetic and moral practices of a post-digital age [book review]
Williams, C (2024) What readers do: aesthetic and moral practices of a post-digital age [book review]. Journal of Cultural Analysis and Social Change, 9 (1). e05. ISSN 2589-1316