Personal statement

Dr. Chloe Shu-Hua Yeh is a senior lecturer in Education Studies (Research Methods) at Bath Spa University. Since 2016, she has taught subjects relating to education studies, educational psychology and research methods in undergraduate and postgraduate programmes at Bath Spa.

Chloe has a scientific academic background which has laid the foundations of unique perspectives in her current research position in the field of education. She completed a BSc degree in Physics in 2000 and a MSc degree in Science Education at National Kaohsiung Normal University in 2002 in Taiwan, the Republic of China. Her successful experiences of research into analysing students' scientific thinking processes including problem solving and conceptual change, have led her into the path of being an academic who enjoys intellectual thinking and development today.

She is also passionate about teaching as a teacher and a lecturer. Before teaching in higher education in the UK, she was a qualified science and physics teacher in secondary/senior high schools in Taiwan for three years. She then pursued a PhD degree at the Graduate School of Education in the University of Bristol. Her doctoral research was an interdisciplinary research project situated in the field of educational psychology, using a mixed method experimental approach to explore the cognitive and emotional effects of computer game play on creativity. She loved her teaching as a lecturer in Psychology of Education at Liverpool Hope University for four years before joining Bath Spa as a senior lecturer.

Chloe's research experiences are interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary, including students' scientific thinking and conceptual processes, emotion and cognition (creativity and attentional breadth), academic acculturation, academic motivation, neuromyth, wellbeing and resilience. She has applied various research approaches, from interviews, experiments, interventions, survey and focus group. Lately, her research focuses on wellbeing cultivation and resilience building.

Academic qualifications

  • BSc in Physics, Tunghai University, Taichung, Taiwan (2000
  • MSc in Science Education, Graduate Institute of Science Education, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan (2002)
  • PhD in Psychology in Education, Graduate School of Education, University of Bristol, UK (2012).
  • FHEA

Professional qualifications

  • Teaching certificate for Science and Physics Secondary and Senior High School Teachers, National Kaohsiung Normal University, Taiwan (2002)
  • Postgraduate teaching certificate, Liverpool Hope University, UK (2013).

Professional memberships

  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academ
  • Member of British Education Research Association
  • Member of European Network for Positive Psychology
  • Member of International Positive Psychology Association (IPPA)
  • Member of Centre of Resilience and Social Justice (CRSJ) and BoingBoing Resilience Research and Practice.

Areas of expertise

  • Research methods
  • Psychology of Education
  • Creativity, Emotion and Cognition
  • Positive Psychology (Wellbeing and Resilience).

Research supervision

Chloe is interested in supervising student research relating to psychology of education, emotions and creativity, thinking processes and cognition, wellbeing and resilience, and wellbeing and resilience of children in care.

Research and academic outputs

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Academics’ international teaching journeys: personal narratives of transitions in Higher Education

Rao, N, Hoesin, A, Yeh, C.S.-H and Kinchin, I, eds. (2018) Academics’ international teaching journeys: personal narratives of transitions in Higher Education. Bloomsbury, London. ISBN 9781474289795

Book chapters or sections

A sociomaterial approach to teacher resilience
Book chapters or section

Mitchell, B and Yeh, C.S.-H (2024) 'A sociomaterial approach to teacher resilience.' In: Conn, C, Mitchell, B and Hutt, M, eds. Working with uncertainty for educational change: orientations for professional practice. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 37-55. ISBN 9781032688732

Academics’ international teaching journeys: an introduction
Book chapters or section

Rao, N, Yeh, C.S.-H, Hoesin, A and Kinchin, I (2018) 'Academics’ international teaching journeys: an introduction.' In: Rao, N, Hoesin, A, Yeh, C.S.-H and Kinchin, I, eds. Academics’ international teaching journeys: personal narratives of transitions in Higher Education. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 1-12. ISBN 9781474289795

Overcoming doubts in an intercultural academic journey
Book chapters or section

Yeh, C.S.-H (2018) 'Overcoming doubts in an intercultural academic journey.' In: Rao, N, Hoesin, A, Yeh, C.S.-H and Kinchin, I, eds. Academics’ international teaching journeys: personal narratives of transitions in Higher Education. Bloomsbury, London, pp. 75-92. ISBN 9781474289795

Creative learning and learning creativity: scrutinising the nature of creativity and developing strategies to foster creativity in education
Book chapters or section

Yeh, C.S.-H (2018) 'Creative learning and learning creativity: scrutinising the nature of creativity and developing strategies to foster creativity in education.' In: O'Siochru, C, ed. Psychology and the study of education: critical perspectives on developing theories. Routledge, Abingdon, pp. 31-47. ISBN 9781138237643

Emotional modulation of perspective taking: implications for computer-supported argumentation
Book chapters or section

Xolocotzin, U, Yeh, C.S.-H and Erduran, S (2015) 'Emotional modulation of perspective taking: implications for computer-supported argumentation.' In: Tettegah, S.Y and Espelage, D.L, eds. Emotions, technology, and behaviors. Elsevier Academic Press, London, pp. 3-20. ISBN 9780128018736


Unveiling English school leaders’ intentional well-being cultivation practices during a global pandemic

Yeh, C.S.-H, Ravalier, J and Chang, K (2024) 'Unveiling English school leaders’ intentional well-being cultivation practices during a global pandemic.' International Journal of Educational Management. ISSN 0951-354X

Sustainable positive psychology interventions enhance primary teachers’ wellbeing and beyond – a qualitative case study in England

Yeh, C.S.-H and Barrington, R (2023) 'Sustainable positive psychology interventions enhance primary teachers’ wellbeing and beyond – a qualitative case study in England.' Teaching and Teacher Education, 125. e104072. ISSN 0742-051X

The impact of a modified initial teacher education on challenging trainees’ understanding of neuromyths

McMahon, K, Yeh, C.S.-H and Etchells, P.J (2019) 'The impact of a modified initial teacher education on challenging trainees’ understanding of neuromyths.' Mind, Brain and Education, 13 (4). pp. 288-297. ISSN 1751-2271

Exploring the effects of videogame play on creativity performance and emotional responses

Yeh, C.S.-H (2015) 'Exploring the effects of videogame play on creativity performance and emotional responses.' Computers in Human Behavior, 53. pp. 396-407. ISSN 0747-5632

Conference or workshop items

What’s within teacher resilience interventions that is helpful?
Conference or workshop item

Yeh, C.S.-H and Mitchell, B (2022) What’s within teacher resilience interventions that is helpful? In: International Resilience Revolution Conference, 29 - 31 March 2022, Blackpool, UK.

Teacher wellbeing and resilience building
Conference or workshop item

Yeh, C.S.-H and Ravalier, J.M (2020) Teacher wellbeing and resilience building. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 3 - 4 November 2020, London, UK [online].

The learning sciences in the (Primary) Initial Teacher Education curriculum
Conference or workshop item

McMahon, K, McKay, D, Howarth, L, Barber, K-A, Humphreys, K, Lee, A, Etchells, P.J, Black, P and Yeh, C.S.-H (2020) The learning sciences in the (Primary) Initial Teacher Education curriculum. In: Universities' Council for the Education of Teachers (UCET) Annual Conference, 3 - 4 November 2020, London, UK [online].